Environment | Weather, Climate Change & Conservation News | The Sydney Morning Herald


'Revved up': Land being cleared at the rate of 14 football fields a day in northern NSW

'Revved up': Land being cleared at the rate of 14 football fields a day in northern NSW

The rate of land clearing in northern NSW more than tripled after the Berejiklian government eased native vegetation protection in 2017.

  • by Peter Hannam


'Unprecedented dryness' points to busy fire season in Australia's east
Extreme weather

'Unprecedented dryness' points to busy fire season in Australia's east

Record heat and well below average rainfall has primed forested areas of eastern Australia for an early and busier than usual bushfire season, according to fire authorities and researchers.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Get ready now': Millions at risk from bushfires

'Get ready now': Millions at risk from bushfires

Recent rainfalls in NSW have not been enough to abate the high chance of bushfires this season, warns the Rural Fire Service.

Shell-backed startup creates fuel from carbon dioxide and fake sunlight

Shell-backed startup creates fuel from carbon dioxide and fake sunlight

A startup company backed by energy giant Shell has developed a method to turn carbon dioxide into fuel by adding fake sunlight.

  • by Cole Latimer
Fishing gone: I hope the oceans will still be there for my son
Gladys Berejiklian

Fishing gone: I hope the oceans will still be there for my son

We all have an interest in healthy oceans - not only as the home of fish for the future but as the life support systems of the planet.

  • by Justin Field
'Overwhelming' economics favour accelerating shift from coal, reports say

'Overwhelming' economics favour accelerating shift from coal, reports say

Massive opportunities will come with the transition to low-carbon economies but the costs will also be huge if we don't, two new reports find.

  • by Peter Hannam
Endangered hammerhead sharks die on baited hooks in Great Barrier Reef
Marine life

Endangered hammerhead sharks die on baited hooks in Great Barrier Reef

The images show two scalloped hammerhead sharks dangling lifelessly on drum lines used by the Queensland government under its shark control program.

  • by Sonia Kohlbacher
First burst of spring to nudge mercury to high 20s in parts of Sydney
Extreme weather

First burst of spring to nudge mercury to high 20s in parts of Sydney

The first notable burst of spring heat will sweep across south-eastern Australia early next week, sending temperatures into the mid- to high-20s in Sydney by Wednesday.

  • by Peter Hannam
Sydney's marine life turning troppo as coral, other species head south
Marine life

Sydney's marine life turning troppo as coral, other species head south

Tropical corals have been found further south than ever before - and so are many other species as our waters warm.

  • by Peter Hannam
Parrots flock to Sydney amid NSW's record warmth, deepening drought
Extreme weather

Parrots flock to Sydney amid NSW's record warmth, deepening drought

Sydney's driest start to a year since 1968 appears to be encouraging a trend that has nudged large flocks of parrots to set up home in Sydney's parks.

  • by Peter Hannam
Angling for a marine park: poll finds support for coastal protection
Marine life

Angling for a marine park: poll finds support for coastal protection

Backing for a proposed marine park reaches as high as 90 per cent in four coastal electorates, which supporters hope will counter opposition from angler groups.

  • by Peter Hannam