Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Child Separators

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on building a movement against ICE. Trump vs. the Intelligence Agencies by Mel Goodman; The Browning of the Left by Dan Glazebrook; Mexico Under AMLO by Kent Paterson; Who’s Afraid of Hannah Arendt by Michael Dolinar; The Violence of Capitalism by Ron Jacobs; The Psychology of the Rich by Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark; Summer of Fire by Jeffrey St. Clair; The Hell We are Now In by Chris Floyd; Is the Universal Basic Income Worth the Fight? by Pete Dolack; What Color is Music? Lee Ballinger.

Climate of Class Rule:  Common(s)er Revolt or Common Ruin

Extreme weather and its collateral damage are only tips of the melting iceberg, semi-metaphorically speaking. The real climatological shit hits the eco-exterminist fan when we can’t grow enough food, find enough water, and keep ourselves cool enough to survive – and when global warming combines with collapsing social and technical infrastructure to bring pandemics that  wipe out much of an increasingly thirsty, under-nourished, and over-heated human race.   More

Left, Right, and Dead Center

To everyone living through it, it feels as if the Trump presidency has turned the political scene topsy-turvy.  This is what happens when there is an imbecilic president whose governing style is a low-grade imitation of a mob boss’s. The fact is, though, that the Trump presidency, destructive as it has been, has changed a good deal less than meets the eye.  More

Burn Your Nikes? How About Boycott Them Instead

Nike’s catchphrase “Just Do It” was inspired by murderer Gary Gilmore’s famous last words. Nike has been a bloodbath ever since. In the 1990s, there was real pressure on Nike to change their nightmarish working conditions. Those were the days when we cared about slavery.  Nike cleaned up its image and not much else. Since then they have been peddling apparel without consequence, save a few brave protestors. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Jason Stanley
  • TOPICS: How fascism works.

“Everybody has the answer”

“Everybody has the answer” by Brent Rademaker
