Do or Die

An article from Do or Die Issue 7. In the paper edition, this article appears on page(s) 136-138.

Prisoners of War


"Until all are free, all are imprisoned!"

We believe all prisoners are inside for inherently political reasons, as both the concept and the reality of justice and punishment are political and central to the functioning of this system. Sadly we can only cover a fraction of those inside, so for practical reasons we are limiting it to those imprisoned for their involvement in ecological, anti-nuclear/military, animal liberation, anti-fascist/racist, anti-state and indigenous people's struggles. We apologise to the people we have missed off the list - please let us know of any alterations for the next issue.

For more comprehensive listings and details we urge readers to contact the specialist prisoner support groups listed at the end of this article. Prisoner support is one of the most important aspects of political activity, and one of the most neglected, so read the listings below, get in touch and help out with their work, donate money or do whatever you can, but most of all, remember: 'Write to a prisoner - not your MP!'

Prisoners in UK prisons Picture

Dave Callendar HV3314, HMP Birmingham, Winston Green Road, Birmingham, B18 4AS. ALF prisoner who's had his ten year sentence cut by two.

John Wesley Davis CH4539 (Inverness John), CH4539, HMP Altcourse, Fazackersley, Liverpool, L9. Sentenced to 12 months for offences relating to an incident at the anti-Manchester runway camps.

Albert Dryden CK0635, HMP Frankland, Durham. Serving life for killing a council official and wounding a cop and BBC reporter when they came round to demolish his house because of planning permission.

Michael Green AV2923, HMP Ashwell, Oakham, Leicestershire, LE15 7LF. Serving 5 years for arson at a slaughterhouse and attempted arson of cattletrucks.

Barry Horne VC2141, HMP Bristol, Cambridge Road, Bristol, BS7 8PS. ALF activist sentenced to 18 years for arson at various places on the Isle of Wight and attempted arson in Bristol.

Keith Mann EE3588, HMP Long Lartin, South Littleton, Evesham, Worcs., WR11 5TZ. ALF activist serving 11 years for criminal damage, attempted incitement, attempted arson, possession of explosive materials and escaping from custody! (Has support group - see below.)

Noel Molland CK4321, HMP Channings Wood, Denbury, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6DW. Saxon Wood CK4322, HMP Guys Marsh, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 0AH. Steve Booth CK4323, HMP Lancaster Castle, Lancaster, LA1 1YL. All three are editors of Green Anarchist magazine and have been sentenced to 3 years for 'conspiracy to incite persons unknown to commit criminal damage' by publishing reports of direct action. (There is a growing tide of support for these three writers jailed for reporting direct action. See article on page 129 of this issue of DoD and also the GANDALF support groups below.)

Saptal Ram E94164, HMP Nottingham, Perry Road, Sherwood, Nottinghamshire, NG5 3AG. Saptal was given a life sentence eleven years ago for defending himself against a racist attacker who died. Simon Richards BH4011, HMP Blundeston, Lowestoft, Suffolk. Was at Guildford anti-road camp. Currently in for 4 years for animal liberation actions.

Geoff Sheppard MD1030, HMP Parkhurst, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5NX. ALF prisoner serving 7 years for possession of a shotgun and materials for making incendiary devices.

Barbara Trenholm RL1292, HMP Durham, Old Elvet, Durham, DH1 3HU. Animal liberationist sentenced to 10 years for conspiracy to commit arson.

Ian Williamson CH5067, HMP Altcourse, Fazackersley, Liverpool, L9. Sentenced to 12 months after incidents at the resistance to the construction of the runway at Manchester.

Justin Wright CE3046, HMP YOI, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL. Same charge and sentence as Barbara Trenholm.

