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Federación Anarquista de Rosario
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / economía Sunday September 02, 2018 - 01:04 by Federación Anarquista de Rosario   image 1 image
Se viven jornadas intensas en nuestro país. En los últimos días una corrida cambiaria ha llevado el dólar a valores que pulverizan los ingresos populares e instalan un escenario de inestabilidad económica y política. Ante esta situación la respuesta del gobierno está supeditada a la reunión que tendrá el martes el Ministro de Economía Dujovne en Washington. Es decir, es claro el rol del gobierno en este momento de ser un simple mensajero de los poderes imperiales. La respuesta que va a obtener de los jefes del norte es previsible: es necesario para los sectores dominantes que se lleve adelante el ajuste de la manera más brutal e inmediata posible. No le basta al “mercado”, con la degradación de nuestros salarios y los miles de despidos; como tampoco le interesa, al parecer, la continuidad del proyecto político de cambiemos. La organización y la movilización popular son la única respuesta para poner un freno a la embestida neoliberal. Desde nuestra organización estaremos promoviendo desde nuestros espacios de inserción la unidad y la acción directa como respuesta inmediata ante el ajuste que seguramente tomará un impulso redoblado. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Monday August 27, 2018 - 10:50 by BrunoL   image 1 image
A partir de 2014 o país se viu diante de um avanço das ideias oriundas daquilo que se convencionou chamar de neoliberalismo selvagem ou ultra liberalismo. Motivos não faltariam para fazer uma lista de pessoas físicas e jurídicas que diuturnamente operam para poluir o debate político com parâmetros estadunidenses ou paradigmas absurdos como da “escola austríaca”. A sociopatia desta gente ultrapassa qualquer possibilidade de diálogo, e justo por isso, para evitar problemas legais e manter o tom da crítica, não vou me referir a nenhum instituto com pessoa jurídica no Brasil, mas às suas ideias gerais assim como uma de suas matrizes no coração do Império, talvez a baboseira mais citada. Fica subentendido do que e a quem se trata e que vistam as devidas carapuças. ... read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα Saturday August 25, 2018 - 22:49 by Ricardo Mella   image 1 image
Τοποθετήστε όλους τους ανθρώπους σε ένα καθεστώς ισότιμων οικονομικών συνθηκών, παρέχοντάς τους όλα τα μέσα παραγωγής και έχετε την αρχή της δικαιοσύνης. Δώστε σε όλους τους ανθρώπους την ελευθερία να διαθέτουν, όπως τους ταιριάζει καλύτερα, τα συναισθήματά τους, τις σκέψεις τους και τα έργα τους και θα έχετε δικαιοσύνη σε όλη την εκπληκτική πληρότητά της. Αυτό λέει ο κολεκτιβισμός, αυτό λέει η αναρχία. ... read full story / add a comment
Μέση Ανατολή / Αραβία / Ιράκ / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος Thursday August 23, 2018 - 23:06 by Unity-Ahdut-Al-Wihdeh   image 1 image
Θα συνεχίσουμε να συμμετέχουμε, ως οργάνωση αλλά και ατομικά, μαζί με τους/τις παλαιστίνιους/ες κατοίκους της Δυτικής Όχθης, με ισραηλινούς/ές και άλλους/ες ακτιβιστές/ριες, στον καθημερινό αγώνα ενάντια σε όλες τις πτυχές της κατοχής και της καταπίεσης στα κατεχόμενα εδάφη του 1967. Θα στηρίξουμε και θα συνεργαστούμε όσο καλύτερα μπορούμε με τον αγώνα των κατοίκων της Γάζας ενάντια στις επιθέσεις του ισραηλινού κράτους και στην ισραηλινό-αιγυπτιακή πολιορκία. Και θα είμαστε ενεργοί/ες εντός των συνόρων του 1948 ενάντια στις διακρίσεις, την καταπίεση και την εκδίωξη των παλαιστινίων εργατών/ριών που έχουν ισραηλινή υπηκοότητα. ... read full story / add a comment
Βόρεια Αμερική / Μεξικό / Καταστολή / Φυλακές Wednesday August 22, 2018 - 22:29 by Μανιφέστο   image 1 image
Πρώτος ο Sacco, πριν εκτελεστεί φώναξε «Ζήτω η αναρχία!» και πρόσθεσε πιο ήρεμος «αντίο γυναίκα μου, παιδιά μου και φίλοι μου». Ο Vanzetti στην ηλεκτρική καρέκλα είπε «Επιθυμώ να δηλώσω ότι είμαι αθώος. Ποτέ δεν διέπραξα έγκλημα, κάποιες αμαρτίες ναι, αλλά ποτέ έγκλημα. Σας ευχαριστώ για όσα κάνατε για μένα. Είμαι αθώος για όλα τα εγκλήματα, όχι μόνο γι’ αυτό αλλά για όλα. Είμαι ένας αθώος άνθρωπος. Τώρα επιθυμώ να συγχωρέσω ορισμένους ανθρώπους γι’ αυτό που μου κάνουν». ... read full story / add a comment
argentina / uruguay / paraguay / workplace struggles Wednesday August 15, 2018 - 02:55 by Jonathan Payn   image 1 image
Around the world the ruling class (capitalists, politicians and state managers) is trying to restore its profits by making the working class pay for the economic crisis. One way capitalists do this is by retrenching workers and making the remaining workers work harder to meet production targets, as well as by attacking wages, working conditions and benefits. States help capitalists do this, among other things, by increasing interest rates while giving corporations tax cuts, commercialising and privatising state owned enterprises and outsourcing the provision of basic services. States also help capitalists by undermining workers’ rights, such as the right to strike, in order to make it more difficult for workers to resist these attacks.

