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Global movement

Global movement

The Nicaraguan Uprising- asking the difficult questions after 3 months of Revolt

written by Crimethinc Since the beginning of the uprising in Nicaragua, Crimethinc have published reports from anarchist participants in Managua. After three months of demonstrations, blockades, and street fighting, the Ortega government has succeeded in clearing the roads and driving many dissidents and rebels out of the country, but not at suppressing the revolt entirely. In the following update, we continue to give voice to Nicaraguan anarchists as they report on the…

Global movement

Inside Bannon’s Plan to Hijack Europe for the Far-Right

LONDON—Steve Bannon plans to go toe-to-toe with George Soros and spark a right-wing revolution in Europe. Trump’s former White House chief advisor told The Daily Beast that he is setting up a foundation in Europe called The Movement which he hopes will lead a right-wing populist revolt across the continent starting with the European Parliament elections next spring. The non-profit will be a central source of polling, advice on messaging, data targeting, and…

Global movement

Thousands protest against Donald Trump in London – 13 July 2018 (video)

More than 40.000 people protest against the three-day visit of US President Donald Trump to the United Kingdom takes place in London on Friday, July 13. Protesters have called on the government to revoke the invitation for Donald Trump to visit the UK Demonstrators accused the US President of scapegoating Muslims with his 90-day travel ban. Marchers called on Theresa May to withdraw her controversial invitation of a state visit…

Global movement

Tunisians rise up against austerity!

By Fathi Chamkhi | Amandla! magazine Issue 57 | 6 July 2018 Seven years after the revolution of 2011, which toppled the dictator, Tunisia is going from bad to worse! All key economic and social indicators are at their lowest levels. The economy continues to idle, fueling the crisis in all sectors. Deficits and underperformance are beating all previous records. The index of industrial activity, the budget deficit, the government…

Global movement

Week of International Support in Lead Up to Nationwide Prison Strike

A call from a variety of groups to make some noise for the upcoming prison strike, kicking off on August 21st, 2018. This is a challenge to every anarchist, abolitionist, rebel and determined fighter against prison society and white supremacy in Amerikkka: Between Monday, July 16 and Saturday, July 21, we’re calling on you to help unleash a concerted and spectacular array of solidarity actions before the upcoming prison strikes! Prepare now, bring…

Global movement

Canada Just Legalized Marijuana Throughout the Whole Damn Country

Pack your bags, folks. We’re moving north. Canada is blazin’ it. Tuesday night, the Canadian federal government officially passed a bill legalizing recreational marijuana throughout the entire country. It is only the second nation in the world to legalize weed, after Uruguay. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made legalization a platform in his campaign, arguing that by allowing the government to regulate marijuana, it would be kept out of the hands…

Global movement

“Split Normality” ~ Six Years After the Anti-Austerity Riots of June 2011 (Athens, Greece)

Exceptional video documenting the split normality between social resistance and daily life and yet what remains in memory are those moments amongst the flaming barricades and the teargas smoke when we felt truly alive, refusing to retreat from the dream for a better tomorrow. More info about the anti-austerity movement of 2011 at… Excpetional video by Yiannis Biliris. More of his work at Source and more videos from…

Global movement

Nazi Govern USA: 10,000 migrant children at 100 concentration camps in 14 states

We try to follow the news but its not easy. Nazi govern USA and the federal government using police and the army for building concentration camps all over AmeriKKKa. For one more time in history as in in previous decades in Africa, in Australia (with the Aboriginals) and in Europe (with Roma, communists, anarchists, disabled people and Jews)  the USA government take the kids of the people in custody, steal…

Global movement

Tracking the battles for environmental justice: here are the world’s top 10

Environmental justice activism is to this age what the workers’ movement was for the industrial age – one of the most influential social movements of its time. Yet, despite its consistent progress since the 1970s, environmental justice protests seem to get lost in the morass of information on broader environmental issues. In contrast, labour conflicts, including strikes and lock-outs, carry such gravity that the International Labour Organization tracks these on a systematic…

