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Lou Dobbs 17h
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EFCC Nigeria Sep 7
“The media owes Nigerians a duty not to allow the corrupt to deploy their ill-gotten riches to corner the machinery of government. Such folly was injurious to our national wellbeing in the past and will not profit us in the future.” - Ibrahim Magu, EFCC boss.
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Tim Fargo ❤ 48m
Don't persuade, defend or interrupt. Be curious, conversational, real and listen. -
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Tim Fargo ❤ 2h
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes. - Andrew Carnegie
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Tim Fargo ❤ 12h
If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission. -
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Tim Fargo ❤ 14m
My strength lies solely in my tenacity. - Louis Pasteur
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Allison Seymour Sep 7
"Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace." - Buddha
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Tim Fargo ❤ 4h
Know what you deserve and be patient. Don't ever settle. - Unknown via
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Amazing World Pictures 7h
"It is better to look ahead & prepare than to look back & regret."
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Moses Kamau Mbiyu 3m
The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck. Anthony Robbins
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Mormon Channel 1h
"Agency leads us to act: to seek that we may find." —Robert D. Hales
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Duckinq 3h
"I am the second best on skycade" - SM00THED
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Tim Fargo ❤ 11h
Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it. - Joe Clark
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Diane Tucson 9m
Is there a sexy scene from a movie that you want to recreate with me?
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Tim Fargo ❤ 5h
The bird, a nest; the spider, a web; man, friendship. ~ William Blake via
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Yasser Ad-Dab'bagh 14h
“Each person is a unique individual. Hence, psychotherapy should be formulated to meet the uniqueness of the individual's needs, rather than tailoring the person to fit the Procrustean bed of a hypothetical theory of human behavior.” . — .
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CP Bialois 1h
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." - Aristotle
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Henry David Thoreau 6h
"An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."
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Ms.B Sep 10
" Passion is not a thing, it's a state of mind." ~ Mel Robbins
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Wynand Beukes 9h
"Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place." -
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