Democratic Rights in the US

020 Chelsea Manning speaks via video in Sydney

5 September 2018

040 Five Eyes meeting in Australia

5 September 2018

050 Bounty offered by NYPD union

5 September 2018

200 Internet censorship campaign and suppression of social opposition

5 September 2018

US report on Chinese “United Front Work” seeks to whip-up hostility towards China

By Gabriel Black, 4 September 2018

The report contains justifications for mass spying on Chinese nationals and warns against cultural exchange programs that leave Americans with positive views of China

Nashville’s shuttering of women’s health clinic leaves only one abortion facility in the city

By Warren Duzak and Keisha Gibbs, 3 September 2018

Despite the billions invested in healthcare, and dozens of Nashville area hospitals, poor and working class women are limited to one small clinic for elective abortions.

Is the Mueller investigation preparing to indict WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange?

By James Cogan, 1 September 2018

The claim that Assange was part of a conspiracy to manipulate the 2016 US presidential election is based on amalgams, distortions and outright lies.

Accused by Trump of rigging search results, Google denies political bias

By Andre Damon, 29 August 2018

The internet monopoly, which has worked to bury left-wing political viewpoints in search results for over a year, said, “We never rank search results to manipulate political sentiment.”

Behind the coordinated social media censorship by Facebook, Twitter and Google

What is FireEye?

By Kevin Reed, 29 August 2018

The cyber-security firm FireEye has high-level connections with military intelligence and Wall Street and is working with social media companies to promote censorship.

NSA leaker Reality Winner sentenced to more than five years in prison

By Kevin Martinez, 27 August 2018

Winner is the first person to be tried by the Trump Administration under the Espionage Act, receiving the longest ever sentence for revealing classified documents.

Google shuts down YouTube channels in expansion of state-directed online censorship

By Kevin Reed, 25 August 2018

Google announced on Thursday that it had shut down 58 social media accounts that the company claimed were part of an Iranian government-sponsored “influence campaign.”

Trump, Republicans exploit murder of Molly Tibbetts to stoke anti-immigrant racism

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 24 August 2018

The killing of a young Iowa woman has become a pretext for the Trump administration and its supporters to intensify attacks on immigrants.

One year after WSWS open letter to Google

Facebook escalates censorship of left-wing, anti-war organizations

By Andre Damon, 23 August 2018

On Tuesday, Facebook announced the removal of hundreds of user accounts and pages, many of them opposing the crimes of the American, Saudi and Israeli governments in the Middle East.

Chicago teen dead after police chase, family disputes official report of suicide

By Matthew Verhoven, 22 August 2018

More than 120 people marched to Mount Sinai Hospital, and to the Chicago Police Department 10th District, to demand the release of the boy’s body and footage of the events.

Private prison corporation CoreCivic facing multiple lawsuits for endangering Tennessee inmates

By Keisha Gibbs, 17 August 2018

Nashville-based private prison company CoreCivic continues to reap profits despite numerous lawsuits.

Cables document CIA Director Haspel’s direct role in torture at black site in Thailand

By E.P. Milligan, 15 August 2018

The 16 cables from Haspel published by the National Security Archive document scenes fit for a medieval dungeon.

US: The “public charge” rule’s effects on legal immigrant families

By Jill Lux, 13 August 2018

Every legal immigrant using a social program is in danger of being labeled a “public charge,” and therefore ineligible for citizenship.

NFL players national anthem protests resume at first preseason games

By Alan Gilman, 13 August 2018

Despite attempts by the League, various owners, and Trump to stop player protests, several continued to protest for social justice, equality and against police violence.

America’s unending reign of police terror

By Niles Niemuth, 11 August 2018

Four years after the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri by police officer Darren Wilson sparked popular outrage over police violence, the daily onslaught of police killings in the US continues.

Tennessee carries out first execution in nearly a decade

Inmate “gulped for an extended period of time” and was “choking,” “gasping”

By Kate Randall, 11 August 2018

Irick’s attorneys had argued that their client suffered from severe mental illness and that one of the drugs to be used in his lethal injection could cause severe pain.

Off-duty Cincinnati police officer uses taser on 11-year old child

By Jacob Crosse, 11 August 2018

Eleven year old Donesha Gowdy was suspected of “petty shoplifting”.

Federal judge blocks Trump administration attempt to deport mother and child during court hearing

By Eric London, 10 August 2018

The government sought to remove the immigrants from the US while their lawyers were preoccupied arguing the case in court.