Overseas prisoners

Merle Austin Africa #006306, Debbie Sims Africa #006307, Janet Holloway Africa #006308 and Janine Phillips Africa #00309 all at: 451 Fullerton Ave., Cambridge Springs, PA. 16403-1238, USA. Michael Davis Africa #AM4973 and Charles Simms Africa #AM 4975 both at: PO Box 244, Graterford, PA. 19426-0244, USA. Edward Goodman Africa #AM 4974, PO Box 200, Camp Hill, PA. 17011-0200, USA. Delbert Orr Africa #AM 4985, and William Phillips Africa #4985 both at: Drawer K, Dallas, PA. 18612, USA. All prisoners involved with MOVE, a revolutionary ecological group that started in the early '70's in Philadelphia. The group was consistently persecuted by the state and it culminated in the police firebombing of their commune in 1985 which killed 11 people. (See Friends of MOVE below.)

Mumia Abu-Jamal #AM8335, SCI Greene, 1040 E. Roy Furman Highway, Waynesburg, PA. 15370-8090, USA. Outspoken radical journalist, ex-Black Panther and MOVE supporter framed for shooting a cop. On Death Row. (See page 113 in DoD No.5.)

Rod Coronado #03895000, FCI, Box 23811, Tuscon, AZ 85706, USA. Sea Shepherd/ALF/Native American/Earth First! activist in prison for various actions. (See below for support group.)

Standing Deer #640289, Ellis Unit 1, Huntsville, TX. 77343, USA. Native American activist now in his mid-70's Standing Deer has been in Super-Max prisons for over 20 years. No release date and no parole chances.

Ryan Durfee BA03, c/o Oxbow Jail, Inmate Mail, 3148 South 1100 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119, USA. Mark Klein AA45, c/o Oxbow Jail, Inmate Mail, 3148 South 1100 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119, USA. Jason Troff, Section 9040, c/o SL County Jail, 450 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-3207, USA. All serving 1 year for burning down a McDonalds restaurant that was under construction in West Jordan, Utah.

Ted Kaczynski, c/o Quin Denver, 10th Floor, 801 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. Recently sentenced to life (so avoiding the death penalty) after pleading guilty to being the Unabomber - an anti-technology anarchist that waged a 17 year long bombing campaign against modern society.

Leonard Peltier #89637-132, Springfield Medical Center, 1900 West Sunshine, Box 4000, Springfield, MI. 65808, USA. Targeted by the FBI as a subversive, an American Movement activist framed up and convicted for the murder of two FBI agents in 1973 during an invasion of a Native American reservation. (Has defence group - see below.)

Daniel Ubziti, Iruneako Gartzela, San Roque Kalea z/g, Irunea-Pamplona, Spain. Serving 3 years for a sabotage action against the construction of the Itoiz Dam in the Basque region. (See p.102 in DoD No.6)

Mordechai Vanunu, Ashkelon Prison, PO Box 31417, Jerusalem, Israel. Serving 18 years for exposing Israel's secret nuclear programme. Held in solitary.

Delya Wilson, POB 7236, Bozeman, MT 59771, USA. A US EF! activist facing 2 years in prison.

Helen Woodson, c/o C. Dixon, 3559 County Highway 6, Winconsin Dells, WL 153905, USA. Serving 16 years for holding up a bank with a fake gun, setting fire to the money and denouncing corporate greed and destruction of the environment.

International Prisoner Support Organisations

The Alternative Information Centre, PO Box 31417, Jerusalem, Israel. Palestinian prisoner stuff.

American Friends Service Committee Criminal Justice Program, 972 Broad Street, 6th Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07102, USA. A Quaker group heavily involved in the campaign against the brutal Maximum Control Units in the USA.

Amnesty International, 99-119 Rosebury Avenue, London, EC1R 4RE, UK. Liberal reformist organisation, but has lots of overseas branches with good information/resources on overseas stuff.

Anarchist Black Cross, c/o 121 Railton Road, London, SE24 OLR, UK. National and international anarchist network for prisoner support. Produce the excellent magazine 'Taking Liberties.'

Animal Liberation Front Support Group, BCM 1160, London, WC1N 3XX, UK. Deals with the obvious - so safeguard your personal security.