Unions have failed to defend workers from the immediate threat of these attacks (by preventing dismissals and defending jobs, wages and conditions), as well as to mount an effective resistance that can prevent further attacks and begin to roll back the devastating effects of neoliberalism. Moreover, union bureaucrats are often complicit in these attacks through deals they make with governments and bosses. A recent example in South Africa is the National Minimum Wage and amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and Labour Relations Amendment Bill – all of which represent an attack on workers yet were agreed to at Nedlac (the National Economic Development and Labour Council) by the leaders of the three main federations: Nactu, Fedusa and Cosatu.

Faced with this ruling class threat and with union bureaucracies that are either complicit or unwilling to fight, workers in Argentina have begun a process to build unity in struggle and a democratic worker-controlled alternative. ... read full story / add a comment
grecia / turchia / cipro / lotte indigene Tuesday August 14, 2018 - 22:11 by Gianni Sartori
Nel Bakur (territori curdi sotto amministrazione-occupazione turca) il partito di Erdogan (AKP) continua a saccheggiare e sfruttare le risorse naturali (petrolio, minerali...) di questa regione curda. Anzi, le operazioni di estrazione negli ultimi mesi hanno subito una significativa accelerazione. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Sunday August 12, 2018 - 10:22 by BrunoL   image 1 image
Ao que parece, a candidatura do deputado federal Jair Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ) emplacando como vice o general da reserva (quatro estrelas) Antonio Hamilton Marques Mourão marca uma nova etapa da relação das Forças Armadas (FFAA) e a sociedade brasileira. Bolsonaro, em seu afã de homenagear os facínoras dos porões, vai desmontar o "legado" da obra conjunta de operadores como Orlando Geisel (no desenho da estrutura da guerra interna) e do então capitão Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, na montagem dos DOIs. DOI-CODI (Destacamento de Operações de Informações – Centro de Operações de Defesa Interna), com ramificações por todo o país e concentração nas maiores cidades da época (São Paulo, Rio de janeiro e Recife, dentre outras), como a sigla já diz, era para agir como Destacamentos operando unidades semi-autônomas e conjuntas subordinadas ao comando da Força Terrestre. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / migration / racism Friday August 10, 2018 - 22:21 by Bongani Maponyane   image 1 image
Racism has been a curse in South Africa, and remains embedded in the society. But how scientific are racist ideas? Where do they come from? And how can we fight racism and create a truly equal and fair society? What do we as revolutionary anarchists think?

