How NSW and Transurban dodged WestConnex collision to land $9.3b deal

Six heavyweight bidders were whittled down to arch rivals Transurban and IFM Investors. Then five days before the final decision on WestConnex, Rod Sims threw a grenade.

It was five days until the year's biggest auction was due to conclude and NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet and his team were confident that a $20 billion-plus payday was just around the corner.

About 18 months after getting serious about selling motorways development WestConnex, Perrottet's team had two Australian capital markets heavyweights going toe-to-toe and seeking to buy 51 per cent stake in the state's biggest infrastructure project.

It had been a long and winding road; more than one year's scoping and sale preparations, and another six months taking more than a dozen different investors through the data room and auction.

But on July 19 the end was in sight. It was Thursday morning and bids were due to land in the offices of Perrottet's adviser, Goldman Sachs, the following Monday.

Enter Rod Sims.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission boss lobbed a grenade by delaying a decision on whether or not one of the auction's two bidders – the group spearheaded by Australian motorways giant Transurban Group – could bid.

Just as the bidders were getting final investment committee approvals for their bids, Sims said he needed more time.

And he wanted seven weeks, which was just long enough that the two offers – or the two offers it was expecting – would have surpassed their 30-day expiry.

Transurban was shocked. Its lawyers and bankers had repeatedly reassured chief executive Scott Charlton and his right-hand man, Andrew Head, that the ACCC's earlier flagged issues could be overcome. Maybe they still could, but not within the auction timetable.

IFM Investors saw an opening: it catapulted into favouritism, potentially staring at its second Steven Bradbury moment in two years.

And for the state, its process was screaming towards a concrete wall at 100km/h.

Perrottet's transaction team – led by ex-banker Alex Wendler, Goldman Sachs' Antony Steinberg and former NSW Treasury official Tim Spencer – had to work out whether to apply the brakes, swerve, or keep tearing towards the concrete wall.

High-speed collision two years in the making

The seeds of WestConnex's sale were sowed in late 2016 when then NSW Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian hired Goldman Sachs and law firm Ashurst to investigate the state's options.

WestConnex – a complex toll roads project with three main stages, seven parts, three new tunnels and a $16.8 billion construction bill – was taking shape. Its first two stages – widening existing motorways and constructing two new tunnels – were funded and construction was underway or close to starting.

But the state had to work out how to fund WestConnex's third and most expensive stage.

NSW was on a privatisation spree, with existing infrastructure sold to help pay for new projects.

It had just sold stakes in two electricity network companies for $26 billion, was preparing its land titles office and a third power networks company for sale, and had sold the Port of Newcastle, Port Botany, Port Kembla and the Sydney Desalination Plant.

NSW's bankers and lawyers were asked how to get the biggest price and best outcome for the state. Was it to sell WestConnex in pieces – to maximise value of up and running roads – or as one package?

They decided to go with a big mixed bag of concessions on existing roads with nil or very little traffic risk, combined with new roads under construction. It was designed to lure both big global toll roads companies that would operate the roads, and cashed-up infrastructure investors to help write the equity cheque.

Land of the giants

And it was determined that offering buyers a 51 per cent stake would help get a big price – thanks to a control premium – and retain exposure for the state, should WestConnex end up more valuable than first thought after it was built.

"Project Giant" was born.

By the time NSW's 2017-18 budget came around, Berejiklian's boss and champion of the asset recycling movement, Mike Baird, was gone. Berejiklian moved up the ranks to Premier and 35-year old Perrottet was the new Treasurer, tasked with overseeing WestConnex's sale.

NSW Treasury had investment banks and law firms pitch for the sale mandate and appointed scoping study adviser Goldman Sachs – led by infrastructure and utilities banker Steinberg and local M&A boss Nick Sims – and law firm Allens, including partners John Greig, Kylie Brown and Kate Towey.

The state also had a big transaction team of its own to run the process.

Former Macquarie Capital and Deutsche Bank-er Wendler would end up running the deal as transaction director, while ex-Treasury deputy secretary Tim Spencer – who oversaw a handful of big privatisations before retiring in 2016 – was appointed independent chairman of the sale steering committee. 

