Posts Tagged ‘Berlin’

Berlin: War on the war! Fire for DGAP – German Society for Foreign Politics (Germany)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

With this we take responsibility for the incendiary device we placed in front of the building of the German Society for Foreign Politics (DGAP) in Drake-/Rauchstraße (Tiergarten) in the night of 21.8.18.

13 litres of a petrol-oil-mixture shall be the beginning of putting an end to the undisturbed and fearless existence of the DGAP as a political advisor of the German war society.

Since the beginning of this year increased attacks against the war industry, their profiteers and financiers take and took place over all the German controlled territory. We join these attacks and let the fire speak from our side. War starts here! War on the war!

War starts here, in the halls of politics. War starts everywhere, where people throw away their empathy, to profit from the globalized misery. In the war-industry, the thinktanks of science, in the faceless administration of bureaucracy, in the form of uniformed slaves, who receive and obey orders in rank and file. War starts between human beings, when concurrence and aspiration to power reigns over solidarity and the free development of the individual.

German Security – Profit through war

Through the choice of the DGAP as the target of our incendiary device we declare the ideological architects of German-European hegemonic politics, the scientists and forerunners of a security paradigm which works with as well as alongside of warmongers and in this way are our enemies. What they declare about security is not ours. Their foreign policy is a policy of order. And their order needs tanks against uprisings and frigates against inflatable dinghies, it builds fences against the suppressed and works continuously to extend their ongoing misery. (more…)

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Car Belonging to Police and Military Supplier Dräger Torched in Berlin (Germany)

Monday, July 16th, 2018

16.07.18: Last night a car belonging to the company Dräger was torched on Hänsel street in Baumschulenweg. Among other things, this corporation that is listed on the stock exchange, manufactures gas masks for police and military use.

In 2010, Dräger locations in Berlin and Cologne were attacked with paint:

“We hit Dräger because it is one of the biggest supporters of the international torture and murder scene, and in addition to sponsoring the police congrees, Dräger is also a leading international security and medical technology company”.

From the Dräger annual report:

“Demand for our products increased in 2017, especially in Poland, Great Britain, Austria and Germany, as well as in Romania, Russia and Turkey…The increased demand for security products in particular contributed to the positive development of an increase in orders for medical technology too”.

Freedom For All G20 Prisoners!


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Berlin, Germany: Incendiary Actions Against Telekom, Deutsche Bahn and Vodafone

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Berlin, June 2018

Restructuring power via digitization is in full swing. Hardly anything that cannot be complemented by a ‘smart’ in its name and thus a new place in this world has escaped this process. Everything is networked. Cameras, sensors and chips are constantly sending and letting things communicate. ‘Big Data’ is the currency of tomorrow. Even our relationships, actions and thinking are permanently exposed to digital access. Reduced to information, we feed the algorithms of the machines, helping to make the future manageable and controllable.

It’s not always easy to hold on to the possibility of destroying this system as the rapid pace of the technological attack is widening and the net of domination stretches around us. All the more important are the moments of counterattack to reject the powerlessness that is spreading in the face of current developments. So we are all the more pleased that the answers to the misery produced by the colonization of the world via techno-industrial hegemony are found again and again in Berlin. Within the context of the planned Google campus in Kreuzberg, a fight has developed that is not only aimed at the tech giants and their universe, but also at the social level. Self-organization, direct communication and the power of the attack are the means of choice. Various acts of sabotage, such as the one last March by ‘Vulkangruppe NetzHerrschaft zerreißen’ have shown that the infrastructure of the flow of goods, communication and data networks is vulnerable and can be disrupted by arson attacks against cable networks and sensitive radio antennas. (more…)

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Soli-text from R94, Berlin, to Insurrection Festival, Athens (Germany, Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

They call it „Dangerzone“* – but it is just an ungovernable neigbourhood

Greetings from Berlin to Athens

We, individuals and groups from the Rigaer Street, welcome the initiative, to start a discussion about an insurrection and fill it with experiences from the past, current theories and practical possibilities. This is how we understood the call for the Insurrection Festival in Athens.

In the program, we discovered several aspects, that we in the Nordkiez of Friedrichshain are engaged in. There is no anarchist, anti authoritarian or left radical movement in Berlin, there is just a scene. The dullness of the majority of a fascist society, makes it complicated to get moving. In order to destroy overall power structures, we need to search for the confrontation in our local communities. A concentration of people, ideas and structures working against the state, are necessary to be able to protect oneself from outside aggression and be able to actually develop. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin: Solidarity with Athens Squats – Pig Patrol attacked on Rigaer (Germany)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

In the evening of March 15, International Day against Police Violence, we attacked a prowling Riot Police van in the „dangerzone“ (label used by authorities for this Friedrichshain area) of Rigaer Street with many stones.

