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Events/Void Network News

Από την Δημοκρατία στην ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ- Crimethinc (USA)+Κενό Δίκτυο / Oμιλίες: Αθήνα (20/9)-Ηράκλειο (22/9) Θεσσ/νικη (25/9)

Η συλλογικότητα CRIMETHINC από τις Η.Π.Α. σε συνεργασία με το ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ διοργανώνουν μια σειρά ομιλίες στον ελλαδικό χώρο. ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ ΟΜΙΛΙΕΣ- ΑΝΟΙΧΤΕΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΣ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΕΙΣ με την αναρχική εκδοτική και ακτιβιστική κολλεκτίβα  CRIMETHINC (Η.Π.Α.) Συντονισμός- εισαγωγική τοποθέτηση: ΤΑΣΟΣ ΣΑΓΡΗΣ / ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ ΑΘΗΝΑ ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 20/9/2018 ΏΡΑ 20.00 ΠΟΛΥΤΕΧΝΕΙΟ- ΑΙΘΡΙΟ Αρχιτεκτονικής ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 22/9 ΩΡΑ 20.00 ΚΑΤΑΛΗΨΗ ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΕΙ PUNK PARTY διοργάνωση: αναρχικη συλλογικότητα ΟΚΤΑΝΑ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ 25/9… …


“ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ!” (Στρατηγικές σύγχρονης αντικουλτούρας)-  CrimethInc

Tο κείμενο αποτελεί μετάφραση εκτεταμένου αποσπάσματος του βιβλίου  WORK (Capitalism. Economics. Resistance)  / ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ (Καπιταλισμός. Οικονομία. Αντίσταση) της συλλογικότητας Crimethinc ex–Workers Collective. Το απόσπασμα προέρχεται από το κεφάλαιο συμπερασμάτων με τίτλο «Αντίσταση» Η μετάφραση και έκδοση του κειμένου στον ελλαδικό χώρο γίνεται από την συλλογικότητα ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ στα πλαίσια της πολυετούς συνεργασίας με τους CrimethInc οι οποίοι αποτελούν ένα αναρχικό εκδοτικό και ακτιβιστικό διεθνές δίκτυο με βάση τις ΗΠΑ και συμμετοχή στους κοινωνικούς αγώνες… …

Local movement

ΣΑΒΒ.7/7 Κάλεσμα σε συγκέντρωση υπεράσπισης του δημόσιου χώρου στο λόφο του Στρέφη+ FESTIVAL

Σάββατο 07/07/2018, από τις 18:00 μέχρι της 21:00, πριν το Athens In Flames vol.II, με αφορμή τις εξαγγελίες του Τόσκα για την καταστολή των κινηματικών εκδηλώσεων στο κέντρο της Αθήνας οργανώνεται συγκέντρωση υπεράσπισης της εκδήλωσης στον Λόφο Στρέφη. Athens In Flames Vol II Intro: Trip Hop // Drum n’ Bass Ραπ live : Oχετος: Nova Roma-Laru-Case-Sayatan-Kάρτας-Pawaksskii Rap Τέχνασμα Ολα Δένουν Παλάτια Πέφτουν Ex Nihilo Πυράκανθος Techno act από τους: Love… …


Why we don’t make demands- by Crimethinc

From Occupy to Ferguson, whenever a new grassroots movement arises, pundits charge that it lacks clear demands. Why won’t protesters summarize their goals as a coherent program? Why aren’t there representatives who can negotiate with the authorities to advance a concrete agenda through institutional channels? Why can’t these movements express themselves in familiar language, with proper etiquette? Often, this is simply disingenuous rhetoric from those who prefer for movements to limit… …


Anarchism as Moral Theory: Praxis, Property, and the Postmodern- by Randall Amster

This essay explores the prospect of attaining a non-coercive morality that could enable the simultaneous realisation of maximal individual freedom and stable community, through the exposition of an anarchist theory premised on a subjective ‘conscience-ethic’, an inherent tendency toward sociality and ‘mutual aid’, and normative ‘usufruct’ in property. Part of the project entails the development of a reflexive synthesis between the two seemingly contradictory ends of ‘individual’ and ‘community’, concluding… …


Travelogue: For a projectuality in times of war (and in times of peace)