Other steering committee members included Wendler; another ex-Deutsche Bank-er Peter Regan, who is a deputy secretary at Transport for NSW; and ex-Goldman Sachs and Macquarie operative Phil Gardner, now a deputy secretary at Treasury. NSW Treasury secretary Michael Pratt was also heavily involved. 

The transaction team took off on a global roadshow in October to drum up interest, stopping in Asia, North America, Europe and back home in Australia. They were looking for toll road companies and infrastructure investors prepared to spend the time and money to understand WestConnex – which was pitched more as operating toll roads than a construction project.

Interested parties were told they would be provided all the data, traffic modelling and diligence materials required very early in the process, to help them understand WestConnex's risky elements.

The government needed at least another serious bidder to ensure there was competition for the most logical buyer.

Hot date at the school dance

Transurban had been watching WestConnex from day one. Australia's dominant toll roads group was flying high, thanks to a decade of rapid expansion in NSW and Queensland. Chief executive Charlton – also a former investment banker – had won the backing of his shareholders to keep doing deals.

The hands-on Charlton, tapped executive Andrew Head to spearhead the company's most ambitious push yet.

Head, a former political staffer, was in charge of Transurban's investments in NSW and was appointed inaugural head of NSW development – or chief WestConnex poacher.

Head slowly built his team.

He tapped house brokers Morgan Stanley (whose team was headed by Julian Peck) and UBS (Jarrod Key) for advice. And added Macquarie Capital – led by John Pickhaver – for the first time in more than a decade.

Macquarie was asked to look after the consortium's interests as a whole, while UBS was asked to think about the co-investors and Morgan Stanley tended to Transurban. The three banks, each with strong equities franchises, would also be crucial in selling the deal to Transurban's investors.

Transurban hired King & Wood Mallesons lawyers, headed by project and infrastructure finance partner Peter Doyle.

And "Project Byrne" was born.

Transurban, the prettiest girl at the school dance, quickly settled on three heavyweight bid partners; AustralianSuper and Abu Dhabi Investment Authority – deep pocketed investors that had backed its winning $7.1 billion bid for Brisbane toll road portfolio Queensland Motorways in 2014 – and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board; a co-investor in another Transurban toll road, Westlink M7, and its NorthConnex development.

Together, the group would be called Sydney Transport Partners.

Off and racing

NSW formally launched the auction just before Christmas. A data room with thousands of documents was opened, and interested parties booked for high-level site trips in January, once key decision makers were back from holidays.

There was a wide field of buyers: Transurban and its partners, European toll road companies, Australian infrastructure funds, a construction company and a Spanish/Australian toll road wannabe that had pulled in some big backers. There was also interest from China. It meant just about every investment bank, boutique advisory firm and law firm in town with infrastructure experience had a role somewhere.

Six conditional bids were due in late February and five groups were shortlisted.

There was Transurban's Sydney Transport Partners, dubbed "Turrella" after the southern Sydney suburb located above the M5 tunnel; IFM Investors ("Ingleburn") and its partners Dutch fund APG and Australia's Sunsuper; Spanish toll road company Cintra and Australian infrastructure investor Plenary Group's new company Netflow ("Newington"), which had Canada's CDPQ and OMERS as co-investors; a division of ASX-listed CIMIC Group, Pacific Partnerships ("Penrith"); and Spanish company Abertis, which would be taken over by Italy's Atlantia and another Spaniard ACS – also controlling shareholder of rival bidder CIMIC.

The size of the equity cheque meant it was always unlikely all five would make it to the finish line.

Bidders grilled Sydney Motorway Corporation management, headed by Dennis Cliche, and their technical advisers attended two-day site trips to see WestConnex's tunnels and roads up close.

Abertis was the first shortlisted party to fall – as its parent was swallowed by Atlantia and ACS.

Netflow was next – it couldn't get the $8 billion-plus equity funding required. One of Netflow's partners, OMERS, jumped ship to strengthen CIMIC's bid.

But CIMIC's Pacific Partnership also fell, leaving only Transurban and arch rival IFM Investors: two of the most experienced and most successful bidders at Australian infrastructure auctions.

