SMSF turning point: carry on or wind up?

The pace of change is rapid for SMSFs and it can be difficult to keep up – even for the experts.

With ever-changing rules and restrictions, this is what you need to know whether you're forging ahead with your self-managed superannuation fund or handing over the reins.

**RETRANSMISSION OF IMAGE ID 20151027001192752040 RESIZED** A composite image of signage of Australia's 'big four' banks ...

How the RBA kept the banks afloat

RBA leaders explain what happened as the GFC hit, why cash advances to the banks almost doubled, and how the banking guarantee turned into a 'nice little earner' for the federal government.

ASX's sweet run turns sour

The savage and swift turnaround in the sharemarket in recent days threatens to erase all the year's hard-fought gains - what's going on?

Commissioner Hayne turns attention to insurer tactics.

Hayne turns attention to insurer tactics

Life insurers are under pressure to ditch cold calling and rethink their direct selling model as the banking royal commission is expected to turn its attention to their high pressure tactics next week.

Growth in average hourly earnings for production and nonsupervisory employees - which account for 82pc of the ...

Average hourly earnings rise 2.9pc

The surprise August pickup in US wages offered hope that earnings are finally pivoting away from the mediocre pace that's marred an otherwise strong job market.

There are now many triggers that could ignite the next financial crisis, including President Trump's fiscal policy or a ...

Why we should be worried about the next GFC

In a very real sense the global economy today looks very much like the global economy in 2006, when central bankers were preparing for a US adjustment that turned out to be the GFC.

The Australian sharemarket has had almost $50 billion worth of market cap wiped from the boards this week.

$50b wiped off ASX this week

Trade concerns have wiped close to $50 billion off the Australian sharemarket's market capitalisation this week as investors traded cautiously.


Laura Tingle

Let there be love in the Liberals

There might have been news of the best economic data in six years, but it didn't quite rate against the accusations of bullying, and the succession of leaks, and paybacks that drove the news cycle this week.

Scott Morrison says he is not fussed or distracted by damaging leaks about bullying within the Liberal Party, saying the ...

PM 'not fussed' by Liberal bullying leaks

Scott Morrison says he is not fussed or distracted by damaging leaks about bullying within the Liberal Party, saying the right structures existed to deal with the problem.

Business push for new energy framework

State governments, business groups and industry are preparing to "go it alone" on preparing a framework to provide certainty for investment in the energy sector, saying they are dismayed by the implosion of the Coalition's National Energy Guarantee.

Trump set to escalate China trade tariffs

The escalation of tensions between the US and China into a full-blown trade war rattled global markets as Donald Trump looks poised to unleash the biggest wave of tariffs so far.

Donald Trump is merely keeping his end of the bargain and delivering the disruption he promised, in spades.

Inside Trump's horror week

"It's like the horror movies when everyone realises the call is coming from inside the house," was how one insider put it.

Personal Finance

Rising interest rates, an oversupply of apartments, low auction clearance rates, falling property prices and vendor ...

Rising rates put pressure on property investors

Rising interest rates, an oversupply of apartments, low auction clearance rates, falling property prices and vendor discounting are increasing pressure on investors and smashing market sentiment.

Promote women on 'merit alone'

Lendlease executive Kylie Rampa says quotas create the risk that women receiving promotions will create tension in the workplace.


The Clock is a 24-hour video piece, created from around 12,000 individual film clips, each featuring a clock, or watch, ...

What makes an artwork go viral?

Christian Marclay's The Clock created an instant buzz on its 2010 debut and went on to conquer the world. But what makes a piece of art click with viewers - and what makes them click on it?