The need for compasses Often we think of our ideas as pillars staved-in stable grounds. However, the grounds are generally stable but in appearance. It’s enough for conditions to change, for the grounds becoming muddy or for the waters rising, to see our stable grounds move and our dear pillars subsiding like castles of cards. Then panic seizes us, we run from one indigestible alliance to the next one which… …

Global movement

The Art of Not Being Governed: Hill Peoples and Valley Kingdoms in Mainland Southeast Asia

  For two thousand years, the peoples residing in Zomia — the mountainous region that stretches from the Central Highlands of Vietnam to northeastern India — have fled the organized state societies in the valleys. Far from being ‘remnants’ left behind by civilizing societies, they are “barbarians by choice”, peoples who have deliberately put distance between themselves and lowland, state-centers. James Scott, director of the Agrarian Studies Program at Yale… …

Global movement

Eduardo Colombo 1929-2018: A Grand Anarchist Fighter Leaves Us- Αποχαιρετισμός

+ [text: ENG/GR] Tribute to Eduardo Colombo Today, March 13th, the sad note of the death of Eduardo Colombo strikes us painfully.  With Eduardo, not only disappears a dear and fraternal compañero, but also a first-rate thinker and a militant anarchist of unshakeable convictions. It was in the 1940’s when the young student Eduardo Colombo became intensely involved in the anarchist movement in his native Argentina participating in the anarcho-syndicalist struggles… …


A letter to the young Anarchists- by Elisee Reclus

To the editors of la Huelga General in Barcelona. Brussels, Dec. 4, 1901. Corresp. III:238-240. Dear comrades, We have an ingrained habit of exaggerating both our strengths and our weakness. During revolutionary periods, it seems that our most minor actions have incalculably great consequences. On the other hand, during times of stagnation, though we may be totally dedicated to our work, our entire lives seem barren and useless, and we… …


What would an Anarchist society look like? – from Anarchist FAQ

So far this FAQ has been largely critical, focusing on hierarchy, capitalism, the state and so on, and the problems to which they have led, as well as refuting some bogus “solutions” that have been offered by authoritarians of both the right and the left. It is now time to examine the constructive side of anarchism — the libertarian-socialist society that anarchists envision. This is important because anarchism is essentially… …

Global movement

Brazil: More raids on anarchist homes as state crackdown continues

Punitive raids were expanded at the turn of the month, as police continue to try and pin recent incendiary attacks in Porto Alegre on the anarchist movement. Activists in the city reported on November 30th that: Operation Erebo (Operação Érebo) attacked anarchists once again. They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything in their path. At this stage we don’t know whether any other homes were invaded. Communication is precarious… …

Global movement

Anarchy in the UK: The Social Centres roundup in England

For all its small size and general impoverishment the libertarian socialist movement actually runs a surprisingly large amount of real estate around Britain, all on non-hierarchical lines, by and for the people of the cities and towns we’re in. Housing co-ops, bookshops, bike collectives, archives, distros, printers and the like are all part of the collective mix. Below, Freedom News briefly rounds up some goings-on at 15 radical social centres… …

Global movement


Tonight, for the second night in a row, approximately 20,000 police armed with the best crowd control technology money can buy utterly lost control of downtown Hamburg. Last night was bad enough, with clashes and decentralized attacks continuing well past sunrise; tonight they were forced to withdraw completely from the Schanze neighborhood for several hours, as barricades burned in the intersections and thousands of people of all walks of life joyously… …

Global movement

WELCOME TO HELL – G20 in Hamburg 2017 – video archives of a social revolt

Solidarity from Athens to all the people fighting in Hamburg. The struggle will continue until the destruction of global capitalism and national states. VOID NETWORK THIS IS HELL – HAMBURG 6-9 JULY 2017 against G20 The residents of Hamburg woke up this morning to the news that a large number of Porsches had been burned in the outskirts last night, giving an indication of the ungovernable energy with which… …

Not a struggle for the refugees, but with the refugees: Anarchism at work in Greece.