Arrest of Republican congressman on corruption charges heightens political conflict in Washington

By Barry Grey, 10 August 2018

The prosecution of Chris Collins is a political shot by the US intelligence agencies across Trump’s bow.

Teamsters for a Democratic Union-linked Facebook page censors Amazon worker’s video calling for a united struggle with UPS workers

By Will Morrow, 10 August 2018

The Teamsters for a Democratic Union, a dissident faction of the union apparatus, is terrified of Amazon and UPS workers linking up in a common struggle.

Extensive police spying on activists in Memphis, Tennessee, exposed

By Jimmy Smith and Naomi Spencer, 7 August 2018

The purpose of extensive surveillance is to monitor, chill, and ultimately crack down on opposition in the working class to the actions of the government and the police.

Florida judge rules in favor of early voting on campus

By Matthew Taylor, 6 August 2018

The ruling invalidates recent attempts to suppress the student vote in Florida.

US immigration nightmare continues amid media blackout

By Eric London, 4 August 2018

Since the beginning of August, the New York Times opinion page has published eight opinion pieces or editorial board statements relating to allegations of Trump’s ties to Russia or the #MeToo hysteria, but none about the conditions facing immigrants.

TSA tracks unsuspecting passengers under “Quiet Skies” program

By Kevin Martinez, 1 August 2018

The program allows federal air marshals to follow and report on American citizens not suspected of a crime, not under investigation, and not on any terrorist watch list.

Florida’s “stand your ground” law under heavy scrutiny following shooting

By Matthew MacEgan, 1 August 2018

Two weeks ago, a white man shot an unarmed black man over a parking spot at a convenience store but was not arrested.

Ronan Farrow’s latest #MeToo “bombshell,” directed against Leslie Moonves of CBS

By David Walsh, 1 August 2018

The New Yorker magazine has posted Farrow’s new article, detailing allegations of sexual misconduct against Leslie Moonves, the chairman, president and CEO of CBS Corporation.

Trump administration deported up to 463 immigrant parents without their children

By Tom Hall, 25 July 2018

The admission by government lawyers raises the prospect that hundreds of parents separated under Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy might never see their children again.

Mounting outrage in US over conditions facing detained immigrants

By Patrick Martin, 24 July 2018

Hunger strikes and lawsuits have exposed the barbaric treatment of refugees and immigrants at detention facilities in the US.

American justice: New York City cop who killed Eric Garner may lose vacation days

By Daniel de Vries, 24 July 2018

Daniel Pantaleo has remained on the job pending an internal investigation into the 2014 strangling death of Garner.

Christine Assange, mother of WikiLeaks editor: “I’ve not been able to speak to my son for four months”

By Richard Phillips, 24 July 2018

“I say defend Julian, not just because I’m his mother, but as a citizen and someone who believes in democracy and freedom.”

Imminent threat to Julian Assange underscores need for global defence movement

By Mike Head, 23 July 2018

Plans are afoot to subject the WikiLeaks editor to lengthy imprisonment by the British authorities, pending extradition to the US.

Only 57 of 3,000 immigrant children have been reunited with parents

By Trévon Austin, 14 July 2018

Children and parents were scattered nationwide including Maryland, Texas, New York, Georgia, Louisiana, Arizona and Illinois.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh backed US militarism in his appeals court rulings

By John Burton, 14 July 2018

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has a long record expanding US war powers during his 12 years as a DC Circuit judge.

Hearing on FBI role in 2016 election erupts in vicious conflict between right-wing politicians

By Patrick Martin, 13 July 2018

While Republicans sought to cross-examine former FBI official Peter Strzok about text messages expressing hostility to Trump, Democrats denounced the hearing as a “favor to Putin.”

Brett Kavanaugh: A reliably reactionary jurist

By Ed Hightower, 13 July 2018

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee boasts a record of reaction both as an attorney and as a judge

Trump chooses second ultra-right Supreme Court justice

By Patrick Martin, 10 July 2018

Brett Kavanaugh is a reactionary in the mold of Trump’s first high court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

Federal judge denies Trump administration request for extension to reunite migrant families

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 9 July 2018

The corporate media has effectively dropped coverage of the 3,000 children languishing in immigration detention facilities across the country.

US prosecutors dismiss charges for all remaining J20 defendants

By E.P. Milligan, 9 July 2018

The decision to drop charges against those arrested for opposing Trump's inauguration, exposes the fraud of the trials themselves.

