Morrison’s election won’t change anything. The Liberals are in turmoil.

Mag highlights

Sudanese youth step up the fight against racist media and politicians

A defiant 500-strong protest led by South Sudanese youth and students stood up to the barrage of government and media racism, rallying on Saturday 28 July against Channel 7.

The Prague Spring of 1968

Russia’s invasion that crushed the mass movement for political reform in Czechoslovakia in 1968 showed the reality of Stalinism in Eastern Europe, argues Miro Sandev

Rape, violence and the fight against the system

Blaming men for sexism and rape obscures the way women’s subordination is structured into capitalism, writes Lucy Honan, and our common interest in fighting it.


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ACTU Congress—union demands far more than Labor will deliver

The ACTU Congress in July spelled out the union movement’s demands for change on industrial relations, targeted at influencing an incoming Labor government.



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