Apache/ABC, c/o PADI-BP 232, 75624, Paris CEDEX 13, France. Anarchist magazine - in French - with information on prisoners and prison resistance.

Bayou La Rose, PO Box 5464, Tacoma, WA 98415-0464, USA. Native American prisoner information.

Collectivo Anti-Militarista Pro Insumission (CAMPI), Chino/El Lokal, Calle De La Cera 1, 08001 Barcelona, Spain. Support group for people refusing military conscription in Spain where hundreds are imprisoned annually. (See page 102 'Ecology in Euskadi' in DoD No. 6)

Conviction, PO Box 522, Sheffield, S1 3FF, UK. Independent group focusing on framed prisoners.

Crossroad, 1340 West Ervin Park Road, Suite 108, Chicago IL 60657-8172, USA. Newspaper with information and articles from black prisoners in the USA.

Earth Liberation Prisoners, BM HEAL, London, WC1N 3XX, UK. Produces the invaluable 'Spirit of Freedom' newsletter which covers prisoners inside for actions with an ecological slant.

Friends of MOVE, PO Box 14129, London, W12 8GR, UK. The UK support group for MOVE, the eco-anarchist group in the USA, who were/are persecuted by the authorities in Philadelphia. (See above list.)

Fuascailt, PO Box 3923, London, NW5 1RA, UK. Irish prisoners of war - remember personal security!

Gandalf Defendants Campaign, PO Box 66, Stevenage, SG1 2TR, UK and also London Gandalf Support Campaign, c/o London Greenpeace, Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant, London, WC1X OAP, UK. Support for the jailed editors of Green Anarchist. (See above list and page 129 of this issue.)

Haven Books to Prisoners, BM Haven, London, WC1N 3XX, UK. A free books to prisoners scheme - donations of books, magazines etc. always welcome.

John Perotti Defence Fund, c/o 29 Sterlochy Street, Findochty, Buckie, Banffshire, Scotland, AB56 4PQ, UK. Support for anarchist experiencing immense harrasment for his USA 'jailhouse lawyer' activities.

Justice For Keith Mann, PO Box 3690, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8NW, UK. Campaign supporting Keith Mann, an animal liberationist imprisoned for a long time. (See above list.)

Justice For Women, 55 Rathcoole Gardens, London, N8 9NE, UK. Focuses on women imprisoned for defending themselves against abuse.

Kurdistan Information Centre, 10 Glasshouse Yard, London, EC1A 4JN, UK. Kurdish - and possibly some Turkish - prisoner support.

Leonard Peltier Defence Committee, PO Box 583, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA. Support for Leonard - a Native American framed by the FBI for the death of two of their agents at the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation. (See above list.)

M25 Three Campaign, c/o 28 Grimsell Path, London, SE5 OTB, UK. Frame up of three people for murder - ho hum... strangely enough they're all black.

North American Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group, PO Box 69597, 5845 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario M2M 4K3, Canada. North American version of ALFSG.

Peace Prisoner Support, c/o 16 Sholebroke Avenue, Leeds, LS7 3HB, UK. Covers news of people in court and/or imprisoned for anti-military/nuclear actions.

Prison News Service, c/o Bulldozer, PO Box 5052, Stn. A, Toronto, Ontario MSW 1WF, Canada. Newspaper mainly written by prisoners. Has information on prison struggles in the USA and Canada.

Rod Coronado Support Committee, PO Box 1891, Tucson, AZ 85702, USA. E-mail: Support for Rod, an amazing EF!/Sea Shepherd/ALF/ Native American activist. (See above list.)

Solidarity, PO Box 50633, Thessaloniki 54013, Greece. Magazine on anarchist/political prisoners from the thriving Greek anarchist scene.

Vegan Prisoners Supporters Group, PO Box 194, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 3HD, UK. As it says - support for vegan prisoners.

Winston Silcott Defence Campaign, c/o The Selby Centre, Selby Road, Tottenham, London, N19, UK. Defence campaign for Winston - framed for murder after defending himself from a racist attack.

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