Democrats fast-track Trump’s Supreme Court pick

By Eric London, 3 July 2018

The announcement by the Democrats that they will not seek to block Trump’s Supreme Court appointee reveals certain truths about the two-party system.

Killing of 45-year-old postal worker by Portland State University police draws protests

By Kayla Costa, 3 July 2018

The tragic murder of Jason Washington is a direct result of the militarization of campuses across the country.

Hundreds of thousands march against Trump’s persecution of immigrants

By Patrick Martin, 2 July 2018

There were protests in more than 700 locations, with the largest in Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington and New York City.

“This is like the 1930s. We have to come together and oppose it”

Protesting workers and youth defend immigrants

By our reporters, 2 July 2018

Demonstrators in many cities gave their views to the World Socialist Web Site. Below we publish interviews from Los Angeles, Washington, DC, and New York City.

“I want a political organization that acknowledges that capitalism is not working”

SEP, IYSSE campaign for congressional candidate Niles Niemuth at pro-immigrant protest in Ann Arbor, Michigan

By our reporters, 2 July 2018

A team of SEP and IYSSE members intervened in Saturday’s “Families Belong Together” rally, collecting over 500 signatures to put Niles on the ballot in November.

Who are Trump’s 25 candidates for the Supreme Court?

By Ed Hightower, 30 June 2018

Trump’s possible nominees span the ideological spectrum, from the far right to the arch-reactionary.

Mobilize the working class against the bipartisan attack on immigrants!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party

29 June 2018

Growing opposition to the attack on immigrants and democratic rights requires a clear political focus and policy.

Supreme Court rules against unions in Janus case

By Jerry White, 28 June 2018

Wednesday’s Supreme Court ruling in the Janus v. AFSCME case is a defeat for the union bureaucracy, not the workers.

Justice Anthony Kennedy announces retirement from Supreme Court

By Ed Hightower and Eric London, 28 June 2018

The retirement of the “swing vote” justice gives Trump the opportunity to shift the court to the far-right.

US assault on immigrants continues as Democrats denounce protests against Trump officials

By Alec Andersen, 28 June 2018

While Trump is escalating his fascistic attacks on immigrants, the Democrats are seeking to contain public opposition to his immigration policies.

Murder charges filed against East Pittsburgh police officer in shooting death of teenager

By Samuel Davidson, 28 June 2018

Michael Rosfeld shot and killed a 17-year-old Antwon Rose, Jr. last week as he ran from a car after it was pulled over by police.

US Democratic senators demand eviction of Julian Assange from Ecuador’s London embassy

By James Cogan, 28 June 2018

Leading Democratic senators, including Diane Feinstein and Mark Warner, have declared they are “extremely concerned about Ecuador providing asylum for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.”

Technology giants hold censorship meeting with US intelligence agencies

By Will Morrow, 27 June 2018

The Washington Post described the meeting as a “new overture by the technology industry to develop closer ties to law enforcement.”

US Supreme Court sides with anti-abortion fanatics who operate fake health centers

By Tom Carter, 27 June 2018

Yesterday’s decision is yet another victory for Christian fundamentalists and the campaign to use “freedom of religion” to undermine the separation of church and state, legalize discrimination and obstruct access to health care.

The new Dred Scott: Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban

By Eric London, 27 June 2018

By upholding Trump’s power to seal the country’s borders, the court has granted the president limitless authority to enact his fascistic policies against immigrants and political opponents.

In defense of the Red Hen

By Andre Damon, 26 June 2018

The Washington Post and leading Democrats have lined up with Donald Trump in condemning protests against Trump administration officials over human rights violations on the Mexican border.

Leaked manual reveals ICE informants posing as attorneys, clergy

By Meenakshi Jagadeesen, 26 June 2018

A newly leaked ICE handbook reveals the organization’s policies for illegal undercover operations against immigrants.

Hundreds protest after Minneapolis police fatally shoot 31-year-old man

By Anthony Bertolt, 26 June 2018

Thurman Blevins Jr. was shot down by police in an alleyway in a hail of bullets Saturday evening, sparking almost immediate protests from neighborhood residents.

Supreme Court narrowly protects privacy of cellphone location data

By Ed Hightower, 26 June 2018

The high court came within a single vote of authorizing virtually unlimited police utilization of cellphone location data.