This was to send a small message of solidarity to the evicted squats in Athens, Villa Zografou and Alkiviadou Squat.

After the attack we left this area and learned from scum media, that a police helicopter came to Friedrichshain in order to find us and that this helicopter was attacked with laserpointer, what resulted in the arrest of three people.

Police started the war in our areas long ago, we must face this aggression. The execution of Hussam Fadel Hossein, Iraqi refugee, in the refugee camp of Kruppstraße in Berlin, on September 27. last year by police officers is one of many connections to the evicted Alkiviado Squat, that resulted in the arrest of many refugees.

And the eviction of Villa Zografou is the connection to the struggle of house projects in Friedrichshain against daily police aggression.

Anarchy and attack

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Berlin: Attack against Securitas in the context of the Global Anarchist Urban Guerrilla (Germany)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Bon Soir!

On the evening of the 28th of February, six Securitas (private security company) vehicles were torched at Anhalter railway station. Securitas have been gaurding the entry to the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse in Kreuzberg, Berlin for two years, forcing the remaining refugees to a jail-like existence. Through constant displays and harassment of the residents, their number has been constantly reduced – many have disappeared in jail, have been deported or have a house ban.

If we were able to identify more deeply with society’s slaves we would now complain that ‘guarding’ costs millions of euros for taxpayers. But no. Then we would have to complain about the bad working conditions in the security sector. On the contrary we are working on the destruction of the bridges of this society, which are still being preserved via the security sector in order to integrate even the partly autonomous milieus with reluctant practice. (more…)

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Berlin: Arson attack on a police station against the Police Congress & the G20 Summit (Germany)

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

18.02.17: On February 21/22 the European Police Congress will take place for the 20th time in Berlin. On this occasion at the Berlin Congress Center (BCC), war mongers, human hunters and security fanatics meet to propagate their despicable machinations.

In addition to Thomas Thomas de Maizière, the Federal Minister of the Interior and Hans-Georg Maaßen, the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, agents and guards of all types will be represented by Europol, Frontex, BKA, LKAs and many other authorities. Also present will be lobbyists, entrepreneurs and war ministries such as Heckler & Koch, Taser, Rheinmetal and developers of monitoring software and communications technology such as SAP, IBM and Vodafone will also be present.

Under the slogan – Europe limitless? Freedom, mobility, security – the coming campaigns in which authority is put into position will be discussed and the appropriate technologies and weapons will be brought into the field.
Words such as limitless, freedom and mobility are above all the transnational cooperation of the repressive European bodies, the exchange of data and knowledge and the militarization of Europe and its external borders. (more…)

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Berlin: Let smoke signals speak… French diplomatic vehicle torched by ‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’- FAI (Germany)

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Armed with an incendiary device, we rode through the streets of Berlin on a frosty night looking for a target for which we could say that we are fighting the struggles of our unknown comrades against the CIGÉO nuclear dump in the woods of Bure, in the ZAD and against the French state of emergency as a whole and express our solidarity.
We also support other anarchist interventions on the continent of Europe, such as Revolutionary Struggle in Greece.

So we torched a diplomatic vehicle of the French Embassy at the Willmanndamm in Schöneberg last night, with which we would like to greet the prisoner Damien Camélio, as well as Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou who were recently arrested in Athens, for whose freedom all states must be combated, and for who we will continue to act diligently.

This is also a call to use the G20 in Hamburg to coordinate our theory and praxis in order to reach a continuing anarchist offensive in all areas beyond the July meeting.

The French piece of shit who wants to represent his regime at the G20 in Hamburg is of course just as welcome as any other power. We advise the diplomats of Berlin to hide in gated communities.

‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’ – FAI

Berlin 06-02-2017

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94
in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods.
Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year
bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system.
In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles, we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).
This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.
Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.
This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and datamining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin: Arson attacks against Sodexo and Vodafone in solidarity with prisoners and for a world free from rulers (Germany)

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Berlin, January 6, 2017

Different reasons have caused us to express ourselves again, even if the resources used, in terms of material expenditure and ‘man’ power were very small. One of these reasons is the ‘message barrier’ which was partly imposed on militant actions. Anonymous comrades of the ‘Autonomous Groups’ already pointed this out in the framework of their attack against the Ordnungsamt (public order police) on 25.12.16.