Transurban, the undisputed king of toll roads, was up against the $107 billion asset manager IFM.

Both had spent years building political capital with Australian governments, winning the support of lending banks, and impressing co-investors, and they were locked in their biggest battle yet.

The two bidders would take tours down a closed M5 in the middle of the night to complete their site visits.

Competition concerns: amber flashing

The ACCC, which had lingered over the process, weighed into the battle on May 17.

Chairman Sims flagged concerns with Transurban's bid and particularly the advantage it may have when it came to developing news roads via NSW's at-times controversial unsolicited proposals framework.

In ACCC parlance it was an "amber issue", meaning it could go either way. Transurban was assured by its lawyers and advisers in no uncertain terms that the issues either did not exist or could be overcome. There was no reason to shy away from a bid.

He extended the regulator review to Thursday July 19 – which was just before the Monday July 23 binding bid date. It would be a tight turnaround, but neither Transurban or the government thought the issues were insurmountable.

The ACCC decision landed with a thud at 9.15am on the Thursday. It had delayed its ruling, and for much longer than any of the parties involved had expected. NSW's team had planned all sorts of scenarios, but a seven-week delay was not high up the probabilities.

Transurban hadn't given much thought to such a long delay either. A long process would now be even longer.

The IFM camp spotted an opportunity, realising the ACCC's new proposed decision date of September 9 was a few days after any WestConnex bids would be due to expire.

And in a government auction, where probity and fairness is top priority, there was a very real chance it could pull off an unlikely victory.

The government had to decide what to do: delay the bid date or stay the course and accept a Sydney Transport Partners bid that would be conditional on ACCC approval.

The transaction team determined it would be best to stick to its well outlined process; maintain the binding bid date for four days later. The steering committee supported the decision and it was ratified by the Treasurer.

All bids accepted

Perrottet came out strongly on the Friday, saying he would accept bids conditional on ACCC and/or FIRB approval in an effort to level the playing field. [FIRB approval cannot be obtained without the competition regulator first giving the all clear].

But the wheels were still spinning at Transurban.

Over the course of a frantic weekend, NSW's bankers were doing everything to keep the toll roads giant in the $20 billion-plus auction, but Transurban and its partners wouldn't guarantee they would be there. It was a matter for the Transurban board, and there was little the transaction team could do either way.

Despite noise to the contrary, come Monday morning Transurban and its partners were predictably lobbing a bid, albeit conditional on regulatory approvals.

Its team took the bid – an envelope with a bid price along with boxes of contracts and other supporting materials – to level 48 in Sydney's Governor Phillip Tower, the Sydney home of auctioneer Goldman Sachs.

Dealmakers in the rival IFM camp bumped into Transurban's troops in the lobby, quashing any doubts that it was no longer a two-horse race.

Key members of the sale team – Wendler, Spencer, Gardner and bankers Steinberg and Sims – opened the bid envelope, saw the big numbers including Transurban's knockout $9.26 billion offer, and knew they had a winner. If only the ACCC wasn't an issue.

Both bidders followed up their offers with face-to-face pitches, outlining their business plan. The state's sale team worked through the evaluation process.

Days came and went, and still neither bidder had heard anything. It was clear the government was waiting for the ACCC's decision.

In the meantime, Transurban and its lawyers were in close contact with the ACCC to try and cut a deal. It ended up signing an undertaking promising to release frequent traffic data, in an effort to mitigate any unfair advantage it may have in lobbing unsolicited bids.

The ACCC accepted the undertaking and Transurban's camp was quietly confident it had addressed the regulator's concerns.

Fast forward another week, and the ACCC did NSW a big favour. After plenty of long nights and weekends, the ACCC brought forward its decision date by one week to August 30. It meant NSW's two bids would still be alive by the time the ACCC made its ruling.

Come ACCC decision day, those in the Sydney Transport Partners camp thought it was a "50/50" call.

They knew the undertaking would go some way to addressing the concerns, but was it far enough?

At 9.18am on Thursday August 31 – shortly before its bid WestConnex bid would expire – the answer came.

The ACCC cleared its bid.

IFM's dealmakers dropped their heads. There would be no Bradbury moment this time.

Transurban knew it was back in with a good shot.