Social studies teachers denounce anti-democratic changes to Michigan education curriculum

By Debra Watson and Ed Bergonzi, 26 June 2018

Teachers are opposing proposed changes to the state’s social studies curriculum that would block students from learning about struggles for democratic and civil rights.

Dominican-American author Junot Díaz: the latest artist victimized by the #MeToo campaign

By Sandy English, 26 June 2018

Following a controversy that erupted in May, MIT recently completed an investigation into the conduct of Díaz, who teaches at the university, and cleared him of any sexual misconduct.

Concentration camps in America

By Eric London, 25 June 2018

The social force that can and must halt the drive toward dictatorship is the working class, the central target of the assault on democratic rights.

“Nobody knows what is going to happen next”

Residents of Salem, Ohio, remain in shock after immigration raid

By Zac Corrigan and Shannon Jones, 25 June 2018

The raid last week by federal agents has traumatized the immigrant community, ripping families apart and making others afraid to leave their homes.

As public anger grows over childhood detention centers

Thousands participate in San Diego protest against treatment of immigrants

By Meenakshi Jagadeesen, 25 June 2018

The protest was led by groups with ties to the Democratic Party, which has facilitated and prepared the way for Trump’s fascistic attack on immigrants.

Open letter by Amazon workers opposes contracts with immigration and police agencies

By Kayla Costa, 25 June 2018

The Amazon workers wrote that they were “deeply concerned” that the company was implicated in Trump’s immoral immigration policy and was “providing infrastructure and services that enable ICE and DHS.”

Protests continue in Pittsburgh over police killing of unarmed teen

By Samuel Davidson, 25 June 2018

Hundreds of people continue to hold daily demonstrations to express their outrage over the murder of unarmed 17-year-old Antwon Rose, Jr. last week.

The American gulag

US Navy planning to build military camps to jail 120,000 immigrants

By Alec Andersen, 23 June 2018

The government is preparing massive military detention camps where immigrants—and ultimately opponents of the government—will be kept in “austere” conditions.

ICE agents raid Ohio meatpacking plants, arrest 146 immigrants

By Jerry White, 21 June 2018

The storming of the Fresh Mark plants, the second major Ohio workplace raid this month, is aimed at instilling fear so that employers can exploit both immigrant and native-born workers with impunity.

Trump executive order: Indefinite detention of immigrant families, 2,300 children to remain separated from parents

By Kayla Costa, 21 June 2018

Wednesday’s order does not revoke the “zero tolerance” policy, does not apply to children already separated from family and will drastically expand the number of people detained in immigration internment camps.

East Pittsburgh police fatally shoot unarmed 17-year-old

By Trévon Austin, 21 June 2018

Antwon Rose, Jr. was shot without any warning as he attempted to flee a traffic stop Tuesday night.

Trump administration restricts visas for Chinese students

By Will Morrow, 20 June 2018

Statements by intelligence officials and the media have argued that over 2 million Chinese nationals residing in the US are a potential fifth column.

Trump administration planning massive expansion of jails for immigrant children

By Eric London, 19 June 2018

The administration is building new facilities to house tens of thousands of immigrant children while refusing to process asylum applicants at the US-Mexico border.

“Something must be done quickly”

Child psychology expert warns of life-changing damage from child-parent separation of immigrants

By Eric London, 19 June 2018

Fulbright Scholar Chris Fradkin told the WSWS: “These children, if they are not reunited with their parents in the next week, will suffer because of this for the rest of their lives.”

Phoenix police shootings on track to double in 2018

By Trévon Austin, 18 June 2018

Phoenix police have shot 23 people so far in 2018, 11 fatally.

Abolish Washington’s immigration Gestapo! Stop the persecution of immigrants!

By Eric London, 16 June 2018

The abolition of the agencies responsible for mass deportations, workplace raids and the separation of families is a life or death question for the working class.

Political cartoonist fired by right-wing Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editors over anti-Trump cartoons

By Kayla Costa, 16 June 2018

After rejecting nineteen of his cartoons since March, the newspaper’s editors fired Rob Rogers for not complying with their efforts to shift content to the right.

US prosecutors drop charges against additional eight J20 defendants

By E.P. Milligan, 15 June 2018

The motion to dismiss charges, far from signifying a change of heart, is a temporary strategic retreat by the prosecution.

US Citizenship and Immigration Services unveils new initiative targeting naturalized citizens

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 14 June 2018

The goal of the new office is to remove the citizenship rights of naturalized immigrants who “cheated” on their applications in civil court proceedings, while also prosecuting them on the charge of criminal fraud.

