Do or Die

Do or Die Issue 5

Some photos, illustrations and other images from the paper edition are not yet included on the website.

Idiotorial [p. 3]

An Open Letter to the Minister for Transport [p. 5]
An anonymous communiqué received by us from the enemies of car culture to their chief enemy.

Regional Round-up

Pollock Free State Lives On! [p. 7]
The latest news from the campaign against the construction of the M77 though Pollock Estate in Glasgow.
It's (Not Really That) Grim up North! [p. 11]
Possibly the world's largest tree village resists the M65 extension in Stanworth Valley. Plus more Northern direct actions successes.
Midlands Report [p. 15]
Action camps, hunt sabbing, squatting, street reclaiming, ethical shoplifting and more from Nottingham, Birmingham, Northampton and Derby.
Meanwhile Down in the West Country… [p. 17]
The anti-opencast struggle, continuing actions at Solsbury Hill, Luddite history, the Wells "relief" road, and protest sites against the A30 in Devon.
London Regional Report [p. 23]
Reclaiming the streets of the big smoke with the first two London street parties. Plus Critical Mass, squatting, car bouncing and more!
Be' Si'n Bod Yn Gymru? ...or What's Going on in Wales? [p. 27]
Communities get organised to stop the Valleys being turned into a moonscape by open cast mining. Plus, the absurdity of the Cardiff Bay barrage and more action than you can shake a stick at!
South East Report [p. 32]
Mass opposition to live exports, burning fences and stopping rallying on the Downs, plus the growing Newbury camps.

Other Islands

World Roundup [p. 35]
Resistance is global. Here are stories of people fighting for the earth from every corner of the earth.
Report from Across the Atlantic [p. 40]
A round-up of ecological action from the USA, Mexico and Canada.
Vancouver Earth First! News [p. 42]
Locking down to defend Burns Bog and stopping the killing of wolves in "British Colombia".
Anatopia: Anarchy and Mercedes in Germany [p. 43]
Squatted village defends moorland against the construction of a giant test track for Mercedes.
What a Joke! The Berlin Climate Conference Conference [p. 45]
British EF!ers join the protests organised against the greenwash of the UN Climate Conference.
Symbiosis [p. 47]
Ants and pineapples show us the way - everything in nature is interconnected.
DuPont's Plans in Goa Go Up in Smoke [p. 48]
Factory burning in India as villagers beat America's largest chemicals multinational.
Reprieve for Polish Bialowieza Forest [p. 50]
Europe's last surviving lowland old-growth forest spared the chop thanks to pressure from eco-activists.

Feature Articles

The Eternal Threat: Biodiversity Loss and the Fragmentation of The Wild [p. 51]
A look at the science of "island biogeography": the splitting up of habitats into 'islands'. Continuous tracts of wilderness are necessary for ecological survival.
Bougainville: A Sad and Silent Tragedy in the South Pacific [p. 59]
For six years the ecological revolutionaries of the small island of Bougainville have been fighting a war against Papua New Guinea, backed by the Australian military and the world's biggest mining corporation.
David Bellamy Exposed! [p. 63]
Digging the dirt on so-called "ecologist" David Bellamy - in reality an ally of the multinationals and the rich.
Critical Mass: Reclaiming Space and Combating the Car [p. 65]
Cyclists take to the streets to stop pollution and re-discover cities without cars.
The Great Experiment [p. 68]
The scary but true story of the scientists who want to "engineer" the climate...
Sick Bastards [p. 69]
People cannot be slaves while they still have land. The tearing of the people from the land is the key to our sick society.
Manifesto of the Phantom Tree Planters [p. 70]
Take direct action to reverse deforestation!
Animal Antics [p. 71]
Beasts vs. bipeds? No Contest!
Tree Spirit and Earth Repair [p. 72]
As well as fighting ecological destruction we need to be involved in ecological restoration. An account of the group Tree Spirit who are doing just that.
Dancing with Dollars [p. 74]
Kevin Costner pretends to care about Native Americans but plans to profit from the destruction of forests sacred to the Lakota people.
From Other Sources [p. 74]
Radical ecology can be found in the unlikeliest places…
Shoreham: Live Exports and Community Defence [p. 75]
A first-hand account of the massive wave of militant action against the export of animals for slaughter through the port of Shoreham, on the South Coast of England.
Feral [p. 82]
John Zerzan explains why we need to re-wild ourselves and escape the dead clutches of civilization.
Cyber Nora [p. 83]
Computer hackers crash the system.
It's Later Than You Think [p. 84]
An account of recent police harassment of militant greens and animal liberationists.
Lettuce to the Cabbage [p. 87]
Letters from our readers.


Going Green: How to communicate your company's environmental commitment, by E. Bruce Harrison [p. 95]
The king of PR greenwashing tells corporations how to appear green while carrying on business as usual.
Coastway 2000, from East Sussex Transport 2000 and Alarm! UK [p. 99]
Liberal lobby groups propose remedies for the transport crisis - what do radical ecologists think?
More Resources - Essential magazines, books and videos for every eco-warrior [p. 100]
Earth Warrior: Overboard with Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
US Army Improvised Munitions Handbook
Green History: A reader in environmental literature, philosophy and politics
Proletarian Gob
Squall: Magazine for assorted itinerants
Aufheben 4
Undercurrents 3
The Book, from Justice?/SchNEWS
Conscious Cinema
Food for Free, by Richard Mabey
Dead Trees EF! [p. 104]
Books and Pamphlets available from Dead Trees distribution.
Agenda 21 Exposed
Third Way
Instinkt, Winter/Spring 95
Alarm: A journal of revolutionary ecology
Claremont Road E11: A festival of resistance
Live Wild or Die, No. 5
Faslane Focus
Road Alert! 3
Fifth Estate, Winter 1995
Anything Can Happen, by Fredy Perlman
Zapatistas: In their own words
Devastate to Liberate or Devastatingly Liberal
Dear Motorist: The social ideology of the motor car, by Andre Gorz
Away With All Cars, by Mr Social Control
The End of the Beginning - Claremont Road: E11 not M11
Future Primitive, by John Zerzan
Stopping the Industrial Hydra - Revolution against the megamachine, by George Bradford
Struggle One
Smashing the Image Factory: A manual of billboard subversion
Prisoners Of War [p. 111]
Anti-M11ers jailed
Sea Shepherd crew member arrested in Norway
Native American animal liberationist Rod Coronado captured after two years on the run
Chicago activist Lise Olsen fitted up
Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Struggle Must Continue [p. 113]
Black eco-revolutionary Mumia is on death row in America. His life was saved (for now) by international action. Now we must demand his freedom.
Contacts [p. 117]
Eco- direct action groups in Britain and across the world.

(Graphic) Become an Urban Shaman [p. 2]

(Advert) DS4A - Distribution with Attitude [p. 16]

(Advert) Boom Creation: A History & Analysis of the Campaign against the M11 link [p. 26]

(Graphic) Micromodels [p. 81]

(Graphic) Whose Justice? [p. 110]

(Graphic) Why Monkeywrench? [inside back cover]

(Graphic) Vorsprung Durch Technik [back cover]

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