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SEP Pamphlets

Pamphlets of the SEP.

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  1. new cover

    Castroism and the Politics of Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism

    This lecture by Bill Vann is one of seven delivered to the 1998 international symposium Marxism and the Fundamental Problems of the 20th Century by the International Committee of the Fourth International in Sydney, Australia. Learn More

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  2. The Political Lessons of the Bernie Sanders Campaign: What the World Socialist Web Site said

    The Political Lessons of the Bernie Sanders Campaign: What the World Socialist Web Site said

    The Sanders campaign constitutes a major political experience for the American working class. But it is also an international experience with important lessons for workers and youth around the world. The presidential bid of the so-called “democratic socialist” from Vermont is one of a number of similar political phenomena involving bourgeois politicians and parties that employ radical phrases and posture as left opponents of austerity and war in order to contain rising working class opposition and keep it trapped within the confines of the existing political and economic system. order 5 or more for $3.00/copy Learn More

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  3. The great autoworkers struggle of 2015: Lessons of the rank-and-file revolt against the UAW

    The great autoworkers struggle of 2015: Lessons of the rank-and-file revolt against the UAW

    In the fall of 2015, autoworkers in the United States rebelled against the attempt of the United Auto Workers (UAW) to force through sellout contracts at Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler. This eruption of class struggle, in opposition to the decades-long corporate assault on the jobs and living standards of workers, shocked and astounded UAW officials, the media establishment and the Obama administration. In defiance of the attempts by the media and big business politicians to portray America as a society riven by racial divisions, the autoworkers’ struggle pushed to the forefront the fundamental class issues. Black, white and immigrant workers and workers of all generations came together in a common fight to defend jobs, wages and working conditions. Contained in this pamphlet are a series of articles republished from the World Socialist Web Site outlining the course of this struggle. They examine the political, historical, theoretical and practical issues raised by the autoworkers’ battle. Order 5 or more for $3.00/copy

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  4. The Election of Donald Trump: The Insurrection of the Oligarchy (print)

    The Election of Donald Trump: The Insurrection of the Oligarchy (print)

    The eruption of mass opposition to US President Trump is an event of enormous importance. It poses the question of the program and leadership that will guide the mass social anger at the militaristic and socially reactionary policies of this administration.

    Trump is the true face of the capitalist oligarchy. The coming to power of his administration is not an aberration in an otherwise peaceful and democratic society, but the outcome of decades of social cuts, growing inequality and unending war, under both Democrats and Republicans.

    The series of articles in this pamphlet outline the political foundations for understanding the origin of Trump's victory and advance a socialist strategy for the working class, the only social force that can defeat the drive toward dictatorship and war. (Order 5 or more for $3/copy) Also available as ePub and Kindle

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  5. Science & Socialism

    Science & Socialism

    The progress of science and reason has always depended upon the progress of society and social relations. Capitalism is a social system in which all human activity, including science, is subordinated to private profit. Technology has been used, not to feed the world's population, but to develop ever more destructive weapons of war.

    The Trump administration has threatened funding to all US agencies that have contributed to the advancement of scientific understanding, while increasing the military budget by $54 billion.

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  6. Marxism by V.I. Lenin

    Marxism by V.I. Lenin

    Excellent summary by V.I. Lenin of the historical, philosophical and economic foundations of Marxism. Lenin wrote "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism" as a tribute marking the thirtieth anniversary of Marx's death. This short work has become one of the best known introductions to the complex theories of Marxism, precisely explaining how Marx "continued and consummated" classical German philosophy, English political economy and French socialism and revolutionary doctrine. Lenin introduces the reader to the most essential concepts of Marxism an "integral and harmonious" scientific theory based on a dialectical and historical materialist understanding of society and the development of social knowledge. He then provides a brief exposition of Marx's development of the labor theory of value, the theory of the class struggle, and Marx's unique and most significant contribution to political economy, the theory of surplus value. Learn More

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  7. 1818 - 2018 The Bicentenary of Marx's birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle

    1818 - 2018 The Bicentenary of Marx's birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle

    2018 marks the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism and author of Das Kapital. World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board Chairman David North argues that far from being outmoded, Marx's teachings have burning relevance for today. The historical experiences of the twentieth century - the Russian Revolution of 1917, the rise of Stalinism, and victory of fascism in Germany in 1933 - have demonstrated, as Trotsky emphasized, that the greatest challenge to mankind is the resolution of the crisis of revolutionary leadership.

    The statement "Final reflections on the centennial year of the Russian Revolution" notes the worried tones of bourgeois commentators on the precarious state of world capitalism, and the danger that the October Revolution remains a beacon to the working class all over the world.

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  8. Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

    Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

    Led by the United States, all of the imperialist powers are preparing for world war. Social inequality and wealth concentration have reached unsustainable levels. The capitalist ruling elites, deeply discredited and beset by internal political conflicts, are turning toward authoritarian forms of rule. Everywhere, the ruling class is terrified of the growth of social opposition in the working class.

    It is this fear that underlies the coordinated campaign to censor and control the Internet, under the guise of combating “fake news.” The US government, in collaboration with Google, Facebook, Twitter and other corporations, is implementing massive restrictions on Internet access. In 2017, the Trump administration announced its decision to abolish net neutrality, giving powerful information technology monopolies a stranglehold over the flow of information online.

    The World Socialist Web Site has taken the lead in exposing this conspiracy to censor the Internet. This pamphlet includes some of the main articles and statements from the WSWS on this campaign.

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  9. Socialism and the Defense of Public Education

    Socialism and the Defense of Public Education

    The mounting struggles by US teachers, including the statewide strike by West Virginia Teachers in February 2018, poses basic questions of political strategy.

    What and who are teachers fighting against? What is the role of the Democratic Party? What is the character of the trade unions? How can teachers secure their basic rights, and how can the working class as a whole ensure the basic right to public education for everyone?

    Includes an on-the-spot report from Puerto Rico, where the Governor is using the devastation of Hurricane Maria to close public schools and privatize remaining ones.

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  10. The Struggle Against Imperialism and for Workers' Power in Iran

    The Struggle Against Imperialism and for Workers' Power in Iran

    This pamphlet addresses pivotal issues of socialist strategy in a country that for decades has been a target of US imperialist intrigue and aggression, and where the working class, as heralded by the protests that opened 2018, is now striving to find the road of independent class struggle. Based on an examination of Iran’s history and the global struggle against imperialism, the pamphlet demonstrates that a viable strategy to defeat imperialism can only be founded on the working class, and requires its mobilization as an independent political force in opposition to all factions of the bourgeoisie.

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