Hard work done, time to bring out the black box

Soon after the ACCC decision landed, NSW's steering committee convened and readied a recommendation for the Treasurer. They wanted Perrottet to anoint Transurban's Sydney Transport Partners as preferred bidder, and he soon agreed.

At about midday, Goldman's Steinberg called Transurban's Head and asked him to meet at the office of law firm Allens at 1pm.

It was the type of call only winners receive, and the one Head and his team had yearned for two years or more.

So Head, Charlton, Transurban corporate development manager Raymond Golzer and their chief lawyer, KWM's Doyle, arrived at Allens. Wendler was waiting for them along with is bankers and lawyer.

There was one final hurdle to clear. Transurban was given a handful of "black box" diligence items, including Sydney Motorway Corp executive contracts. There was nothing untoward, and the two sides shook hands on a deal at about 3pm.

By 9pm, the paperwork was ready. Allens' Greig was down on the ground floor ushering in all the people whose signatures were required: Perrottet, WestConnex minister Stuart Ayers, a big Transurban team including Nik Kemp from bid partner AustralianSuper and CPPIB's Andrew Alley. NSW's finance minister had signed earlier that afternoon.

Pen hit paper and champagne was passed around the boardroom. The two sides toasted Australia's biggest ever government asset sale. Transurban said the deal valued WestConnex at $25 billion, including the government's retained 49 per cent stake and debt.

And, after years in the making on both sides, it was toast to a gruelling effort.

For both NSW and Transurban's group, some steady driving had saved what could have been a messy car crash. NSW got its big price – much bigger than most expected, while Transurban landed its "Giant".

For the listed Transurban, as it told its investors, the work has only just started. In the short term it needs to complete a $4.8 billion equity raising – which includes the biggest ever rights issue for an Australian M&A deal – and is asking shareholders to judge its WestConnex bid on earnings in 10 years' time.

For NSW, it has a partner it reckons should be able to maximise the value of its own 49 per cent WestConnex stake. It has committed to hold the stake until at least after WestConnex is built, which is scheduled for 2023, and has another $9.26 billion to put towards a big capital spending program.

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JPMorgan poaches from Morgan Stanley for hedge fund sales

JPMorgan has poached Morgan Stanley head of hedge fund sales Justin Lindquist.

JPMorgan has poached Morgan Stanley hedge fund and research sales trader Justin Lindquist. 

Lindquist will join JPMorgan as an executive director and head of hedge fund sales, working for the firm's co-heads of Australian equity sales Andrew Tanner and Steven Maartensz. 

The hire was announced on Friday morning. 

Lindquist spent nine years at Morgan Stanley and previously worked at Merrill Lynch. 

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One final hurdle for WICET refinancing

It's almost decision day at debt-riden Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal.

It's almost decision day at debt-ridden Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal. 

The court will rule on whether to allow a lender-endorsed scheme to be enacted next week which, if successful, would arguably kick WICET's debt problem eight years down the road. 

WICET's creditors have already approved the refinancing plan, but it doesn't mean there are not parties agitating for the court to block it. 

On the table is an eight year extension of the senior debt, which is worth about $3.5 billion. There would be no insolvency event and the debt would be paid down to a more palatable and more easily repayable $1 billion by year eight. 

The alternative - as the company and its advisers told the banks and equity holders - include receivership where the coal port may have to be sold in order to repay its loans. 

While the deal has been months - or even years - in the making, it is not guaranteed to pass muster. 

One of the main contentious points is the treatment of the Gladstone Long Term Securities, which are another part of the capital structure, and about 25 per cent owned by IFM Investors. 

Under the proposed deal, the GILTs are still payable in 2020, unless the company gets the security holders to extend the terms which, as Street Talk understands it, has not happened.

So you have to wonder whether WICET's directors would like to be trading in the lead up to the repayment date, when there were questions about their ability to fund the payments. 

The GILTs may rank behind the senior lenders in the capital structure, but that doesn't necessarily mean they can be ignored. And for directors that means questions about solvency in the lead up to the decision date. 

The biggest question going into the court date is whether WICET's miner shareholders may agitate before the court. 

