About the prize

This award has been made possible by a generous gift to the University of Sydney by David Harold Tribe, author and humanist, to promote the writing of fiction in Australia. The award provides writers with funds that might enable them to further their education in the field of fiction, to continue to refine their work as creative writers, and to improve the general public's appreciation of Australian fiction. 

  • Closing date for submissions is 2 August 2019, 11.59pm (AEST)
  • The prize will be presented to the person with the best original work of fiction of literary merit, on any theme, between 3000 and 5000 words submitted to the Department of English, provided that the judging panel is of the opinion that the work is of sufficient merit to warrant the award being made
  • The judges for the 2019 award are Bernard Cohen, Mireille Juchau and Beth Yahp 
  • The winner will receive $12,000
  • The winning work will be published in Southerly
  • The winning entry will be announced on 8 November 2019

Please read and agree to the conditions of entry before submitting work

Conditions of Entry

  • This award is for an original, previously unpublished work of fiction between 3000 - 5000 words, completed not earlier than three years before the closing date by a person normally resident in Australia during the four years prior to the submission of the work of fiction
  • Only one entry per writer will be accepted
  • Entry is free
  • Previously published or prize-winning works of fiction will not be accepted
  • Entries must not be under consideration for other publications or awards
  • The writer must present the entry under their own name and not under a pseudonym 
  • The writer's name or any other identifying details are not to be included in the manuscript
  • The work should be submitted in one Word or PDF document, font 12 point at least, with page numbers
  • Entries will not be returned
  • Only electronic submissions via Submittable will be accepted
  • The  judges appointed by the university will short-list applications and select a winner 
  • The decision of the judges is final and no further correspondence will be entered into
  • Closing date for submissions is 2 August 2019, 11.59pm (AEST)
  • Late entries will not be considered

 For any further enquiries please email slam.rsvp@sydney.edu.au  (with David Tribe in the subject line)

About the award

This award has been made possible by a generous bequest to the University of Sydney by Helen Anne Bell to fund a biennial award to a female poet. This is the third biennial award made under the Helen Anne Bell Poetry Bequest. 

The 2019 award offers a cash prize of $7,000 and publication with Vagabond Press for a collection of poems between 50 - 80 pages by an Australian woman poet over the age of 18. The manuscript submitted must be “about Australian culture”, broadly defined. The bequest will pay for the publication and launch of the Vagabond Press book. Only one entry is accepted per applicant.

The judges for the Helen Anne Bell Poetry Bequest Award 2019 are Pam Brown, Fiona Hile and Kate Lilley.

Closing date for submissions is 2 August 2019, 11.59pm (AEST).

The winning entry will be announced on 8 November 2019.

Please read the full Conditions of Entry below before submitting your work.

Conditions of Entry

  • Closing date for submissions is 2 August 2019, 11.59pm (AEST)
  • Entry is FREE
  • Only ONE entry per person will be accepted
  • The award is for an original, previously unpublished collection of poems between      50 - 80 pages, “about Australian culture”, broadly defined
  • Applicants must be Australian females over the age of 18
  • Individual poems can have been previously published or won prizes, but the manuscript, as a whole, should be unpublished
  • Entries may be under consideration for publication elsewhere, but if an offer to      publish the manuscript is accepted elsewhere, the applicant should immediately withdraw from the award
  • The writer must present the entry under her own name and NOT under a pseudonym      
  • The entry must be typed (12 point) and submitted in one Word or PDF document
  • The judges will short-list applications and select a winner. The decision of the judges is final, and no further correspondence will be entered into 
  • Applicants may reapply for a subsequent award provided that they have not previously won the award
  • The winner must agree to give a public reading of the works at University of      Sydney
  • Late entries will not be considered
  • Entries will not be accepted by post, email or fax
  • Entries will not be returned
  • All entries to be submitted to: https://slamsydney.submittable.com/submit

For any further enquiries please email slam.rsvp@sydney.edu.au (with Helen Anne Bell in the subject line)

School of Literature, Art, and Media – University of Sydney