Global movement


This article, which predates the Edward Snowden affair (ongoing), seems to be getting renewed interest. One thing I would draw your attention to today is the segment that discusses the commercial availability of turnkey systems that can intercept all the communications of a medium sized country. In other words, the next revelation may be about private companies vacuuming up Big Data for their own uses, even without funding from the…

Global movement/Theory

Palestine, mon amour- by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Introduction No one can understand what is happening in the land of Palestine, not even those who have followed the sanguinary vicissitudes of the peoples who have lived down there for so long. They face each other with hatred and suspicion, not just men and women, children and old people, but the very dust of the roads and the mud that covers them on rainy days, the asphyxiating heat and…

Global movement

The young Turks rejecting Islam-by Selin Girit BBC News, Istanbul

This is the only thing left that connects me to Islam,” says Merve, showing me her bright red headscarf. Merve teaches religion to elementary school children in Turkey. She used to be a radical believer of Islam. “Until recently, I would not even shake hands with men,” she tells me in an Istanbul cafe. “But now I do not know whether there is a God or not, and I really…

Global movement

The Art of Not Being Governed: Hill Peoples and Valley Kingdoms in Mainland Southeast Asia

  For two thousand years, the peoples residing in Zomia — the mountainous region that stretches from the Central Highlands of Vietnam to northeastern India — have fled the organized state societies in the valleys. Far from being ‘remnants’ left behind by civilizing societies, they are “barbarians by choice”, peoples who have deliberately put distance between themselves and lowland, state-centers. James Scott, director of the Agrarian Studies Program at Yale…

Global movement

Eduardo Colombo 1929-2018: A Grand Anarchist Fighter Leaves Us- Αποχαιρετισμός

+ [text: ENG/GR] Tribute to Eduardo Colombo Today, March 13th, the sad note of the death of Eduardo Colombo strikes us painfully.  With Eduardo, not only disappears a dear and fraternal compañero, but also a first-rate thinker and a militant anarchist of unshakeable convictions. It was in the 1940’s when the young student Eduardo Colombo became intensely involved in the anarchist movement in his native Argentina participating in the anarcho-syndicalist struggles…

Global movement

Letter from Middle East: Class War 2018- From Gaza to Iran to the whole World… Down with the exploiters!

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”[1]   Since the suppression and co-optation of the last global revolutionary attempt in the 60’s and the 70’s of the last century, the ideological dominance of the bourgeoisie is almost total in the most of the world: the level of the organized class activity is very low and its daily expression is limited to acts of individual…

Global movement

The war in Afrin has moved to another stage / Η αντίσταση του Afrin θα συνεχιστεί!

text: [ENG+GR]  The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Afrin Canton held a press conference in Shehba and announced their decision to evacuate civilians from the city to avoid civilian massacres and a big humanitarian disaster. Officials from the canton administration and spokespersons for YPG/YPJ were present in the press conference where a statement was read out by Eecutive Council Co-president Osman Şêx İsa. ________________________________ Full text of the statement is as…

Global movement

International CALL OUT #Dortmund #Germany: Against the European-wide Nazi Demo on April 14

No homezone for nazis! Neither in Dortmund, Europe not anywhere else! On the 14th of April 2018 the German fascist party “Die Rechte” want to organize a big event in Dortmund, Germany. Nazis and other fascists from all over Europe want to march in Dortmund, but also use the event to strengthen an already exisiting network. This demo shall be the start of a yearly event with changing locations. The…

Global movement

Rave culture is making its move onto the blockchain

By BEN VICKERS and HANS-ULRICH OBRIST Ain’t no party like a decentralised party In one sense, the rave scene has always been encrypted. In its heyday, when news of illicit parties spread by word of mouth, you just needed to know the right people. But new technologies are adding another layer to this. Throughout the last year, rumours of a crypto-enabled rave revival have been rife on the dark net and in closely…

Global movement

An Italian neo-fascist shot 6 immigrants. So why won’t Italy’s political parties condemn xenophobia?

