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New publications from the AF in October 2014

category ireland / britain | anarchist movement | other libertarian press author Sunday October 26, 2014 19:22author by Anarchist Federation - publications - Anarchist Federation (Britain) Report this post to the editors

Resistance paper, Organise! magazine and Basic Bakunin Pamphlet

We are pleased to announce a 12-page issue of our paper Resistance (#157, ANGRY WOMEN WIN) for October 2014 and we also have a brand new Organise! magazine - issue 83 Winter 2014, plus a new edition of our pamphlet Basic Bakunin.

Resistance #157 and Basic Bakunin are free downloads (or to order in print) and Organise! is currently available as a single issue or annual subscription in print direct from us and is also available, as usual, from the AK Press and Active Distribution online shops.

Get Organise! 83 now from Active Distribution: (you can also order the latest issue of Black Flag: ).

Contents of Organise! 83 - Winter 2014

THEIR AUSTERITY, THEIR WARS, THEIR REPRESSION ... OUR RESISTANCE. Chinese workers' struggles, Arab Summer, Morocco & Eqypt, new Caribbean Anarchist Federation, Slovenian anarchist interview & Balkan bookfair report, Iceland, French 19th C. silk workers revolt, Frans Maserreel anarchist artist.

Content of Resistance 157 - Autumn 2014

ANGRY WOMEN WIN, SPECIAL ISSUE: Ireland and Spain abortion struggles, Legal battles, Gender and Factory Resistance in China, Women & LGBTQIA in Ukraine, Free Women of Spain - Mujeres Libres 1930s. Sexual harassment at work, Transgender tipping point, Angry Women of Liverpool, Single mothers fight social cleansing in East London. 12 pages.

All free online content, including a seperate article in the last print issue of Freedom, October 2014, is available from our website:

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