Transmission meeting of international online video projects

by Anonymous User — September 03, 2018
EngageMedia along with Candida TV hosted Transmission from June 6-11, 2006 in Rome. The event was a meeting place of video makers, programmers and web producers developing online video distribution as a tool for social justice and media democracy.


Transmission is a convergence of collectives and projects from Asia, the Pacific, South America, Europe and the US.

A host of initiatives have sprung up across the globe in recent years that seek to mix media activism with increasing access to broadband, new video encoding advances, content management systems, RSS, p2p and free software. These technologies and projects are converging to democratise access to video distribution on a global level, challenge the dominance of top-down broadcast media and give voice to range of critical social and environmental issues.

Transmission ran over 4 days at Forte Prenestino in Rome from the 7-10 of June, 2006. Formerly a military fort built in the 1800s, it is now a social centre that hosts cultural and political initiatives. The 4 days included activities that range from open forums, presentations, workshops, discussion groups and working-bees.

By bringing together these social justice video distribution projects we aim to build communication, cooperation and collaboration.

You can check the site out at

Transmission is being organised by EngageMedia, Candida TV and Clearer Channel with the assistance of

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