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♛ Grace_Peek ♛ Feb 18
Would love to speak to any women who have experience in setting up there own business from scratch? I'm currently writing a feature on inspirational women
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Sirena Bergman 🌈 Feb 14
I'm looking for entrepreneurs who are doing amazing things for diversity and inclusivity either in the product they offer or the work environment they've created. Pls email or DM a couple of sentences - no massive pitches please!
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Arielle Tchiprout Feb 14
Looking for women (age 35+) who are doing amazing things in their communities - whether for the homeless, food banks, environment, campaigning or anything else! For feature in glossy women's monthly. Send pics, stories and ages to
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Emily Cotton Feb 18
Since the closure of sites like + I desperately miss reading female-focused features/topical news/opinion pieces etc written by talented journalists. is my current go-to but I need more - can anyone recommend any more?
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Lydia Smith Feb 13
Looking to speak to a or expert for a piece on women in workplace - please get in touch
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Hannah Ebelthite Feb 13
Would love to chat to any UK women who have started their own sport/fitness club (not running). For a mag article. Thanks
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Abigail Malbon Feb 12
Any career experts out there fancy giving me some quotes about job interview etiquette?
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Felicity Hannah Feb 18
Looking for business founders and business resilience experts to discuss thriving in uncertain times. Need several, please just email or message me the potential name, title and a quick sentence about why they'd be suitable
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Hannah Prevett 19h
Looking for entrepreneurs who started their first business a bit later in life for tomorrow's Talking Business feature on . Needs to be a relatable business (not professional services etc) to discuss how starting a biz is not just a young person's game 👊
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MayaJournals Feb 10
I'm a journalist investigating women's body image. What are your thoughts on and ? Does this compare to ? I would love to hear your thoughts - either comment or DM me 😊
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Chloe Hall Feb 15
Replying to @poornabell
When I first started my business (5yrs ago aged 23) I would regularly look on the to see what journalists actually wanted. I got a mention in a book this way! I also applied for The Guardian's Start up of the year. Didn't win but the permanent link did me wonders!
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Sofia Petkar Feb 12
ATTENTION: All PRs who want to pitch to me - please remember I only take pitches by email and absolutely NOT by telephone. Also, if you do email me, please give me more than 30 seconds to see the email. Cheers! xx
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Anna Collinson Feb 11
Looking for a newish press journalist to take part in a discussion on tomorrow. We want to hear the difficulties they've faced when trying to get into the industry. If interested give me an email: As always RTs very welcome✌️
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lola méndez 4h
I'm writing about sleep customs from around the world–bedtimes, nap habits, superstitions, sleep rituals, etc. Please share customs from around the globe–the habit should be specific to a country, not a region.
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WUKA Period Wear Feb 15
Anyone writing a piece on We would like to share our story, journey of our co-founder and why WUKa was born
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Natalie Richardson Feb 18
CONSUMER BEHAVIOR COMMENT NEEDED: How can an aesthetically pleasing unit alter consumers' purchasing decisions, and make them spend (more)?
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Charlotte Gush Feb 13
Replying to @CharlotteGush
PR pals – please send me news, research, people, events, exhibitions, campaigns, launches, etc, relevant to the topics above ^. I will be *endlessly* grateful if you could please use this email address for bulk mailing lists:
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Claire Gamble Feb 10
Also looking for a health expert to talk about the physical effects a sedentary lifestyle has, particularly for people who sit at their desks all day everyday. Maybe a doctor or physiotherapist?
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Benjamin Carey FTS Feb 18
Seeking from and interested in and personal development courses in of . . Please DM or reply with email.
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Graeme Parton the Copywriter 18h
Business owners: How do you avoid overthinking when making big business decisions? Has overthinking ever caused you problems? Looking for insight and your best actionable tips for a branded media article. Email / DL: 20/02 /
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