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At Open Knowledge International we build tools and nurture communities to develop, share, and use open knowledge — content and data that everyone can use, share and build on.

We want to enable as many people as possible to have access to the information they need and the tools and skills to use it to improve the world. We believe that the best way to have a lasting impact is to build stronger communities of people who will continue to push for change.

But doing this requires time and money. To establish a local group, train data wranglers and employ community managers to rally coders, politicians, journalists and civil servants and work closely with key institutions to help them open up their data requires significant effort and resources. Community support is an area which is especially difficult to resource.

A regular $5 per month donation can help researchers and citizens everywhere to freely access publicly-funded research. $10 per month can help us campaign for everyone to have access to vital information about how public money is spent around the world. $20 per month can help train activists, journalists and citizens to understand, access and work with data on issues they care about.

Supporter FAQ

How else can I support the Open Knowledge Network?

Is my support tax deductible?

  • Depending on where you live, you may be able to claim back tax on your donation to Open Knowledge International, as it is a non-profit organisation.

Where can I find information about your activities?

Can I donate money in other ways?