New report reveals Assange under 24/7 surveillance in Ecuadoran embassy

By Eric London, 13 June 2018

The Spanish El Diario writes: “The government of Ecuador spied on every movement of Julian Assange in its embassy in London.”

Committee For Public Education urges participation in June 17 Assange rally

13 June 2018

The governments attempting to silence Assange are attacking the right of students and educators to a fully-resourced public education.

The end of net neutrality: The US ruling elite escalates campaign of internet censorship

By Andre Damon, 12 June 2018

The move marks a major milestone in the efforts of the US intelligence agencies, technology monopolies, and both political parties to undermine free speech.

Trump administration rescinds right to asylum for victims of gangs and domestic violence

By Eric London, 12 June 2018

The decision is a legal travesty and will result in the rejection of thousands of asylum applications.

Supreme Court upholds Ohio purge of registered voters

By Patrick Martin, 12 June 2018

The Court’s 5-4 decision is the latest in a series rubber-stamping efforts by Republican-controlled state governments to reduce turnout among minority and low-income voters.

US Justice Department seizes New York Times reporter’s records in leak investigation

By Alec Andersen, 12 June 2018

The DOJ seized telephone and electronic communications records belonging to journalist Ali Watkins during an investigation into suspected leaks of classified information emanating from the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Two refugee suicides follow Trump’s “zero-tolerance” order

By Patrick Martin, 11 June 2018

The deaths are a direct consequence of the attack on refugees and immigrants ordered by the White House.

Undocumented worker in ICE custody after delivering food to Army base in New York City

By Mark Ferretti and Philip Guelpa, 11 June 2018

While Pablo Villavicencio was granted an emergency stay of deportation by a judge over the weekend he still faces the prospect of being deported in less than six weeks.

Videos show recent beatings committed by Mesa, Arizona, police officers

By Matthew Verhoven, 11 June 2018

In a press conference Friday, Police Chief Ramon Batista claimed that incidents such as these “would not be tolerated.” But another whitewash is being prepared.

Australian government has obligation to protect Julian Assange

By Richard Hoffman, 11 June 2018

The Turnbull government must exercise its discretion to request from Britain the safe passage of Julian Assange to Australia.

Trump administration to send 1,600 ICE detainees to federal prisons

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 9 June 2018

The government is carrying out the first large scale transfer of immigrants to federal detention facilities under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy.

Illinois Governor calls for reinstatement of the death penalty

By Michael Walters, 9 June 2018

Republican Governor Bruce Rauner issued an amendatory veto to gun control legislation which would, if approved, make the killing of two or more people or police officers capital crimes.

“I saw officers with assault rifles, dogs and helicopters everywhere”

Mass immigration raids shatter Ohio communities

By Eric London and Will Morrow, 7 June 2018

Tuesday’s Gestapo-style raid is a warning to the entire working class.

Judge in Stanford sexual assault case recalled from office following law-and-order campaign

By Patrick Martin, 7 June 2018

There is nothing remotely progressive in the campaign to recall judge Aaron Persky, which was centered on demands for harsher sentencing of those convicted of sexual assault.

Notes on police violence

Cop who punched woman on New Jersey beach will not face charges

By Trévon Austin, 7 June 2018

In a video viewed over 7,000,000 times, an officer can be seen punching the woman twice.

US activist Kevin Zeese calls for demonstrations against the persecution of Julian Assange

6 June 2018

“Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is being defined by the treatment of Julian Assange.”

Video of Chelsea Manning “wellness check” highlights threat posed by police to mentally ill in US

By Matthew Verhoven, 6 June 2018

In a comment given to the Intercept, Manning said of the video, “This is what a police state looks like. Guns drawn during a ‘wellness’ check.”

Free Julian Assange! Support the June 19 vigil in London

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 6 June 2018

Workers and young people must demand that the Conservative government of Theresa May end its persecution of Assange, drop the bail-related issues against him and allow him to leave the embassy and, if he chooses, the UK, without fear of arrest.

Journalist Antony Loewenstein: “Heavy pressure” needed to win freedom and justice for Assange

6 June 2018

The following statement was sent by journalist and filmmaker Antony Loewenstein, a consistent defender of WikiLeaks.

A day of reaction at the US Supreme Court

By Eric London, 5 June 2018

In two separate decisions, the US Supreme Court set back rights for immigrants, the right to abortion, and protections for gay and lesbian couples.