Racial conflict, inequality, and hatred are not natural, but fed and reared by capitalism and the state. To really change the system, we need a massive programme of upgrading education, health, housing and services; an end to the racist heap labour system; a challenge to the ideological control that splits the working class; and a radical redistribution of wealth and power to the working class and poor –which in South Africa, means primarily the black working class and poor –as part of a social revolution. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra Friday August 10, 2018 - 17:01 by Leandro Albani   image 1 image
Casas derruidas, calles abarrotadas de escombros y suciedad, esquinas vigiladas por quienes hace poco tiempo le juraban lealtad a Abu Bark Al Baghdadi -el misterioso líder del Estado Islámico (ISIS)-, y una población diezmada que si no huyó ahora vive bajo un sistema de terror custodiado por el ejército turco. Hogares y negocios saqueados, secuestros masivos de hombres y mujeres, muertes en cualquier momento del día, y un plan sistemático de reemplazo poblacional como pocas veces se vio en el siglo XXI. Estas postales desgarradoras forman parte de la realidad de Afrin, la región kurda del norte de Siria que fue invadida por Turquía en marzo de este año, causando la muerte de más de doscientas personas por los bombardeos aéreos que duraron dos meses y el desplazamiento de más de 150 mil habitantes que se refugiaron, en su mayoría, en la región de Shebha. ... read full story / add a comment
elsewhere / community struggles Thursday August 09, 2018 - 21:02 by Justyna Wróblewska
Poniższy artykuł jest tłumaczeniem z języka angielskiego artykułu napisanego przez Międzynarowody Komun w Rożawie - Demokratyczną Federację Północnej Syrii (DFNS). DFNS to rewolucyjny eksperiment Kurdów i ich soluszników, który aktualnie ma miejsce pod postacią demokratyczego konfederalizmu opartym na podstawie bezpośredniej demokracji, równouprawnieniu kobiet i ekologii. Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej, odwiedź:
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Διεθνή / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες Sunday August 05, 2018 - 21:31 by Ricardo Flores Magon   image 1 image
... Από τη στιγμή που θεωρούν οι ίδιοι πως είναι ίσοι μεταξύ τους, με το ίδιο δικαίωμα στη Μητέρα Γη, δεν χρειάζονται αφεντικό για να προστατεύσουν τους προνομιούχους ενάντια σε αυτούς χωρίς προνόμια, επειδή όλοι είναι προνομιούχοι. ... read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Καταστολή / Φυλακές Thursday August 02, 2018 - 20:02 by Κώστας Δεσποινιάδης   image 1 image
Καθήκον μας σήμερα να διαλυθούν κατά το δυνατόν αυτές οι «γκρίζες ζώνες», ο φονιάς και το θύμα να μην είναι αγκαλιά. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Sunday July 29, 2018 - 23:59 by BrunoL   image 1 image
O abraço dos desesperados pode se dar na aposta, ou falta de opções, em torno de Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB-SP). O ex-governador de São Paulo recebeu ainda no final de julho o apoio formal de DEM, PP, PR, PRB, SD. O autointitulado “Centro Democrático” seria a continuidade do Centrão da Constituinte, décadas após veio a ser chamado de Blocão na Era Cunha e retornando ao nome de Centrão no Brasil pós-golpe. Se formos avaliar a condição da aliança, além de razoável consonância programática – que difere pouco ou nada das ideias manifestas sem definir um programa fechado com Jair Bolsonaro – significa uma chance real de disputar parcelas de poder, tanto na União como nos estados. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement Friday July 27, 2018 - 00:59 by Wayne Price   image 1 image
In order to understand government politics, it is necessary to have a theory of the state. The essay reviews classical anarchist and Marxist views of the class-based, pro-capitalist, nature of the state. But there are also non-class and non-capitalist influences on the state. These need to be integrated into a class theory of the state. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism Thursday July 26, 2018 - 02:39 by Shawn Hattingh   image 1 image
The context we now exist in is one that is defined by glaring contradictions everywhere, its fractured, changing, unstable and confrontational. It is a time of despair, but also pockets of hope. On the one hand, a spectre is haunting us, but it is not the one that Marx spoke of. Rather an authoritarian and extreme right wing form of capitalism, last seen on extensive scale in the 1930s, is rearing its hideous ghost-like head. This right wing extremism has become an ‘acceptable’ form of politics amongst some people in the context of the unresolved capitalist crisis. It is the ‘solution’ amongst sections of ruling classes in many countries to a crisis that is not going away. As part of this, many states are passing laws attacking basic rights that oppressed classes have won through decades and even centuries of struggle (including in South Africa); states are beginning to bare their teeth more often rather than being in a position to rule by consent; toxic nationalisms based on exclusionary racial, ethnic and religious identities (including within sections of the population in South Africa) have once again become acceptable and even embraced by sections of the population (giving rise to the likes of Trump, Le Pen and Duterte and xenophobia and other ills in South Africa); and bigotry and hate are back. Yet there is also hope. In many parts of the world, sections of the working class have fought back. This has seen movements of protests in some parts, attempts to revive unions in others and in some cases the re-emergence of left political parties and projects. But it is also a restructured working class, a working class that is fundamentally different from even the 1970s. New or different forms of organising happen next to the old. It is thus also a working class in which the past weighs like a nightmare on the present in organisational terms; experimenting with the new and different ways of organising, but also falling back into the old. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / the left Saturday July 21, 2018 - 05:45 by Warren McGregor   image 1 image
A call for socialist Left unity is heard widely today in South Africa, but is usually taken as a call for unity of praxis (unity in theoretical programme and action). This is sometimes framed as transcending old divides (these seen as outdated, divisive or dismissed as dogmatic), and sometimes as unity in order to have action (rhetorically set up as the opposite of “arm chair” theory).

