Jess and I took yesterday off and spent some time at Zoo Miami, formerly known as the Miami Metro Zoo. It was really hot and we made the mistake of walking the entire thing instead of paying the $2 for the train or renting of these crazy two-seater bicycles.

I love zoos. Penguins and giraffes are my favorites, but we didn’t see any penguins. It was kind of a sad place because there were so few animals around considering the size of the empty spaces allotted for them. There were lots of empty exhibits, the monorail was broken, and there were no signs to tell you what animals were in what direction.

We did meet a nice man named Ron, who talked to us for a bit about koalas and kangaroos, and we were fortunate enough to get really close to a few animals that were relaxing near their windows to freedom. I took some pictures with my iPhone 4 (with HDR turned on) and shot about 2 minutes of video of a Galapagos turtle walking, slowly, into a wading pool.

Here’s the pics: