Education in the US

Los Angeles teachers vote on strike authorization

By Dan Conway, 24 August 2018

After working without a contract for 13 months, Los Angeles teachers are taking a strike authorization vote.

Puerto Rico’s teachers hold one-day strike

By Shelley Connor, 24 August 2018

Puerto Rico teachers began the school year with a one-day protest against privatization and crumbling schools.

As students return to school, US teachers face nationwide struggle to defend education

By Nancy Hanover, 20 August 2018

US teachers are returning to the classroom in the aftermath of the “teacher spring,” determined to take forward the fight in defense of public education.

Teacher hostility grows to Michigan Department of Education’s curriculum changes

By Walter Gilberti, 20 August 2018

The Michigan Department of Education has proposed new social studies standards which remove references to essential democratic rights and aim to censor the study of history.

Mass exodus of South Carolina teachers continues

By Hiram Lee, 11 August 2018

As the 2018-2019 school year begins, South Carolina will likely face an even greater shortage of teachers than in previous years.

Arizona teachers return to classrooms with limited gains and broken promises

By Nancy Hanover, 8 August 2018

In the aftermath of the largest statewide walkout last spring, Arizona teachers are still facing a battle for decent wages and education funding.

Stalemate on takeover of Kentucky’s largest school district

By J. Cooper, 6 August 2018

The takeover of the JCPS by the state education commissioner faces opposition as educators fear the implementation of charter schools is behind the move.

Five months after strike, West Virginia teachers say “nothing has changed”

By Nancy Hanover, 31 July 2018

The unions double-crossed the West Virginia teachers, ending their struggle without securing funding for the PEIA, which underwrites their health insurance.

American Federation of Teachers convention devoted to boosting Democratic Party candidates

By Nancy Hanover, 19 July 2018

In the aftermath of the biggest teachers’ strike wave in 40 years, the American Federation of Teachers bureaucracy is seeking to head off a militant movement and defend its interests by promoting the Democrats in the mid-term elections.

US judge rules literacy is “not a right”

By Phyllis Steele, 11 July 2018

A Detroit District Court judge has dismissed a suit charging Michigan officials with systematically defunding and mismanaging schools.

Trump’s attack on the Department of Education

By Nancy Hanover, 4 July 2018

Trump and Education Secretary DeVos are calling for the merger of the Departments of Education and Labor in the name of “shrinking government” and “workforce development.”

“Teachers will be in the classroom…there will be no labor activity”

Pennsylvania judge breaks teachers’ strike

By Adam Mclean, 29 June 2018

Less than 24 hours after teachers struck on June 19 in the small town of Dallas, a Luzerne County judge ordered them back to work.

Social studies teachers denounce anti-democratic changes to Michigan education curriculum

By Debra Watson and Ed Bergonzi, 26 June 2018

Teachers are opposing proposed changes to the state’s social studies curriculum that would block students from learning about struggles for democratic and civil rights.

Teachers and the political struggle

By Nancy Hanover and Jerry White, 26 June 2018

In the aftermath of the union betrayal of their strikes and protests, teachers are running for seats in their state legislatures in unprecedented numbers, posing fundamental political issues for the working class.

Rural school closings devastate Wisconsin communities

By Jacob Crosse, 18 June 2018

Along with school closings, Wisconsin teachers saw a 21 percent decrease in wages and benefits between 2011 and 2016.

Omaha Public Schools board cuts $29 million from budget

By Michael Walters, 16 June 2018

The slashing of funding for the largest school district in Nebraska will result in the elimination of positions in the central office as well as bus drivers, student support liaisons, accountants and IT professionals.

Teachers must prepare for struggle when schools reopen

Oakland Education Association announces contract negotiation impasse

By Jonathan Burleigh, 9 June 2018

Oakland teachers must draw the lessons of this year’s teachers strikes to prepare their own struggle when schools reopen.

Nashville teachers, school workers denounce pay freeze

By Warren Duzak, 9 June 2018

At a public hearing earlier this week, school employees denounced city officials for handing out corporate tax cuts while starving the public schools of resources.

Nashville, Tennessee charter school teachers victimized as school’s finances investigated

By Zachary Thorton, 5 June 2018

New Vision Academy is under investigation by the city’s school district for financial irregularities and noncompliance with federal law after teachers came forward as whistleblowers to report the activities.

Documents reveal the vast influence of Koch brothers in US universities and public schools

By Harvey Simpkins, 29 May 2018

Last month, George Mason University released documents showing how the Charles Koch Foundation and the Federalist Society maintain control over the appointment of professors and the setting of curriculum.

Louisiana teachers support strike for wage increase

By J. L’Heureau, 28 May 2018

The union is seeking to prevent a walkout and has warned that teachers may “take action sooner than we predict.”

Support the National City teachers! Defend public education!

By Kevin Mitchell—SEP candidate for US Congress in California, 26 May 2018

Teachers in the San Diego community have joined a growing wave of teachers’ strikes taking place nationally.

Puerto Rican students at New York University ask to stay another semester

By Isaac Finn, 24 May 2018

Twenty-seven Puerto Rican students, who are attending NYU through a program to aid survivors of Hurricane Maria, have requested that the NYU administration extend the program.

A reply to the communications director of the South Carolina Education Association

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 24 May 2018

The following is an exchange about the May 21 World Socialist Web Site article, “Teachers and public workers protest in South Carolina.”

As unions try to block further walkouts

US education secretary pledges to escalate war on teachers

By Jerry White, 23 May 2018

In remarks before the House Education and Workforce Committee, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos outlined the administration’s plans to accelerate the war against teachers and public education.

Teachers and public workers protest in South Carolina

By Hiram Lee, 21 May 2018

Workers held signs that read, “Teachers need to eat too!”, “My income won’t pay my student loans!”

South Carolina teachers to rally for better pay and funding for schools

By Hiram Lee, 19 May 2018

For the unions, the aim of the demonstration is to smother opposition, isolate it from protests in other states, and channel workers behind the Democratic Party.

North Carolina teachers oppose unions’ shutting down of walkout

By Will Morrow, 18 May 2018

While teachers have returned to work, none of the issues that led to yesterday’s walkout have been resolved.

Twenty thousand teachers rally in North Carolina

By Rosa Shahnazarian and Will Morrow, 17 May 2018

While teachers expressed their determination for a united struggle, the unions called the rally to avert a strike and channel opposition behind the Democratic Party.

As report shows teachers spending hundreds of dollars on school supplies

Wave of US educator walkouts hits North Carolina today

By Will Morrow, 16 May 2018

Today’s walkout in North Carolina is the latest in an ongoing wave of strikes by teachers across the United States and internationally.

Build rank-and-file committees! Prepare a nationwide strike to defend public education!

North Carolina and the next stage of the teachers’ revolt

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 16 May 2018

Thousands of teachers and their supporters are marching in Raleigh, North Carolina today to demand decent wages and benefits and increased school funding.

Deals by unions to end US teacher strikes funded by regressive taxes, more budget cuts

By Nancy Hanover, 15 May 2018

The meager pay raises and funding increases in West Virginia, Oklahoma and Arizona, hailed as “victories” by the unions and their supporters, will be funded through new attacks on workers.

Flint high school teachers criticize deteriorating working conditions

By Genevieve Leigh and Sam Wayne, 15 May 2018

Multiple educators reported that Southwestern Academy high school has held dozens of classes without teachers for months at a time over the course of the current school year.

On eve of teachers’ protests in North Carolina and South Carolina

Profits, stock buybacks soar, but “no money” for wages or school books

By Niles Niemuth, 14 May 2018

The 500 largest corporations in the US will funnel more money into the pockets of wealthy investors than they will allocate for capital expenditures and research and development.

“Teachers across this country need to organize a national strike”

A letter from an Arizona teacher

14 May 2018

In this letter to the WSWS, an Arizona teacher describes the aftermath of the union’s betrayal of the six-day statewide teachers’ strike.

Alabama teacher salaries unchanged for ten years

By Shelley Connor, 14 May 2018

The Alabama legislature approved a 2.5 percent raise for teachers and other state employees earlier in the year, the first cost of living raise for the state’s teachers in a decade.

As Pueblo teachers strike continues

Colorado Democrats slash teacher and public employee pensions

By Will Morrow, 12 May 2018

The cuts have been enabled by the unions, which shut down mass walkouts last month and are isolating the ongoing teacher strike in Pueblo.

How Jacobin and the ISO assisted in the betrayal of the Arizona teachers’ strike

By Will Morrow, 12 May 2018

Both organizations played a critical role in the sellout of the strike of tens of thousands of teachers by the Arizona Education Association and Arizona Educators United.

“Do you work your best when you work for peanuts?” ask Pueblo teachers

First teachers’ strike in Colorado since 1994 now in third day

By Bill Kidd and Nancy Hanover, 10 May 2018

Pueblo, Colorado teachers continue their strike as District 60 begins opening schools.

University of California three-day strike ends without any resolution for workers

By Kayla Costa, 10 May 2018

The health and service workers now face the efforts of the union to isolate their struggle and push a sellout contract.

More than 50,000 UC workers on strike

For a political movement of the entire working class against inequality and capitalism!

By David Moore, 9 May 2018

The strike of university workers in California is part of a growing wave of workers’ struggles around education and healthcare.

Sympathy strike expands University of California picket lines

By Evelyn Rios, 9 May 2018

Nurses and administrative professionals joined service and technical workers on strike across 10 California campuses as students also began to express their support.

NYC New School worker-students strike against poverty wages

By Alan Whyte, 9 May 2018

Striking worker-students set up picket lines Tuesday at three entrances of the New School for Social Research in New York City.

Billionaire Bloomberg and union chief Weingarten join forces to undermine teachers’ struggle

By Fred Mazelis and Steve Light, 9 May 2018

The former New York City mayor and the head of the American Federation of Teachers are worried the wave of strikes and protests initiated by the rank and file will spread and challenge decades of austerity.

Educators’ struggle in US continues in aftermath of union betrayal in Arizona

By Jerry White, 8 May 2018

The strikes and protests that have erupted so far this year are initial expressions of a powerful, objective social movement that raises basic political questions for all workers.

Unions isolate striking Pueblo, Colorado teachers

By Bill Kidd and Will Morrow, 8 May 2018

The teachers unions are isolating the striking teachers not only from their counterparts across the US, but throughout Colorado.

Dozens of classes without teachers at Flint, Michigan, high school

By Genevieve Leigh and Sam Wayne, 8 May 2018

The school administration at Flint Southwestern Academy has hidden from parents and the community for months that dozens of their children’s classes are being held without teachers.

Cafeteria workers at the New School threatened with layoffs

By Philip Guelpa, 8 May 2018

Administrators at the private university in New York City have announced plans to dismiss the entire cafeteria staff and replace them with even lower-paid workers.

Facebook censors Arizona educators’ rank-and-file committee group

By Jerry White, 7 May 2018

Facebook has disabled the Arizona Educators Rank and File Committee group, which provided a forum for teachers to oppose the betrayal of their struggles by the unions.

After union betrayal in Arizona, teacher militancy continues to build across US

By Nancy Hanover, 7 May 2018

Opposition continues to grow among educators over more than a decade of school funding cuts and falling living standards.

“If the workers united we would be a dominating force”

Arizona teachers oppose union sellout and call for nationwide strike

By Will Morrow, 5 May 2018

The unions’ sellout is the latest in a series of betrayals of teacher, including in West Virginia and Oklahoma.

Teachers in Pueblo, Colorado to strike Monday

By Bill Kidd, 5 May 2018

As in other states that have been centers of opposition from teachers, the unions have done everything they could to prevent a walkout, and are now working to isolate the struggle.

Union betrays Arizona teachers strike, backs Republican state budget

By David Moore, 4 May 2018

The deal orders teachers back to work while meeting none of the five demands for which 60,000 teachers walked out.

Arizona teachers oppose union efforts to end strike

By David Moore and Adam McLean, 3 May 2018

The teachers unions decided to call for one more day of walkouts in response to mass teacher opposition to the call to return to work.

Outrage grows over union effort to shut down Arizona teachers strike

By David Moore, 2 May 2018

The Arizona Education Association and Arizona Educators United have told teachers to end their strike without obtaining their demands for pay raises and restoration of $1 billion in school funding cuts.

Arizona strike enters second week as teacher union president opposes calls for nationwide strike

By David Moore, 1 May 2018

Asked about growing calls by teachers for a nationwide strike, the American Federation of Teachers president said the union wanted to turn the walkouts into a “walk-in to the voting booth” for the Democrats.

Unions, Democrats promote deal to suppress struggle by Colorado teachers

By Bill Kidd, 1 May 2018

After teachers walked out last week to demand higher wages and school funding, the unions are backing a plan by state Democrats that will do little to address a decade of school cuts

As Arizona teachers strike enters third day, unions seek to shut down walkout

By Jerry White, 30 April 2018

The unions are determined above all to block the development of a political movement of the working class in opposition to the capitalist system.

Phoenix Amazon workers to teachers: “Keep fighting!”

By David Moore and Adam McLean, 30 April 2018

There is widespread support for teachers throughout the state, which must be organized and mobilized to fight to defend public education.

Arizona Educators United Facebook group censors teachers, WSWS

By Will Morrow, 30 April 2018

The censorship is a clear indication that a sellout by the union and AEU is imminent.

Arizona teachers rally for second day, further walkout expected Monday

By David Moore, 28 April 2018

As in West Virginia and Oklahoma, the unions in Arizona are doing everything they can to shut down the struggle as quickly as possible.

Arizona strike biggest yet in teachers’ revolt in US

By David Moore, 27 April 2018

Arizona teachers launched their first strike in state history while educators in neighboring Colorado are walking out as the struggle of teachers continues to grow.

“If we did this nationally, we'd have greater success”

Striking Arizona teachers speak out

By our reporters, 27 April 2018

Teachers rejected the efforts to divide them from school support staff and called for a united struggle with teachers across the country.

Columbia University teaching assistants launch week-long strike

By Daniel de Vries, 26 April 2018

Striking teaching and research assistants at the Ivy League school in New York City are the latest to join the worldwide upsurge of education workers.

State takeover looms for Kentucky’s largest school district

By J. Cooper, 26 April 2018

The newly appointed pro-charter school education commissioner, Wayne Lewis, says he will issue his decision by Monday.

NEA pushes through sellout a month after shutdown of Jersey City teachers’ strike

By Steve Light, 26 April 2018

The union acted quickly to isolate and shut down the Jersey City strike.

The teachers’ struggle spreads to Arizona and Colorado

By Jerry White, 25 April 2018

With the teachers’ struggle spreading, it is urgent that workers review the political lessons of the experience of educators in the first stage of this battle.

Teachers stage protests in lead-up to Arizona, Colorado walkouts this week

By Will Morrow, 24 April 2018

The union is seeking to turn the walkout into a “lobbying” day at the state capitol and prevent the spread of teacher strikes throughout the country by channeling opposition behind the election of Democrats.

Columbia University graduate students set to strike in New York City

By Josh Varlin, 24 April 2018

Graduate students at the New York City Ivy League university are striking after Columbia refused to bargain with the union.

Arizona teachers prepare for statewide strike

By Jerry White, 23 April 2018

As the week starts, teachers in Arizona and Colorado prepare walkouts as part of the rebellion of educators spreading across the US and internationally.

Arizona teachers vote to strike

By Jerry White, 20 April 2018

More than three-quarters of the 57,000 Arizona educators who cast ballots voted for strike action, which is scheduled to begin next Thursday.

Arizona teachers voting on state-wide walkout

By J. Cooper, 19 April 2018

Teachers are voting on whether to walk out over the governor’s pay offer, which falls far short of their demands.

The betrayal of the Oklahoma strike and lessons for the next stage of the teachers’ revolt

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 18 April 2018

The end of the strike, and the inevitability of a new social eruption, directly pose the need for workers to consciously work over the lessons of the struggle.

Unions shut down Oklahoma teachers strike

By Jerry White, 17 April 2018

The teachers’ courageous fight for improved wages and increased school funding for their students was betrayed by the Oklahoma Education Association and the Oklahoma City-American Federation of Teachers.

Colorado teachers join national wave of protests and walkouts

By Trévon Austin, 17 April 2018

Inspired by educators in other states, teachers protested Monday at the capitol building in Denver.

Oklahoma struggle continues as calls for teacher strikes spread across US

By Jerry White and Niles Niemuth, 16 April 2018

Over the weekend, teachers networked with each other to organize sickouts and other forms of protest as schools reopen today.

Kentucky teachers denounce governor for saying students were “sexually assaulted” due to walkout

By J. Cooper, 16 April 2018

The Kentucky legislature overrode the governor’s veto of a budget and tax bill, leaving in place bills taking millions from education.

Anger grows over union effort to sabotage Oklahoma teachers strike

By Jerry White, 14 April 2018

Thousands of teachers showed up at the state capitol Friday in a show of defiance against the unions and school officials trying to break their two-week strike.

“The unions are trying to shut down a growing nationwide movement”

Oklahoma teachers denounce Oklahoma Education Association’s move to end strike

By Niles Niemuth in Oklahoma City, 13 April 2018

Teachers reacted with anger and a determination to continue the strike following a back-to-work order announced by the OEA Thursday afternoon.

Union seeks to shut down strike: The way forward for Oklahoma teachers

By Jerry White, 13 April 2018

The formation of rank-and-file committees is the basis for taking the conduct of the struggle out of the hands of the anti-working class organizations that call themselves “unions.”

Oklahoma walkout in danger as Arizona, Kentucky teachers press for strike action

By Jerry White, 12 April 2018

Rank-and-file teachers took to social media to denounce the Oklahoma Education Association (OEA) for trying to tamp down their demands and end the strike.

Oklahoma teachers’ strike continues as governor rejects funding demands

By Jerry White, 11 April 2018

The Oklahoma Education Association is trying to end the strike on the basis of a rotten deal that abandons the teachers’ main demands.

Mass turnout at state capitol as Oklahoma teachers’ strike enters second week

By Jerry White, 10 April 2018

The walkout shut down schools serving at least 500,000 of the state’s 700,000 public school students on Monday, and scores of districts have announced that schools will be closed Tuesday.

Nashville parents, teachers and students decry public school cuts

By Keisha Gibbs and Warren Duzak, 9 April 2018

Public schools in Nashville, Tennessee face cuts to free food programs and elimination of funding to schools with impoverished students.

Unions seek to hijack, shut down Oklahoma teachers strike as support for expanded struggle grows

By the Socialist Equality Party, 9 April 2018

As the strike by tens of thousands of Oklahoma teachers and support staff enters its second week, workers face a critical crossroads.

Oklahoma teachers strike to continue next week, after state Senate passes derisory funding bill

By Will Morrow, 7 April 2018

The Oklahoma Education Association, working in collaboration with Democratic and Republican lawmakers, is seeking to end the strike by Tuesday.

New York City bus drivers support striking Oklahoma teachers

By Steve Light and Alan Whyte, 7 April 2018

New York City bus operators interviewed by the WSWS expressed their support for the teachers strike in Oklahoma as well as their distrust of the role of the unions.

International Socialist Organization covers for union treachery in the teachers’ strikes

By Tom Hall, 7 April 2018

In a recent article, ISO writer Lee Sustar appeals to the trade unions to work with the pseudo-left to provide them with a “left” cover.

Teachers’ rebellion continues in Oklahoma and across the US

By Jerry White, 6 April 2018

As the strike by Oklahoma teachers enters its fifth day, protests, stoppages and demands for statewide walkouts by educators are spreading in Kentucky, Arizona and other states.

“We need to take inspiration from their courage”

Autoworkers speak in support of teachers struggle

By our reporters, 6 April 2018

Autoworkers in the greater Detroit area and Chicago voiced support for teachers who are defying the unions to take a stand in defense of public education.

“We need to stop putting profits above pupils”

As Oklahoma strike enters fourth day, students speak out in support of teachers

By Jerry White, 5 April 2018

Most school districts in the state have closed today because of the walkout, with many others cancelling classes through Friday.

Loyola Chicago adjunct faculty hold one-day strike

By Alexander Fangmann, 5 April 2018

The 350 liberal arts and other faculty were joined by several hundred students, alumni and other supporters.

Oklahoma teachers converging on capitol for third day of strike

By Jerry White, 4 April 2018

By early Tuesday evening, most of the state’s districts, including Oklahoma City and Tulsa, announced that schools would be closed Wednesday.

“This is not the civics lessons we’ve been teaching … we’re going to see more of this!”

Thousands of Kentucky teachers rally to oppose cuts

By J. Cooper, 4 April 2018

Not only teachers and school support staff, but parents, bus drivers, firefighters, emergency responders and others attended the rally at the state capitol.

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point students, faculty stage sit-in to protest cuts to humanities

By Jacob Crosse and Christopher Davion, 4 April 2018

The proposed slashing of humanities programs to cover a comparatively modest budget shortfall comes amid immense levels of social inequality and record profits for the wealthy.

Teachers’ rebellion spreads as tens of thousands strike in Oklahoma and Kentucky

By Joseph Kishore, 3 April 2018

The growing wave of unrest among educators requires not only the attention and support of all workers, but their active participation.

After 15,000 march on capitol, Oklahoma teachers’ strike enters second day

By Jerry White, 3 April 2018

Unable to stop the strike initiated by rank-and-file teachers, the unions are now seeking to prevent the walkout in Oklahoma from becoming a catalyst for a far broader strike.

“This needs to go to all 50 states”

Oklahoma teachers call for broadening of strike

By our reporters, 3 April 2018

WSWS reporters spoke to striking teachers, teachers’ assistants and other public employees who attended yesterday’s demonstration of more than 15,000 people.

Northern California teacher placed on leave after encouraging discussion of school shooting protests

By Dan Conway, 3 April 2018

Rocklin High School history teacher Julianne Benzel was disciplined after encouraging discussion over last month’s school shooting protests.

Oklahoma teachers strike as workers’ upsurge spreads in US

By Tom Hall, 2 April 2018

The courageous stand by Oklahoma teachers follows the nine-day strike in West Virginia, where educators’ defiance of the state government and the unions galvanized workers throughout the country and internationally.