Live from Athens, cultural activist Tasos Sagris from Void Network discusses with Chuck Mertz from the radio program THIS IS HELL (U.S.A.) the political and social work of anarchists in austerity-era Greece – to provide support and mutual aid to the victims of capitalism and war, to defend the people from fascist and state violence, and to build and occupy the framework for a new, horizontal society, against capital, and for each… …

Local movement

Ανάληψη ευθύνης από Αναρχικούς για την επίθεση στο Μετρό – στάση Κεραμεικός

Η μετακίνηση στην πόλη αναδιαρθρώνεται. Ήδη, σε όλους τους σταθμούς του Μετρό και του ΗΣΑΠ έχουν τοποθετηθεί μπάρες εισόδου και εξόδου, στα λεωφορεία έχουν προστεθεί καινούργια μηχανήματα, εκδοτήρια του περιβόητου ηλεκτρονικού εισιτηρίου έχουν εγκατασταθεί σε σταθμούς και διάφορα σημεία της Αθήνας. Σε ένα περιβάλλον συνολικής επίθεσης κράτους και αφεντικών με την επίθεση στον κόσμο της εργασίας, το πετσόκομμα των μισθών, τη διάλυση της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης και τη μείωση των δαπανών… …

Local movement

ΑΝΤΙΦΑΣΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΑΥΛΙΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΑΓΙΟ ΠΑΝΤΕΛΕΗΜΟΝΑ Σαββ. 17/6/2017- ώρα 19.00 Antifascist concert at the square Agios Panteleimonas

  Το Αντιφασιστικό-Αντιεξουσιαστικό Στέκι Δίστομο καλεί τους κατοίκους του Αγίου Παντελεήμονα και όλους τους αντιφασίστες στην αντιφασιστική συναυλία στην πλατεία του Αγίου Παντελεήμονα στις 17/06/2017 και ώρα 19.00. Ο Άγιος Παντελεήμονας αποτελούσε για χρόνια πεδίο συσπείρωσης και οργάνωσης των φασιστικών-παρακρατικών συμμοριών,μια περιοχή που η Χρυσή Αυγή χρησιμοποίησε σαν προπύργιο αύξησης των ποσοστών της πάντα σε συνεργασία με το τοπικό αστυνομικό τμήμα. Μέσα σε αυτές τις συνθήκες, οποιαδήποτε προσπάθεια κομματιών του… …

Events/Global movement

Networks of Resistance / Δίκτυα Αντίστασης 1st European Local Struggles Conference Sat. 24- Sun. 25 June 2017 1ο Πανευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Τοπικών Αγώνων

ZAD (France),  Hambach Forest (Germany),  Bure (France) Cooperativa Integral (Spain),  DIY Internet (Greece) Networks of Resistance / Δίκτυα Αντίστασης 1st European Local Struggles Conference Saturday 24- Sunday 25 June 2017 1ο Πανευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Τοπικών Αγώνων Free Self-Organised Theater EMBROS – Riga Palamidi 2 Psiri Area – Athens Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ – Ρήγα Παλαμήδη 2 – Ψυρρή – Αθήνα Program / Πρόγραμμα Day 1: Sat. 24/6 starts 17.00 Introduction, Presentations of… …


Anarchism and Nationalism- by Uri Gordon

Anarchists are against nationalism; everyone knows that. Instead of solidarity across borders and anti-hierarchical antagonism within them, nationalism engenders loyalty to the state with its armed forces and public symbols, encourages the oppressed to identify with their compatriot oppressors, scapegoats minorities, and pits workers of different countries against one another in economic competition or open warfare. Opposition to nationalism is an almost trivial starting point for anarchist politics, reflected in… …

Events/Void Network News

Anarchists Fill Services Void Left by Faltering Greek Governance- article in New York Times by NIKI KITSANTONIS Αφιέρωμα των New York Times στους αναρχικούς της Ελλάδας!

