Do or Die

Do or Die Issue 8

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Friday June 18th 1999

Friday June 18th 1999 (p. 1)
Confronting Capital and Smashing the State!
Autonomous Actions and Anarchy (p. 13)
Carnival Against Capital (p. 18)
The Great liberty Riot [1780] (p. 23)
June 18th (p. 24)
A cartoon story of experiences in London.
The Intercontinental Caravan (p. 28)
A Critical Analysis.
Global Day of Action (p. 30)
Round-up of reports.

Globalisation (p. 35)
Origins - History - Analysis - Resistance.

These Islands

Animal Antics (p. 55)
Beasts Go Ballistic!
Tunnels of the World (p. 58)
A picture story of subterranean refuges and rebellion.
Going Underground (p. 60)
Some Thoughts on Tunnelling as a Tactic.
Leave it to Beaver! (p. 62)
Rodents on the Rebound.
Pirate Utopias (p. 63)
Under the Banner of King Death!
Let Patriarchy Burn! (p. 79)
A Feminist Rant.
We Will Destroy Genetic Engineering (p. 89)
The New Luddite War.
It All Began On Mayday (p. 105)
The First Year of Tyneside Action for People and Planet.
Biodiversity (p. 109)
and its Loss... What Does it all Really Mean?
Biocentrism (p. 121)
Ideology Against Nature.
Sabbing Shell (p. 125)
Office Occupation A-Go-Go!
Autonomous Spaces (p. 130)
There's a Storm Brewing in Every Teacup.
No Rent, No Government (p. 133)
Stories of Squatting.
Desire is Speaking (p. 137)
An overview of European squat-punk culture.
War is the Health of the State (p. 141)
An Open Letter to the UK Direct Action Movement.
Carry On Camping (p. 148)
A Roundup of British Direct Action Sites.
Comments on Camps (p. 155)
Out of Site, Out of Mind?
Take a Sad Song and Make it Better? (p. 159)
Ecological Restoration in the UK.
Restoration Roundup (p. 174)
A Directory for Re-Healing the Wild.
Park Life in South London (p. 189)
The Story of the Defence of Crystal Palace.

Other Islands

Street Parties and Sausages (p. 195)
News from Germany.
Peace On Bougainville (p. 201)
Ceasefire Holds but Rebels Remain Cautious.
Biting the Bullet (p. 208)
Hunt Sabbing in Sweden.
Action and Insurgency (p. 209)
An Interview with a Nepalese Activist.
A Look at Eastern Europe (p. 216)
From Rioting Farmers to Rabid Fascists.
Direct Action in Israel (p. 221)
Impressions from a Roving EF!er.
Mamberamo Madness (p. 225)
Progress and Resistance in West Papua
Rumble In The Jungle (p. 229)
Fighting for Freedom in West Papua with the OPM.
Barbed Wire and Barricades (p. 245)
When it all Kicked Off in Kiwi.
Easton Cowboys Go West (p. 248)
Revolutionary Footballers in Mexico.
Green Belt Uprising (p. 250)
Kenyan Kaos in Karura.
Taking The Pisces (p. 251)
Struggles of the Fishworkers of India.
Big Trouble for Big Oil (p. 260)
Chevron Up Shit Creek in Niger Delta.
Tribal Roundup (p. 263)
Last Call For Freedom.
Un-American Activities (p. 278)
Subverting the Great Satan.

Other Stuff

Paranoid Androids? (p. 289)
One Nation Under a Barcode, the new masking-up laws, millennial madness and lessons from the North of Ireland.
Prisoners Of War (p. 295)
Contact details for long term eco-prisoners and what you can do to support them.
Book Reviews (p. 299)
Against Civilisation, edited by John Zerzan
Copse, by Kate Evans and Friends
Dole Autonomy versus the Re-Imposition of Work: analysis of the current tendency to workfare in the UK, by Aufheben
Earth First! and the Anti-Roads Movement, by Derek Wall
Pacifism As Pathology and Profane Existence - The Best Cuts, by Ward Churchill
From Knapping to Crapping: (p. 310)
Reviews of over 200 practical skills books covering loads you might like to learn - and a few things you probably wouldn't!
Lettuce To The Cabbage (p. 333)
Whinges from our readers.
Contacts (p. 341)
Group contacts so that you can get involved in the action.

Do or Die DTP/web team: