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Installation Guides

Test Mp Install Guide

Statcounter provides customisable hit counters, visitor tracking, web analytics and website stats for Test Mp.

Your project id and security code have been generated:
Project Id:
Security Code:

Follow the instructions below to activate StatCounter:

  1. Login to your mobile website provider (if you are not already logged in)
  2. In your Control Panel, select the 'Tools' tab
  3. Open the 'Analytics' section
  4. Double check that 'StatCounter' is selected under 'Choose a provider'
  5. Enter in the 'StatCounter Project ID' textbox
  6. Enter in the 'StatCounter Security Code' textbox
  7. Click on the 'Update' button

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Sign up for a Statcounter account using our Test Mp installation guide.

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You can reinstall Test Mp on your Statcounter project.

Installation Guides A - Z

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