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Mashups and creative projects by Australian audio & video producer and Wax Audio creator Tom Compagnoni.

Stream and download Wax Audio album and tracks, watch Wax Audio mashup videos and check out's Tom's professional video wor

This is my daughter, Iona. She is eight years old
and was recently diagnosed with leukaemia.
Please donate to the GoFundMe campaign.
Thank you - Tom (Wax Audio)



9 Countries

9 Countries is a special audio project, recorded on location in Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Tibet, India, Egypt and Greece between October 2005 and March 2007 by Tom Compagnoni. What you hear has been entirely assembled from these field recordings, no additional samples used. Check out the 9 Countries page for more info.

Recorded, edited, mixed, re-mixed, mashed and mastered by Tom Compagnoni 2005-2009


All of the mashups on the web site featuring samples of copyrighted material were created as non-substitutable, non-commercial derivatives of recognised recorded works.

They do not compete in the market for the original material, nor do they undermine, defame or otherwise harm the original artists. Contrarily they promote each artist’s commercial work and further validate their iconic status in popular culture.

None of these mashups are for sale in any physical or digital format. They are made available on this site as demonstrations of Wax Audio’s audio production skills
Wax Audio does not approve of or condone the sale of mashups of copyrighted works being sold by anybody other than the legal copyright owners.

Artists or publishers who wish to have a mashup featuring samples of their original music removed from this site, please contact Wax Audio via Facebook or Twitter and this will be promptly arranged.