On Feb. 3, a 28-year-old far-right activist named Luca Traini went on a shooting rampage in Macerata, a small town in central Italy, wounding five men and one woman of African origin. When police apprehended him, Traini was wrapped in an Italian flag, performing the Roman salute and screaming “Viva l’Italia.” His move to “kill them all,” Traini claimed, came after hearing that a Nigerian drug dealer had been arrested as a suspect in…

Global movement/Theory

Reading our times with “NOW”: The invisible committee

Beginning by abandoning the old idea of revolution and reinventing it … Not as a new ideology but as a true praxis of an ethics of freedom to redefine the desirable and the undesirable and to create a new subjectivity that makes possible the impossible. Octavio Alberola, Revolución o colapso What follows is an exercise in the sharing of ideas, of visions.  The most recent essay by the invisible committee, NOW,…

Global movement


FLORIDA PRISONERS ARE calling for a general strike to start this week — marking the third mass action over the course of a year in protest of inhumane conditions in the state’s detention facilities. Detainees in at least eight prisons have declared their intention to stop all work on Monday — Martin Luther King Jr. Day — to demand an end to unpaid labor and price gouging in prison commissaries, as well as the restoration…

Global movement/Theory


After the initial wave of terror and fury, my post-election tactic has mostly been dissociation. Out of safety, out of self-protection. I know that ignoring these truths won’t save me- that I need to engage, to stand in solidarity with the homies- with the scientists- with the immigrants and children of immigrants- with the Muslims- with the Mexicans- with the queers- with the artists.. but something about the way the…

Global movement

Brazil: More raids on anarchist homes as state crackdown continues

Punitive raids were expanded at the turn of the month, as police continue to try and pin recent incendiary attacks in Porto Alegre on the anarchist movement. Activists in the city reported on November 30th that: Operation Erebo (Operação Érebo) attacked anarchists once again. They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything in their path. At this stage we don’t know whether any other homes were invaded. Communication is precarious…

Global movement/Local movement

Μαθήματα από τη Σουηδία: Πως παρακάμπτουν τις μπάρες του μετρό [ΒΙΝΤΕΟ] / Simple video lesson: How to overpass the METRO control

Το Κίνημα “Δεν πληρώνω” μας “διδάσκει”  απλά μαθήματα από τη Σουηδία και τη Νορβηγία.  Χαιρετίσματα από το κίνημα PLANKA NU, το Κίνημα “Δεν Πληρώνω” στη Σουηδία και Νορβηγία  για το δικαίωμα της μετακίνησης  σε ανέργους, φοιτητές, χαμηλόμισθους και χαμηλοσυνταξιούχους.   πηγή:

Προβολή ντοκυμαντέρ για την Εξέγερση των Ινδιάνων στo Standing Rock ΤΡ.28/11 BLACK SNAKE KILLAZ (USA)- documentary show at EMBROS- athens

Black Snake Killaz is a feature-length documentary film about the resistance  to the Dakota Access Pipelinein Standing Rock. This film explores actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and highlights actions taken by law enforcement, military, and corporate mercenaries to quell the months-long protest. Black Snake Killaz timelines the historical events that unfolded in Standing Rock throughout 2016 and brings you the raw experience…

Global movement


This segment is a conversation Bursts had on Monday, September 25th with an Anglophone anarchist who has lived in Catalunya, within the Spanish borders, for some years now. This conversation comes as there is an intense escalation in the region with government officials from the semi-autonomous region of Catalunya declaring that Sunday, October 1st there will be a public and binding referendum on Catalan independence from the Spanish state. On…

Global movement

S.O.S. Help Puerto Rico

MESSAGE from our PuertoRican comrade Frank Lopez: Quick update about the situation in Puerto Rico for all of those who have asked. Spoke with my folks this AM, and well, shit’s bad, really bad. Hospitals will be the first to get power restored… in about 3 weeks! There’s long gasoline lines, and things are tense, as gas stations run out of gas. One man killed another when he was told…

Global movement

Anarchy in the UK: The Social Centres roundup in England

For all its small size and general impoverishment the libertarian socialist movement actually runs a surprisingly large amount of real estate around Britain, all on non-hierarchical lines, by and for the people of the cities and towns we’re in. Housing co-ops, bookshops, bike collectives, archives, distros, printers and the like are all part of the collective mix. Below, Freedom News briefly rounds up some goings-on at 15 radical social centres…

