Sustainability | Conservation, renewables and energy News | The Age



Shell-backed startup creates fuel from carbon dioxide and fake sunlight

Shell-backed startup creates fuel from carbon dioxide and fake sunlight

A startup company backed by energy giant Shell has developed a method to turn carbon dioxide into fuel by adding fake sunlight.

  • by Cole Latimer


Why doesn't Victoria have a container deposit scheme?

Why doesn't Victoria have a container deposit scheme?

Container deposit schemes are effective in reducing litter and enjoy community support. So why is Victoria the only mainland state not to have agreed to introduce one?

  • by Jewel Topsfield
'Major shortcomings': Productivity Commission backs Murray-Darling revamp

'Major shortcomings': Productivity Commission backs Murray-Darling revamp

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority should be split, while taxpayers face a hefty bill if projects fail, the Productivity Commission has found.

  • by Peter Hannam
Pressure mounts for early Sydney water use curbs on desalination delay
Extreme weather

Pressure mounts for early Sydney water use curbs on desalination delay

Calls are mounting for the government to bring forward water restrictions as storage levels plunge amid signs the $1.8 billion desalination plant won't operate at full capacity for a year.

  • by Peter Hannam
Federal agency pushes back at Barnaby Joyce's environmental water grab

Federal agency pushes back at Barnaby Joyce's environmental water grab

The body in charge of environmental water purchases rejects calls by special drought envoy Barnaby Joyce to divert flows to assist graziers.

  • by Peter Hannam
All models used by Bureau now point to El Nino by the end of spring
Extreme weather

All models used by Bureau now point to El Nino by the end of spring

Hopes for quenching rains that would aid farmers and ease the bushfire risks appear to be dimming with fresh indications of El Nino thresholds will be surpassed by the end of spring.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Death certificate': Ex-water chief slams Barnaby Joyce's drought plan
Extreme weather

'Death certificate': Ex-water chief slams Barnaby Joyce's drought plan

Diverting water tagged for the environment to help drought-hit farmers would breach the federal Water Act, ex-Commonwealth Environment Water Office boss says.

  • by Peter Hannam
Why plantscrapers are springing up across the globe
Good Weekend

Why plantscrapers are springing up across the globe

My, how you’ve grown. The rise of tree towers is no surprise: they’re adept at fighting pollution, reducing energy costs and creating more peaceful places.

  • by Greg Callaghan
Giraffe, rhino deaths raise alarm at former Buenos Aires zoo

Giraffe, rhino deaths raise alarm at former Buenos Aires zoo

Critics argue that a lack of resources and stress from nearby construction work contributed to the deaths.

'They seizure, they froth, they die': Warning to pet owners over fox baiting program

'They seizure, they froth, they die': Warning to pet owners over fox baiting program

It comes just weeks after a rogue fox in urban Ryde sparked concern among residents.

  • by Cassandra Morgan
'Whole thing is a mystery': Reef Foundation windfall hits private fund
Great Barrier Reef

'Whole thing is a mystery': Reef Foundation windfall hits private fund

Government's claim that its $444 million grant to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation will stimulate private donations has been disputed by a leading coral scientist.

  • by Peter Hannam