Cross-Device Targeting and Tracking

Cross-Device targeting and tracking gives you the ability to reach users on multiple touch points, providing a seamless experience across all devices. The Trade Desk offers a holistic solution to reach relevant users on the channels that lead them to conversion.

Reach more shoppers on more devices than ever before, while getting the credit you deserve for conversions.

Cross-Device Marketing Across The Trade Desk's Holistic Platform

Reach more shoppers on more devices than ever before while getting the credit you deserve for conversions.

We’ve partnered with the leaders in cross-device data to bring you a holistic solution based on deterministic and probabilistic matching capabilities. Select the partner or multiple partners that are right for you based on their regional coverage, graph size, device types, and more.

Cross-Device Attribution, Targeting, and Frequency Capping

Give Mom the seamless online experience she needs throughout her busy day as she jumps from device to device researching the hottest toy trends before clicking “Buy.”

You have the power to make her online experience relevant and enjoyable by controlling the frequency of your message across all devices. Plus, once Mom makes the purchase, the cross-channel ads you served leading up to the conversion get credit for helping her make the final decision.

Everything you need to achieve a successful omnichannel campaign is available on a single platform with The Trade Desk.

What to expect from cross-device targeting:

  • Reach users on mobile, video, display, and TV
  • Extend the reach of your retargeting audience
  • Expand behavioral targeting audiences to additional devices
  • Extend the reach of your AudiencePredictorTM audience

Start attributing conversions to the appropriate devices today by measuring:

  • In-app clicks directing users to mobile web landing pages
  • In-app clicks directing users to mobile web pages within the app
  • Mobile browser clicks, in either mobile web or mobile-optimized web, directing users to another browser page or app
  • In-app clicks directing users to mobile web landing pages or pages inside the app. User changes devices and navigates to the same landing page and converts.

Maintain complete control of your campaign, down to the number of interactions with your ads.

Cross-device increases your audience size giving you the opportunity to reach the same user on more devices. Tie that opportunity into your frequency strategy to ensure your increased reach is met with the ap-propriate number of touchpoints.


Beat the Holiday Rush by Reaching Shoppers Across Devices
Kathleen Comer, GM of Client Services, The Trade Desk
Host: Mobile Marketing Association

Cross-Device Cross-Examined

Cross-Device Cross-Examined
David Danziger, VP of Enterprise Partnerships, The Trade Desk
Paul Turner, Chief Commercial Officer, Adbrain
Tim Abraham, VP of Product Strategy & Partnerships, Adbrain
Host: Adweek

Expand retargeting reach within a user's circle of influence.

Household Extension