Global movement

Sea Sorrow, the Rohingya refugee crisis: From Myanmar to Bangladesh

Refugees face brutal miseries. When we talked to some of Rohingya refugees, they have revealed more painful truths about the refugee crisis and the atrocities encountered by them by their homeland rulers and their mango-twigs. “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel article written by Anwar A. Khan…

Global movement

CHARLOTTESVILLE: The world is divided, the camps are being formed- Anarchist Federation- Greece

Τhe 32 year old anti-fascist, Heather Heyer, was killed when a well-known fascist who was participating at the american alt-rights’ gathering in the town of Charlottesville deliberately ran his car over a large number of anti-fascists, causing the death of the 32 year old and dozens of injured, with some of them very seriously. Let us begin with this: with most recent example the attacks in Barcelona, the Islamic State…

Global movement

German Government Shuts Down Indymedia- What It Means and What to Do

The German government has shut down the German Indymedia site, the most widely used German-language platform for radical politics and organizing. They have also conducted raids in Freiburg to seize computers and harass those they accuse of maintaining the site, absurdly justifying this on the grounds that the alleged administrators constitute an illegal organization for the sake of destroying the German Constitution. This represents a massive escalation in state repression against what the authorities…

Global movement

Why We Fought in Charlottesville- A Letter from an Anti-Fascist on the Dangers Ahead

I am one of the thousands of people who confronted Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend. I am a blue-collar person, with a job, family, and responsibilities. I would have preferred to do other things with my weekend. However, I had to ask myself: If these people are allowed to run roughshod over this town, what will they do next? “We would have been crushed like cockroaches if…

Global movement

America’s War On Venezuela and the Fascists We Get to Fight It

What you are about to read is a real life horror story. It is a tale of tear gas, bloodshed, and fascists burning a black man alive; it is a tale of overwhelming imperial aggression against a people who pose no threat to their invaders, a calculated strike of pure barbarism that would give Attila the Hun pause and Andrew Jackson the willies. It is the story of Venezuela, America’s newest…

Global movement


Tonight, for the second night in a row, approximately 20,000 police armed with the best crowd control technology money can buy utterly lost control of downtown Hamburg. Last night was bad enough, with clashes and decentralized attacks continuing well past sunrise; tonight they were forced to withdraw completely from the Schanze neighborhood for several hours, as barricades burned in the intersections and thousands of people of all walks of life joyously…

Global movement

WELCOME TO HELL – G20 in Hamburg 2017 – video archives of a social revolt

Solidarity from Athens to all the people fighting in Hamburg. The struggle will continue until the destruction of global capitalism and national states. VOID NETWORK THIS IS HELL – HAMBURG 6-9 JULY 2017 against G20 The residents of Hamburg woke up this morning to the news that a large number of Porsches had been burned in the outskirts last night, giving an indication of the ungovernable energy with which…

Global movement

Global publishing giant wins $15 million damages against researcher for sharing publicly-funded knowledge- by Glyn Moody

It’s not every day that one of the world’s largest publishing companies is awarded $15 million in damages for copyright infringement against a site set up by a Kazakh neuroscientist. That makes the almost total lack of wider coverage of Elsevier’s win in New York against Sci-Hub surprising. But it is only the latest development in a saga that is of great interest for the deep flaws it exposes in both scientific publishing and…

Not a struggle for the refugees, but with the refugees: Anarchism at work in Greece.

Live from Athens, cultural activist Tasos Sagris from Void Network discusses with Chuck Mertz from the radio program THIS IS HELL (U.S.A.) the political and social work of anarchists in austerity-era Greece – to provide support and mutual aid to the victims of capitalism and war, to defend the people from fascist and state violence, and to build and occupy the framework for a new, horizontal society, against capital, and for each…

Κοινωνικη Ανυπακοή- οικονομική αυτοοργανωσή στην πράξη-ομιλία / Civil Disobedience and active Self Organization of the Economy- Occupied theater Embros Wednesday 21/6 at 21.00