Text: Ελληνικά / English. It may seem paradoxical, but Greece ’s anarchists are organizing like never before. Seven years of austerity policies and a more recent refugee crisis have left the government with fewer and fewer resources, offering citizens less and less. Many have lost faith. Some who never had faith in the first place are taking matters into their own hands, to the chagrin of the authorities. Tasos Sagris,… …

Events/Void Network News

Η ΑΝΑΡΧΙΑ μετά τον θάνατο της Αριστεράς / Ομιλία του Paul Z. Simons (ΗΠΑ)- περιοδικό Anarchy & Κενό Δίκτυο Σαββ.18/2 ΕΜΠΡΟΣ ώρα 18.00 ANARCHY AFTER THE DEATH OF THE LEFT Open Talk by Paul Simons (USA)-Anarchy mag

Η ΑΝΑΡΧΙΑ μετά τον θάνατο της Αριστεράς ΟΜΙΛΙΑ ΣΑΒΒ. 18/2 ΩΡΑ: 18.00 Paul Simons- Περιοδικό ANARCHY (a Journal For Desire Armed) Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο Εμπρός (Ρ.Παλαμήδη 2, Ψυρρή) Παρουσίαση / Συζήτηση του μετα-αριστερού Αναρχισμού, μιας από τις βασικές αναρχικές τάσεις στις ΗΠΑ και από τις πιο άρτιες κριτικές στην Αριστερά και τον ρόλο της στην ιστορία των κινημάτων, μέσα από το  ιστορικό πλαίσιο, την ανάλυση και την κατάθεση εμπειριών.  ΘΕΜΑΤΑ:… …

Events/Void Network News

DUB UNITY- ΣΑΒΒ. 11/2 ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Solidarity Festival // Occupied Theater EMBROS Athens

KENO ΔΙΚΤΥΟ DUB UNITY Reggae – Dub – Roots – Steppa – Drum And Bass SATURDAY 11/2/2017  STARTS AT 23.00 Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Ρ. Παλαμήδη 2 Ψυρρή Occupied Theater EMBROS Athens Timeline 23:00 – 00:00 – Mrs HCN 00:00 – 00:30 – Ctn 00:30 – 01:00 – Didi Kaleya 01:00 – 01:30 – Fundracar – Marios Ntavelis 01:30 – 02:30 – Sistah Jammaroots – (Live) 02:30 – 03:00… …

Global movement

In Trump’s America, ‘Felony Riot’ Charges Against Inauguration Protesters Signal Dangerous Wave of Repression by Sarah Lazare

More than 200 people mass arrested in Washington, D.C. facing up to 10 years in prison. More than 200 people who were mass-arrested at the Washington, D.C. protests against the inauguration of Donald Trump have been hit with felony riot charges that are punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Those picked up in the sweep—including legal observers and journalists—had their phones, cameras and other personal belongings confiscated as… …

Local movement

Πορεία ΔΕΘ 2016| Σάββατο 10/9 17:00 Καμάρα | Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία /// Demonstration of Anarchist Federation against International Thessaloniki Fair SAT.10/9

Για ακόμα μία ΔΕΘ που έρχεται… Στις 10 Σεπτέμβρη εγκαινιάζεται στη Θεσσαλονίκη μία ακόμα Διεθνής Έκθεση. Μία ακόμα ΔΕΘ που θα προσφέρει το πλήρες πακέτο: περίπτερα- μνημεία καταναλωτισμού, συναυλίες με φραγκάτους -κατ’ επίφαση- λαϊκούς τραγουδιστές και φυσικά τον πρωθυπουργό της χώρας να ανοίγει την έκθεση με διακηρύξεις για το «μέλλον της οικονομίας». Από το 2012, οπότε και η χώρα μπήκε στο ΔΝΤ, μέχρι και σήμερα, ένας μετά τον άλλον οι… …

Void Network News

REFUGEES WELCOME! DUB UNITY Reggae Dub | Hip Hop | Drum n Bass SAT. 13/2/2016 OCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS athens

Occupied Accomodation Area for Refugees and Immigrants (Notara 26-Exarchia) People’s Solidarity Initiatives  REFUGEES WELCOME!No One is IllegalDUB UNITYReggae Dub | Hip Hop | Drum n BassSAT. 13/2/2016 Eλεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣOCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS(R.Palamidi 2 / Psiris area / athens)starts at 23.00dj booker (hip hop) golden child (hip hop)natural reaction ft junior x (dub roots)dub riots ft . bluez < live >  (dub roots -steppers)insp – i – ration soundsystem (dub)basik 1 (drum n… …

Global movement

Building autonomy in Turkey and Kurdistan: an interview with D.A.F.- Revolutionary Anarchist Action

