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Submission Guidelines

The MR Online editors welcome submissions from Monthly Review Press authors, prior contributors to Monthly Review (and MRzine), and new contributors. Preference will be given to submissions fitting the criteria below.

Submission Criteria

  1. Timely critique/analysis of current events.
  2. Original articles (i.e., has not been published online previously).
  3. Length of 2,000 words or less. (Longer submissions will be accepted and may be published in parts to ensure prompt publication.)
  4. Inclusion of references (or hyperlinks) where necessary.
  5. For more theoretical pieces: clear, innovative arguments which show a comprehensive understanding of political economic analysis in the Monthly Review tradition. Productive, critical commentary and/or exchanges are welcome, as is engagement with authors in the comments.

Submission Review

All submissions will be reviewed by the editors before publication. Contributors will be contacted in no more than 3 days (or sooner for timely pieces) after submission. For articles that are accepted, the editor will provide a clear list of requirements that must be addressed promptly to ensure publication.

In some cases submissions may be forwarded to the Monthly Review editors to be considered for print publication. Articles accepted for Monthly Review magazine cannot be published (print or online) in part or in whole prior to the date of publication or it will be removed form consideration immediately. The ultimate publication date is the Monthly Review editors.

Publication Process

The MR Online editors encourage contributors to learn how to use the collaborative editing system. In most cases, this simply involves learning how to log into the MR Online website. Doing so gives contributors the ability to address editor concerns by directly editing the online (pre-publication) version of their article; it also allows the author to browse the entire revision history of their submission.

New contributors will be sent log in credentials immediately after their submission is accepted, along with clear instructions on how to proceed at each step of the process; and the MR Online editors will provide as much assistance as necessary to help authors learn the system. However logging into and using this system is not a requirement of publication.