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William Bender, FCSI 31s
SRO for ,FCSI ssafsd presentation: Smoke Your Competition - Thinking Outside The Kitchen 2.0.
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The Global Organizer 3h
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Prabhu Kumaar (PK) ✨ 16h
What is the ideal age for starting a startup? Most people would be answering somewhere in the 20s. Few may add a few more years over it considering the industry experience. But research shows the average age of successful founder is 42. Youtube:
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Doris Perdue-Johnson 2h
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Craig Cherlet 4h
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Shashi Kumar 2h
& in Tech you already have a fully formed strategy, or you’re thinking about D&I for the first time, this simple guide will help you to plan, deploy, monitor and improve your strategy "
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Crypto News Globally 19h
CX customers demand answers after ’s . ... Angry are after a Canadian CEO died without sharing one vital . Gerald Cotten — known as “Gerry” to friends — was the founder of Quadriga CX, which launched in 2013.
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Gianpiero Massa Tofo 1h
For the last eight years WeChat has been at the forefront of social innovation Zhang ✨ Jobs 🇨🇳 by GP
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Clive Girdham 3h
How to Build Rapid Rapport with Even the Most Difficult Clients at Building rapport is much more than ‘mirroring, matching, and leading’
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Sir Syed Foundation(SSF NGO) Feb 5
Aligarh Team of SSF NGO felicitated the Founder & CO-Patron Mr.Mohd Ibrahim Alig Sir by presenting the shawl & Portrait of Baba-e-Qaum, Baani-e-Darsgah Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Shb, for his outstanding contribution.
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Young & Cerebral 9h
Bosun Tijani is the founder and Chief Executive of Co-Creation Hub Nigeria (CcHUB). He is an innovation expert who has invested the last 15 years evangelising an industry-wide shift to technology innovation, which has helped position start-ups.
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NewsRoutine 6h
Crypto Exchange Founder Dies In Jaipur, 1000 Crores Stuck Behind Passwords
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xavier 📶 12h
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Jeremy 2h
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Beta Boom 8m
“Leadership means to empower people who are more talented than you and who inspire you” With Rachel Slater, Chief Innovation Officer at Linium
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ALPHA Social Media Management 1h
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Wired Within🌞 2h
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Smiling Barracuda 8h
Welcome, Paul Custance, of to our chapter of Smiling Barracuda's Founders' Club!
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FemGems Podcast 15h
Her team spent 2 years in , chasing the but let go of it in when she became a . Now she's on , and we're happy to talk to her exactly in this phase! If you're thinking 'On maternity leave as a ?!' – that's your !
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