In May this year, Corporate Watch researchers travelled to Turkey and Kurdistan to investigate the companies supplying military equipment to the Turkish police and army. We talked to a range of groups from a variety of different movements and campaigns Below is the transcript of our interview with three members of the anarchist group Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF, or Revolutionary Anarchist Action) in Istanbul during May 2015. DAF are involved… …


“The New Nihilism” by Peter Lamborn Wilson aka Hakim Bey

  It feels increasingly difficult to tell the difference between—on one hand—being old, sick, and defeated, and—on the other hand—living in a time-&-place that is itself senile, tired, and defeated. Sometimes I think it’s just me—but then I find that some younger, healthier people seem to be undergoing similar sensations of ennui, despair, and impotent anger. Maybe it’s not just me. A friend of mine attributed the turn to disillusion… …

Void Network News

INDIE FREE FESTIVAL #25 FR.26- SAT.27 June 2015 PEDION AREOS PARK – Athens Greece

KENO ΔΙΚΤΥΟ [Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες]ΙΝDIE FREE FESTIVAL #25 2 days for 25 years in the cityεπετειακό φεστιβάλ για τα 25 χρόνια διοργάνωσης Παρασκευή 26-Σάββατο 27/6/2015ΠΑΡΚΟ ΠΕΔΙΟΝ ΑΡΕΩΣ -ΑΘΗΝΑ(είσοδος ελεύθερη / από οδό Αλεξάνδρας) ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 26/6/2015έναρξη: 8 μ.μ.1. LIVE CONCERT STAGE 2. HIP HOP LIVE STAGEΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 27/6/2015έναρξη: 8 μ.μ.1. LIVE CONCERT STAGE2. DRUM N BASS+    DUBSTEP STAGE3. PSY TRANCE AREAΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 26/6/2015 EΝΑΡΞΗ 20.00live concert stagestarts 20.0020.30-21.00 EMPTY SOULS21.00-21.45 ANIMA TRISTE21.45-22.30 THREE WAY PLANE22.30-23.15 BLUE NIGHT TRIP23.15-12.00 THE BOY12.00-12.45 MΠΑΛΑΝΤΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΦΟΝΟΥΣ12.45-01.30… …


A World Without Police by PETER GELDERLOOS

  In two previous essay, I discussed the role of the Left in protecting the police through cautious reformism, and the effectiveness of a pacified, falsified—in a word disarmed—history of the Civil Rights movement to prevent us from learning from previous struggles and achieving a meaningful change in society. The police are a racist, authoritarian institution that exists to protect the powerful in an unequal system. Past and present efforts… …

Global movement

No System but the Ecosystem: Earth First! and Anarchism by Panagioti Tsolkas

There is a clear case to be made for the connection between ecology and anarchism.1 Many philosophers, academics, and radicals have elaborated this over the past two centuries2. But reviewing the history of this theoretical relationship is not the goal here. The movement surrounding anarchism in the past 200 years has certainly included its fair share of theory, yet what has rooted anarchist ideas so deeply in human society is… …

Global movement

African Anarchism, an introduction

Welcome to African Anarchism! Void Network introduces a site that is intended to be a resource for anarchists and other anti-authoritarian revolutionary socialists in Africa, and for all those interested in the liberation of this most exploited continent. the site is: Africa has endured centuries of suffering and deprivation in a world of plenty. Capitalism has indisputably failed to provide even a minimum standard of living to Africans. The… …

Void Network News

Void Network | Tour de France | Soulevements Mondiaux Du 21e Siege|Conférence Publique| July 24 /CAIRN / PARIS

Conférence Publique SOULEVEMENTS MONDIAUX DU 21e SIECLE du mouvement ‘Occupy’ aux révoltes asiatiques et à la Révolution planétaire avec George Katsiaficas, Sissy Doutsiou, Tasos Sagris, Richard Greeman et Harry Halpin 19h / jeudi 24 juillet au CAIRN 18, rue Victor Massé, 75009 Paris -métro Pigalle Les discutants enquêteront sur la stratégie, la tactique et la théorie à partir des soulèvements mondiaux de 2011 et tenteront de proposer des réponses sur… …

