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Black SAINT🌟💎👑 ® 13h
I will do this in the ICT lab but look at this Devoted teacher.... Bless you anywhere u r
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Acharya Sri Gopal Kṛiṣhṇa 17h
0 my Lord, when will my eyes be decorated with tears of love flowing constantly when I chant Your holy name. When will my voice choke up, and when will the hairs of my body stand on end at the recitation of Your name. OM TAT SAT
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Ms. Desunia 5h
Matthew 14:1-21 Choose the good path Difficult times in your life can take you off course in the wrong direction. But if you stay on the right course it will lead to greater compassion and wisdom.
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Queen Jess’s Cucky 5h
had a date night with alpha. I could of partially paid for it OR emptied my account to pay for it ALL. I did the latter and walked to university for 40 minutes, since I didn’t have enough for the train. What have you done for Queen Jess?
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We Are: The Guard 22h
Celebrating 10 years of 's . 💙
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JohnnyBravo Feb 25
Replying to @RyanAFournier
His arms aren’t even big enough to fill his sleeves but his character and courage makes mountains look like pebbles on a beach. On to your next adventure soldier. Well done.
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Kimberly 15h
If we prioritize God and his Kingdom above everything else, guess what? We become Heaven’s responsibility!
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Pastor L.A. Ravenell 9h
this morning 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 is a gift to us all. @ Raleigh, North Carolina
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Brenda Walsh 1h
Read today's Refresh - Reboot - Restart @
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Mario Biondi Feb 26
“Love is the best emotion, made for us to give and receive” is on ! Listen to it here ⤵️
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I Am Web Radio 16h
Never lose sight of what’s important. Take a moment out of your day and reflect on everything you have accomplished and on the goals that you aim for. When I doubt always aim your attention to God.
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Angela Martin 7h
The only He is willing to give me more, was when I was willing to give up everything...
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Kimberly Feb 23
The enemy is not after your relationships, money or your wealth but He is after your Identity and Purpose! He hates and trembles when a child of God discovers their true self and steps out to accomplish a heaven ordained mission.
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Dr. Daisy Buckner 🌎 Feb 23
Friday’s Devotional Moment... 🙏🏽✝️🙏🏽
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Mario Biondi Feb 23
is my new single, out today on all radio stations and as a free gift on for those who have pre-ordered Brasil, which will be out on March 9th! ⤵ And on you can watch the video with lyrics ⤵️
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Songs Of Divine Love 2h
To turn to Me in .
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Kimberly Feb 23
Your significance is not in your earthly fame but it’s in your Heavenly Father’s name.
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A1 Affordable Bail Feb 25
Take time to be thankful today. God has given you another day to bless others!
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Chris F 1h
Liturgy of the Hours, Part 3 - The Breviary. Learn about the Breviary, and how we can chose one for our needs.
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Lydia K 2h
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