Surplus Value
a network for Australian Marxian thinkers and activists
Home Page


See below for notes about the image


Our Publications

Articles Contributed
Humphrey McQueen

5 Pillars
5 Pillars - Work

5 Pillars -Transport

5 Pillars -Housing

5 Pillars - Health

5 Pillars - Education





Bruce McFarlane
Arts & Music


Useful Links

Video and Audio
Contact us

Welcome to the Surplus Value website

Surplus Value is a project of The Praxis Network, a loose community of Marxian thinkers and activists from around Australia.  Our initial plan is to build a viable and useful network amongst ourselves.  We also trust that others may be interested in joining in this project.  To carry this out, we have established this website and an email group for discussions and debate. We also publish a journal (currently annually).

Latest Additions to our site.

July  2018
see latest here

October  2017
see latest here

April 2017
see latest here

March 2016
Shipping and waterfront workers
New politics articles

January 2016
We now have a slightly different structure for this site, with new pages for politics, environment, science, marxism, and a new structure also for the 5 pillars sites.

There are quite a few new articles in each of these areas.

There are also new articles by Humphrey McQueen on his site, - see his "new articles" page

In particular, see:
Five Pillars - Work:
Draft Chapters of new book by Humphrey McQueen entitled Constant Revolutionising + Background Material

May 2015
A Timeline for Anniversaries


Our aims are threefold - to:

  • reintroduce class as fundamental to developing political understanding and strategy, particularly for the labour movement to respond to current strategies and tactics of capital in a globalised world.

  • reintroduce a materialist approach to our own history and into everyday political practice.

  • bring a dialectical approach to our political activity, so that strategies are based on the lives and experiences of everyday Australian people - both workers, and those currently dependent on social security – rather than on a dogmatic assertion of “political truths”.

Image above:"In a paired series of mural-like canvases, titled “Builders” and “Pastimes”, the French painter and Communist Fernand Leger (1881-1955) depicted scaffolders as acrobats and circus performers as collective workers. Here, creativity appears as work while work is represented as art, in a world where both jobs and play enrich human capacities. Leger portrayed “new-fangled” human beings, reliant on each other and hence unafraid of machinery or frameworks of steel. For a glimpse of what work should look like, consider the joy in Leger’s paintings." (John Berger, Permanent Red, Methuen , London , 1960, pp. 121-25. )



Please Note:
this web site is still under development, so please be patient if there is no content on some of the pages. Please contact us via the email address if you find any problems or have any suggestions to make.