Abdoo Bahth


Simpl persona 🙏 A simple person🙏🙋 Pessoas simples🙏🙌🙍

Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2015


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    Christina Hagan () will be an incredible Congresswoman for the working families of Northeast Ohio. An early supporter of our agenda, she is Strong on Jobs, Border Security and your Second Amendment. Christina is running against an absolute failure, Tim Ryan, who...

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    On this wonderful day, we celebrate our history, our heroes, our heritage, our flag, and our FREEDOM. Happy Fourth of July to Everyone!

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    Wow. got caught cold manipulating the words and meaning of my 4th of July Speech. They were brazen, desperate. Watch what happens!

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    “There was a flight plan. There was accurate information about what lay ahead. The controllers were ready. The checklists were complete. The aircraft was sound. But the person at the controls was tweeting...” Worth the read.

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    Do you support our POTUS? (Please help by retweeting and following before voting!)

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    Jim Banks: New York Times Damaged National Security to Hurt Trump via Thank you Jim. They are Fake News!

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    Raise your hand if it’s not too early for me to start drinking! 🙌🏻🍾🥂 (It’s 3:47pm on Saturday here)

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    26 thg 6

    पिछले कई दिनों से हम देख रहे हैं कि मोदीसरकार से सवाल पूछे जा रहे हैं कि चीन को देश की जमीन पर कब्जा क्यों करने दिया गया, क्यों हमारे जवानों को निहत्थे भेजा गया? पीएम के बयान का उल्लेख कर चीन विश्व समुदाय में खुद को निर्दोष साबित कर रहा है: श्री

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    Five years ago today, the Supreme Court affirmed what we’ve always known to be true - . ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 We are proud to be on the forefront of the fight for LGBTQ rights every day and won’t stop until we achieve equality for all.

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    The pandemic 👏 is 👏 not 👏 over 👏

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  11. đã Tweet lại
    26 thg 6

    : Texas to shut bars to stop coronavirus

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  12. 26 thg 6

    هل تتذكر متى انضممت إلى تويتر؟ نعم أتذكر!

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    7 thg 6

    Ronny Jackson said you weigh 239lbs. William Taft was 340lbs. I'll just leave this right here.

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    . & MSDNC are doing everything possible to “inflame” the crowd. Fortunately they have a very small audience!

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    Do you support our POTUS? (Please help by retweeting and following before voting!)

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    ...I know Ronny well. He will NEVER let you down. Solid as a rock. Ronny has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

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    . is a spectacular man. An Admiral in the Navy, he is a brave and loyal Warrior who loves our Military and Vets. As a medical doctor, Ronny is great on HealthCare and he is Strong on Cutting Taxes, the Border and the Second Amendment...

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    28 thg 5

    تحية وإحترام أنوه بأنني معني بالمقال في مقام الوطن وإنني أراجع كل تعليقاتكم وملاحظاتكم ، وثمة أشياء عديدة خرجت من هذا المكان نحصد ثماراها الأن في مواقع مختلفة أعتذر عن عدم التفاعل وتعلمون حجم التحدى والعمل الكبير الذي أوكلتموه لنا ،

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  19. đã Tweet lại
    8 thg 6

    تعقد لجنة إزالة التمكين ومحاربة الفساد واسترداد الأموال، يوم غداً الثلاثاء 9يونيو 2020، مؤتمراً صحفياً مُهمّاً، الزمان: السابعة مساءً، المكان: المركز الإعلامي بالقصر الجمهوري. تُكرّر اللجنة اعتذارها، لحصرها الدعوة على وسائل الإعلام الرسمية، نسبة للإجراءات الصحية المتبعة.

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    Real change requires protest to highlight a problem, and politics to implement practical solutions and laws. As I mentioned yesterday in our town hall, there are several steps our mayors and elected officials can take right now:

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