What do we as revolutionary anarchists think? ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género Wednesday July 18, 2018 - 06:33 by Gema Ortega   image 1 image
Ante la 6ta marcha por Aborto Libre, Seguro y Gratuito como anarcofeministas no podemos restarnos de la lucha por la autonomía y autodeterminación sobre nuestros propios cuerpos y nuestras vidas, sobre todo a la luz de las luchas dads por nuestras hermanas en distintos lugares del mundo. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Sunday July 15, 2018 - 01:59 by BrunoL   image 1 image
Estamos em plena crise política, uma crise que abala as instituições da chamada "Nova república", fruto da transição inaugurada a partir da Abertura Lenta, Gradual e Segura de tipo GGG (Geisel e Golbery, elogiada por Gaspari) e garantida pela Anistia, Ampla, Geral e Irrestrita - na sua segunda versão e através de jurisprudência obtida com o fim do AI-5. Na sequência, o Brasil quebrou mas, simultaneamente, a classe trabalhadora aparecia na cena política através do reformismo radical, então de base e legítimo. Graças a essa luta social intensa - mesmo que discorde das opções, as quais sigo em discordância - tivemos a versão substantiva da transição do autoritarismo na metade dos anos '80, através da Constituição de 1988. Pois bem, é esta versão de democracia liberal com traços oligárquicos e elementos, contraditoriamente, substantivos e representados até há pouco, na tentativa de controle do orçamento público que está em jogo. E estamos perdendo o jogo. ... read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous Friday July 13, 2018 - 19:42 by AWSM
Simon Bridges is the leader of the National Party, one of the two main traditional parties of government in Aotearoa/New Zealand. He is currently touring the regions of the country. This is a report of one of the public meetings held on the tour. ... read full story / add a comment
Rojava: Mensaje urgente de un compañero anarquista en Afrin

Front page

Μετά την καταστροφή τι;

Aufruf zur Demonstration am 2.9.2018 in Unterlüß "Rheinmetall entwaffnen – Krieg beginnt hier"

Mass protest in central and southern Iraq

Ecology in Democratic Confederalism

[Colombia] Perspectivas sobre la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2018

Call for Solidarity with our Russian Comrades!

8 reasons anarchists are voting Yes to Repeal the hated 8th

Comunicado de CGT sobre la Nakba, 70 años de dolores para el Pueblo Palestino

[ZAD] Les expulsions ont commencé, la zad appelle à se mobiliser

Assassinato Político, Terrorismo de Estado: Marielle Franco, Presente!

La Huelga General del 8 de Marzo, un hito histórico

A intervenção federal no Rio de Janeiro e o xadrez da classe dominante

Halklarla Savaşan Devletler Kaybedecek

Σχετικά με τον εμπρησμό

Ciao, Donato!

[Uruguay] Ante el homicidio de un militante sindical: Marcelo Silvera

[Argentina] Terrorista es el Estado: Comunicado ante el Informe Titulado "RAM"

[Catalunya] Continuisme o ruptura. Sobre les eleccions del 21D

Reconnaissance par Trump de Jérusalem comme capitale d'Israël : de l'huile sur le feu qui brûle la Palestine

Noi comunisti anarchici/libertari nella lotta di classe, nell'Europa del capitale

Luttons contre le harcèlement et toutes les violences patriarcales !

The Old Man and the Coup

Hands off the anarchist movement ! Solidarity with the FAG and the anarchists in Brazil !

URGENTE! Contra A Criminalização, Rodear De Solidariedade Aos Que Lutam!

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