Global movement

Intervention (to Greek Anarchist movement) by The Barbarians

Of course, to begin with, everything needs to be broached with caution. We need to remember to make distinctionsin our thought. To speak with tact is not always the same as silence even if in some situations the only real choice is a tactful silence. Yet this is not the case in a general manner. Thus in speaking in a general way,  we can avoid this first, no doubt common… …

Void Network News

Wolfi Landstreicher (Feral Faun) talks with Void Network / Συζήτηση του Wolfi Landstreicher (Feral Faun) με την συλλογικότητα Κενό Δίκτυο

Living for Today / Fighting for Tommorow(Athens Anarchist student’s demo DEC.2013)  Wolfi Landstreicher is an amerikan anarchist philosopher and political activist. During the 60 years of his life he succeeds to combine romanticism, critical stand-point and theory with deep understanding on Max Stirner  into a  poetic and surrealistic unity that leads into the insurrection of subjectivities and a revolutionary way of life. He is a traveller, a wonderer and a… …

Void Network News

OΠΛΙΣΜΕΝΕΣ ΛΕΞΕΙΣ [Ενάντια Στον Φασισμό] ΣΑΒΒ. 22.3.2014 ΠΑΤΡΑ // ARMED WORDS [Against Fascism] Sat.22.3 Patras Greece

2L8 live Κενό Δίκτυο OΠΛΙΣΜΕΝΕΣ ΛΕΞΕΙΣ [Ενάντια Στον Φασισμό]  ΣΑΒΒ. 22.3.2014  ΠΑΤΡΑ LIVE CONCERT | POETRY ACTION | MULTI MEDIA SHOW | CINEMA ΕΝΑΡΞΗ 21.00 Ανοιχτή συζήτηση: Κουλτούρες της νύχτας & εξέγερση Τέχνη & επανάσταση + “Σύγχρονη δουλεία” προβολή σύγχρονης καταστασιακής ταινίας + Oπλισμένες ΛέξειςMulti Media Δράση Ποίησης: Γιάννης ΡαουζαίοςΣίσσυ ΔουτσίουΔορίαιχμοςΤάσος Σαγρής   + 2L8Live παρουσίασητου L.P. “Η κλωστή”  all night visual arts multi media:Void Optical Arts Laboratory  από το Κενό Δίκτυο στο Κοινωνικό Κέντρο ΠάτραςΡ.Φεραίου 167 & Τσαμαδού ΛΥΣΣΑΣΜΕΝΟΙ ΓΙΑ ΖΩΗΕΡΩΤΑΙΣΤΟΤΗΤΑ& ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ …

Void Network News

“Viva La Anarquia” a video clip by Void Network

Void Networkhttp://voidnetwork.blogspot.compresents VIVA LA ANARGUIAmusic and video by Nelipot (d.j. Crystal Zero remix)  Oid mortales el grito sagrado,De anarquia y solidaridad.Oid el ruido del pueblo que estalla,En defensa de la libertad.El obrero que sufre proclama la anarquia,De mundo al traves,Porque sigue sufriendo la injusticia,Hoy en dia igual que ayer. El maldito clero a la cara te escupe,Y el que manda te aplica su ley,Y el burgues tu sudor te arrebata,Y te mandan la… …

Global movement/Theory

“After the Crest, part I.: What to Do while the Dust Is Settling” by Crimethinc

  At the high point, it seems like it will go on forever. You feel invincible, unstoppable. Then the crash comes: court cases, disintegration, depression. Once you go through this several times, the rhythm becomes familiar. It becomes possible to recognize these upheavals as the heartbeat of something greater than any single movement. Over the past six years, cities around the world have seen peaks of struggle: Athens, London, Barcelona,… …


“The Anarchist Revelation: Being What We’re Meant to Be” by Paul Cudenec

An important new book on anarchist thought is now available from Winter Oak Press.The Anarchist Revelation: Being What We’re Meant to Be is the latest work by activist and writer Paul Cudenec.Here, he turns his back on contemporary trends of anarchism in a bid to reconnect with the primal force of its root ideology.Cudenec notes the significance of its refusal of the state and its judicial system, of land ownership and of… …


Social violence and anti-social violence: Emma Goldman

“To analyze the psychology of political violence is not only extremely difficult, but also very dangerous. If such acts are treated with understanding, one is immediately accused of eulogizing them. If, on the other hand, human sympathy is expressed with the Attentäter, one risks being considered a possible accomplice. Yet it is only intelligence and sympathy that can bring us closer to the source of human suffering, and teach us… …