There has been plenty of negotiating to get to this point, and the sense we get is that it is not over yet. 

WICET's assets were valued at $3.6 billion at the end of 2015-16, according to its annual financial report. 

The terminal has capacity to ship 27 million tonnes of coal, with 20 million tonnes allocated to its coal miner owners under long term agreements.

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ASX Announcements

Visa processing bidders asked to re-work proposals; seek funding

The twice delayed auction to design and run the country's new visa processing system has been delayed, again.

The twice delayed auction to design and run the country's new visa processing system has been delayed, again. 

And it is not the political situation blamed for the timetable setback. 

It is understood the federal government had asked each of the two heavyweight bidding groups to refine their proposals, which could potentially see one group water down its offering while the other ramps its up. 

It means there was no final decision by the targeted August 31 decision date, let alone the initial June 30 target date. Sources said it could be months before either bidding group signed a contract, and there was no certainty one would be signed at all. 

It means the likes of PwC, Ellerston Capital, National Australia Bank and Qantas Ventures' pet project is still more fiction than reality. 

The heavyweight investors are backing the Australian Visa Processing consortium, which was put together by former Nine Entertainment Co executive and government staffer Scott Briggs and is now run by ex-News Corp executive Peter Tonagh.  

AVP's offering has been compared to property settlements exchange start-up PEXA, which was built from scratch and is now up for sale.

Sources said AVP's design had all the bells and whistles the government initially wanted, such as an "attract and acquire" capability, but its thinking had now changed. 

The other bidding group, which includes consulting firm Accenture and Australia Post, had a simpler, less nimble structure than its opponent. The IT giant wanted to build and manage the technology required by the Department to deal electronically with the visa applications, while partner Australia Post will act as a retail channel.

Sources said the government had been back in front of the two bidders asking whether their models could be altered. 

It is understood AVP was asked whether it could water its proposal down to a straight processing system that could be managed by the private operator for a fee, while Accenture's group was asked to whether it was able to take its model a bit further. . 

The sense is that the government will consider all options at its next sitting, which could include putting it out to limited tender, choosing to work with one party, or even pulling together a hybrid deal. 

Of course it comes at a volatile time in federal politics. The process is being run by the Department of Home Affairs and while its minister has not changed through the government's recent turmoil, it seems likely the visa processing contract may have slipped down the government's priority list. 

It comes as AVP has spent the past few weeks pitching to new potential equity backers to fund the project should it win the tender. 

It is understood AVP boss Tonagh and his team, including adviser Credit Suisse, have been in front of major institutions, pension funds and ultra high net worth individuals including the Pratt and Lowy families, seeking their backing. 

The latest delay comes after both groups worked through the 16-week co-design process, which saw weekly meetings with senior government executives and tri-weekly meetings with the project's steering committee. 


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Aussies do it their way at BAML’s New York love-in

There's never a bad time to be in New York City, but for 40 executives from some of Australia's biggest companies, the next couple of days could be particularly enjoyable.

There's never a bad time to be in New York City, but for 40 executives from some of Australia's biggest companies, the next couple of days could be particularly enjoyable. 

Not only will the 33rd annual Bank of America Merrill Lynch conference provide them with a chance to sell their companies' wares, but with the poor old Australian dollar flatter than a slice of peperoni pizza, their should be some cashed-up American investors itching to buy.

The event, to be held overnight Thursday and Friday on the 51st floor of the BAML headquarters in Manhattan, will be attended by over 40 senior executives from 20 ASX100 companies, including BHP, RIO, APA, Qantas, Downer, Medibank, QBE, Seven Group Holdings, Stockland, Scentre Group, and MYOB. 

On the other side of the table will be over 50 North American institutional investors; over 250 one-on-one meetings are scheduled across the two days. 

Even better, the hosts of the event,  Australian country head Kevin Skelton, and head of investment banking Joe Fayyad, have commandeered the BAML corporate box out at Flushing Meadows, just in time for the business end of the US Open tennis. 

Australia's ambassador to the US, Joe Hockey, will kick things off on Thursday before the attendees hear presentations on a range of topics including the broader economic and political environment, and industry trends in fintech, autonomous vehicles, real estate and technology. 

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