** [text: Eng./ Ελλ.] Η ομιλία θα είναι στα αγγλικά με ομιλητές από την Ισπανία και την Κένυα και μετάφραση στα ελληνικά. ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 21/6 ώρα 21.00 Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ (Ρ.Παλαμήδη 2 – Ψυρρή) Τhe talk will be in English with activists from Spain and Kenya at Occupied Self Organized Free Theater EMBROS (Riga Palamidi 2- Psiris Area Athens Το Grassroots Economics Foundation (Ίδρυμα Οικονομικών Από Τα Κάτω) είναι μία…

Events/Global movement

Networks of Resistance / Δίκτυα Αντίστασης 1st European Local Struggles Conference Sat. 24- Sun. 25 June 2017 1ο Πανευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Τοπικών Αγώνων

ZAD (France),  Hambach Forest (Germany),  Bure (France) Cooperativa Integral (Spain),  DIY Internet (Greece) Networks of Resistance / Δίκτυα Αντίστασης 1st European Local Struggles Conference Saturday 24- Sunday 25 June 2017 1ο Πανευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Τοπικών Αγώνων Free Self-Organised Theater EMBROS – Riga Palamidi 2 Psiri Area – Athens Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ – Ρήγα Παλαμήδη 2 – Ψυρρή – Αθήνα Program / Πρόγραμμα Day 1: Sat. 24/6 starts 17.00 Introduction, Presentations of…

Global movement

Feminist Activists Against Gender-Based Violence in Argentina- Διαμαρτυρία με σύνθημα “ΤΟ ΜΙΣΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΓΕΝΟΚΤΟΝΙΑ”

[text English / Ελληνικά] One hundred and twenty naked women participated in a flash mob Tuesday to protest gender-based violence in Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires. Displaying a banner reading “Femicide is Genocide,” the mass of women gathered in front of parliament, the presidential palace Casa Rosada, and Argentina’s highest court, reported The New Yorker. They then proceeded to strip to a soundtrack playing behind them. Clustering around the banner they were holding, the women collapsed…

Global movement

Dozens of anarchists arrested in Belarus after anti-government protests

Today in three major cities of Belarus – Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno – people took the streets protesting against government attempts to collect tax off the unemployed (details of the story HERE). In Minsk, demonstrations managed to gather more that 1 500 people, in Mogilev and Grodno 1 000 each. These are the biggest protests those cities have seen in decades. It is worth mentioning that most of the protesters…

Επίθεση ενάντια σε 2 Κοινωνικά Κέντρα στην Αθήνα / Ανακοίνωση – 2 SOCIAL CENTERS IN ATHENS UNDER ATTACK / Announcement

[text: English/Greek] Η καταστολή του κοινωνικού απελευθερωτικού κινήματος και των καταλήψεων προσφύγων και μεταναστών δεν θα μείνει αναπάντητη. Οι αστυνομικές επιδρομές  αποτελούν ιδανικό παράδειγμα για την πολιτική που επιθυμεί να επιβάλλει η κυριαρχία στην εποχή μας: όταν εμείς κοιμόμαστε το κράτος συνεχίζει να δουλεύει εναντίον όλων μας. Τα ξημερώματα της 13/3/2017 η Ελληνική αριστερή κυβέρνηση επέλεξε να εισακούσει τις εντολές της δεξιάς συντήρησης και τα νέο-φιλελεύθερα τσιράκια των Μέσων Μαζικής…

“Oh, my Trump! On the figures of the global civil conflict” by Void Network

Oh, my Trump! On the figures of the global civil conflict (Announcement in English / intro in Greek) While protests and riots may not be unheard-of phenomena in the history of presidential inaugurations in the US, there is something distinct in the mass anti-Trump protests and the violent clashes that accompanied them (no matter how small the latter may have been). Η εκλογή του Ντόναλντ Τραμπ δημιούργησε σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο ένα φάσμα…

Global movement

In Trump’s America, ‘Felony Riot’ Charges Against Inauguration Protesters Signal Dangerous Wave of Repression by Sarah Lazare

More than 200 people mass arrested in Washington, D.C. facing up to 10 years in prison. More than 200 people who were mass-arrested at the Washington, D.C. protests against the inauguration of Donald Trump have been hit with felony riot charges that are punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Those picked up in the sweep—including legal observers and journalists—had their phones, cameras and other personal belongings confiscated as…