“An Anarchy of Every day Life” by Jeff Shantz from Philosophers for Change

Contemporary anarchism offers a mid-range movement organized somewhere between the levels of everyday life, to which it is closest, and insurrection. Rooted in the former they seek to move towards the latter.  Anarchists look to the aspects of people’s daily lives that both suggest life without rule by external authorities and which might provide a foundation for anarchist social relations more broadly.  This commitment forms a strong and persistent current… …

Void Network News

8-9 June 2013 – Call for International Solidarity with #OccupyGezi // OCCUPY PLANET EARTH!

Calling on people of all cities of the world! Come out this weekend and reclaim your public spaces to show solidarity with #OccupyGezi and the many waves of protests in Turkey!What began as a small occupation to protect Istanbul’s Gezi Park erupted within a matter of days into massive protests that spread like wildfire across Turkey. A key trigger was the disproportionate use of force by the police. Just as… …


Video Channel from insurrected Turkey. Spread the News / Never Trust Mass Media!

This is a youtube channel with videos from revolted TurkeyDownload them, share them, see them before the censorship delete them from internet!The social uprising in Turkey continues and our friends and comrades in Turkey need the help from all of us.Share the authentic news from underground media sources, express your solidarity with all possible ways,help the message of revolted Turkish people to travel as further as possible videos:… …

Void Network News


“What’s really happening in Greece, Cyprus, spain, Portugal, and Italy, the past few years? is it just the reflection of the global financial crisis of 2008, that finally touched the real status of EU’s economy? is it just a general problem that has to do mainly with P.I.G.S( the acronyms of the first letter of the name of each one of the main european countries of the south ), weak… …


Russian Art Anarchists explain themselves from prison / Banksy’s new favourite group Voina (WAR)

Last week Banksy declared that all profits from his current print sale would be gifted to Russian art anarchist group Voina. Known for drawing an enormous cock on a bridge opposite the ex-KGB offices, and instigating asex party in a museum (see above). We spoke to the group (half of which were replying from prison). Voina (or “War” to give them their English name) are a radical art group concerned with challenging the Russian establishment on important… …

Void Network News

Total Freedom World Tour 2013: ZURICH-SWITZERLAND / LOCH Occupied Social Center: Fr. 5 / Sat. 6 / Sun 7

TOTAL FREEDOM WORLD TOUR 2013                                                         We Will Not Live Like Slaves! 3 Day International Experimental Art Festival //Anarcho-Symposium                            → a political encounter between philosophy & art 5-6-7 APRIL 2013LOCH Culture Squat104, Letzigraben Zurich Switzerland FRIDAY 5/4 18.00 – 22.00  CRISES & SOCIAL REVOLT  IN GREECE NOW! An Open Public Dialogue with Tasos Sagris (VOID NETWORK) co- editor of the   “We Are an Image From the Future” (The Greek Revolt of… …


Letter to the Egyptian Black Bloc from U.S.A. anarchists

We present here, in Arabic and in English, an open letter from participants in black bloc actions in the United States to participants in the Egyptian black bloc, aimed at initiating a dialogue beyond the exchange of youtube videos. This is of interest to everyone around the world struggling for liberation, so please print and distribute widely:pamphlet in English: in Arabic: emergence of the black bloc in Egypt at this… …


“Anarchism” from Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, by John Clark

The anarchist tradition has been sharply divided in its relationship to religion, spirituality and nature. On the one hand, the mainstream of Western anarchism has in general been atheist, anti-religious and anti-clerical, and has looked upon religion as a supernaturalist negation of the natural world. On the other hand, there is a long history of anarchistic thought and practice having strong spiritual or religious dimensions, and very often these have… …

Global movement

“Modern Technology and Anarchism” (1986) by Sam Dolgoff

In their polemics with the Marxists the anarchists argued that the state subjects the economy to its own ends. An economic system once viewed as the prerequisite for the realization of socialism now serves to reinforce the domination of the ruling classes. The very technology that could now open new roads to freedom has also armed states with unimaginably frightful weapons for the extinction of all life on this planet.… …

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