In the meantime, it should be clear to the authorities that the two torched vans did not fall victim to a technical defect on ‘company premises’ on Sewanstraße as they initially suspected but were torched using fire accelerators. One on the right front tire and one on the right rear tire. The vehicles belong to the company Sodexo whose activity in the prison industry has been reported several times, which is why they have been repeatedly subjected to militant actions.

We hope that there was damage to the building structure and we want to emphasize that we are not interested in frightening the workers. As a character mask of the capitalist social formation they contribute to the continuation of the same but only to a limited extent.

This attack is to be understood as a small flame of solidarity with the diverse range of people affected by repression. Examples include the revolting / striking prisoners in the USA. Also in the exceptional condition, due to the riots of the inmates, are some prisons in the UK.

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Berlin: Arson attack against a police station in memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos (Germany)

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

A Christmas present for the cops

In remembrance of Alexis who was murdered by the cops in Athens 8 years ago we have visited the friends of his murderers in the immediate vicinity of the Alexanderplatz and left 10 liters of petrol as a gift at the entrance door.
The solidarity of this action also applies to our prisoners who are sitting in jail because of the bank expropriation and are waiting to be sentenced by the executioners.
More solidarity greetings to Tuna, Balu, Cem and Ali.

We have noted with joy that in Leipzig last night some other people decided to attack the state and it’s lackeys.

Government institutions! See you in Hamburg!

For freedom!

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Freiheit für Musa Aşoğlu! Kundgebung am Freitag in Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

Freiheit für Musa Aşoğlu!

Kommt zur Kundgebung am Freitag, den 9. Dezember 2016 um 15.00 Uhr vor dem Justizministerium, Mohrenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin

Die Kriminalisierung und Verfolgung von RevolutionärInnen aus der Türkei und aus Kurdistan reißt nicht ab. Während in der BRD zahlreiche Terrorismusprozesse laufen, wurde nun Musa Aşoğlu von den deutschen Behörden festgenommen. (https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/198323)

Am späten Abend des 02. Dezember wurde der 55 jährige Musa Aşoğlu gegen 22.30 Uhr gemeinsam mit einer weiteren Person vom Bundeskriminalamt im Hamburger Stadtteil St. Georg festgenommen. Die Festnahme erfolgte laut Angaben seines UnterstützerInnenkreises durch das MEK, die Wohnungstür aufgerammt und anschließend die Festnahme durchgeführt hätten. Die Festgenommenen seien danach in ein Hamburger Polizeirevier gebracht worden. Die mit Musa Aşoğlu gemeinsam festgenommene Person sei nach drei Stunden gegen 01.30 Uhr freigelassen worden. Über den Verbleib von Musa Aşoğlu gibt es bisher keine Informationen hieß es. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Attack against arms company Thales (Germany)

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

It is getting warmer, concerning the preparations for a hot July against the G20-Summit. In the night from 11th to 12th November property of the Thales Company was destroyed.

Thales is one of the eleven biggest armaments companies with an annual sales of 14 billion Euros and above this part of some technology programs, like the satellite range Galileo.

Initially conceived only for civil use, like smartphones, navigation systems, etc. decided the European Parliament in July 2008, that this technic should be available to the European Security- and Defense Politics (ESVP). Thales developed the project „Watchkeeper“, too. On commission for the British Forces an unmanned drone (Thales Watchkeeper WK450) was produced. They got ready in 2012 and flew until 2014 some 140 times over Afghanistan and were consistently upgraded in 2016. Since this year it is possible to load the drone with a 2-kg-warhead and laser- and GPS-control. At last the technology from Thales can kill directly. (more…)

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Attack against Deutsche Telekom in Berlin (Germany)

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Eight month before the G20 – Summit in Hamburg, clandestine connections carry out their attacks against the current order in whole Europe every night. Mostly without knowing each other, our fires find similar targets in the hotspots of anarchist subversion, which are placed over the state-owned construct of the European Fortress. Often in a local frame of reference and too rare with the perspective of an international sabotage against the instruments of dominion.

So is the net of people, aggressive and poised to attack, always on the search for opportunities to direct the attacks to a common focus. We should have more courage to arrange to meet us, to travel in order to find places were we get in exchange of ideas and multiply our related experiences. But we want to conduct actions as well in the places where we live, which build relations above the local and specific context, which ignore temporary borders and get incalculable with it. (more…)

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(A-Radio) Presentation: The Prison Strike in the USA 2016

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin, we recorded a presentation about the ongoing prison strike in the United States of America, its backgrounds as well as the methods of support and solidarity that are used in- and outside of prisons. The presentation was held in October 2016 in Berlin.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 57:47 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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