Global movement

AWARDS High Tension: The Contemporary Moment in France, photos by Rémy Soubanère

No, these are not photos from battlegrounds in Ukraine or Syria—these are from Paris, the erstwhile city of love and light, transformed into another stage for conflict in the aftermath of two years of terror attacks and heightened security and anxiety. photo 1: Nous Somme le Peule Qui Manque [We Are the Missing People]. Rue de Chaligny. Paris, May 26, 2016. Nearly three months after the first gatherings, the demonstrations became…

Global movement

Occupy protesters take over disused London courthouse to hold ‘mock trials’… after arriving by TANK!

  Around 50 Occupy protesters stormed a derelict court building in London today after driving there in a tank on a mission to bring ‘those responsible’ for the economic crisis to justice. They have vowed to hold mock trials at Old Street Magistrates’ Court for alleged corrupt politicians and greedy bankers using real solicitors before a retired judge. The group also includes a new offshoot comprising ex-servicemen who call themselves…

6 ΔΕΚ.2008 – 6 ΔΕΚ.2016 Θάνατος στους Τυράννους! Ζήτω η Ελευθερία // 6 Dec.2008- 6 Dec. 2016 Death to the Tyrants! Long Live Freedom (Engl.+Gr. text)

  6 ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΗ 2008 – 6 ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΗ 2016 ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΔΕΝ ΤΕΛΕΙΩΣΕ / ΟΛΑ  ΣΥΝΕΧΙΖΟΝΤΑΙ Είμαστε όλοι μπάσταρδοι, τρελοί και ερωτευμένοι. Ζήσε με αυτούς που έχουν επικίνδυνα όνειρα, απελευθερωτικά σχέδια, ριζοσπαστικές επιθυμίες. Ταξίδεψε μέχρι την άκρη του γνωστού σου κόσμου. Αγωνίσου δίπλα σε όσους τολμούν να αγωνίζονται ενάντια στην εκμετάλλευση, τον ρατσισμό, την ανισότητα, την κυριαρχία.  Με την συμμετοχή σου, τις ιδέες σου, τις πρωτοβουλίες σου κάνε τον Δημόσιο Χώρο πεδίο…

Global movement

Protesting intervention at the American Consulate General in Thessaloniki- Anarchist Federation in Greece

The visit of the outgoing US President Barack Obama to Greece is anything but ceremonial. Apart from the strong symbolic weight of the visit of an American president on the eve of the Athens Polytechnic uprising anniversary (and, what is more, under a self-proclaimed “left-wing” government), the content of Obama’s visit could be actually summed up in the phrase “business as usual”; a type of business, however, that, as we…

Global movement

Basic income most subversive idea in politics How much is just enough? by Mona Chollet / Ελάχιστο εγγυημένο εισόδημα: Μια επαναστατική ιδέα… ή μήπως όχι; – Mona Chollet

Language: English / Ελληνικά The basic income — paid to all, and for life — is now a fashionable idea across Europe. But would it supplement welfare or replace it? Olli Kangas, a director at Finland’s social insurance body, Kela (1), says: ‘To talk about a basic income without being specific is like talking about getting a kitten without saying whether you mean a cat or a tiger.’ Over the last…

Global movement

Over 120 arrested at North Dakota pipeline protests, including journalists // 120 Iνδιάνοι ΙΘαγενείς, ρεπορτερ και ακτιβιστές συλληφθέντες σε επεισόδια

North Dakota police arrested more than 120 people over the weekend at Native American oil pipeline protests, including film-makers and journalists, prompting accusations that law enforcement officials are stifling free speech and using excessive force against peaceful protesters.  ΗΠΑ (η αστυνομια στην υπηρεσια των πολυεθνικων) Στην Βόρεια Ντακότα η αστυνομία συνέλαβε περισσότερα από 120 άτομα στις ινδιάνικες διαμαρτυρίες κατά του πετρελαιαγωγό στη διάρκεια του Σαββατοκύριακου, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των δημιουργών ταινιών και…

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