Economy | Australian, regional and global economic News | The Sydney Morning Herald


The economy

Had it been Lehman Sisters, world would be different, IMF chief says

Had it been Lehman Sisters, world would be different, IMF chief says

Internationa Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde says had a woman been in charge of Lehman Brothers, the whole global financial crisis may have been averted.

  • by Nassim Khadem


Economy surges as Australia's savings ratio hits 10-year low

Economy surges as Australia's savings ratio hits 10-year low

A surging economy is being driven by a growing number of Australians raiding their savings.

  • by Eryk Bagshaw
Drought may increase push for electricity royal commission

Drought may increase push for electricity royal commission

Analysts say a worsening drought may drive up wholesale power prices, acting as a potential launching pad for a Royal Commission for a government focused on targeting electricity costs.

  • by Cole Latimer
NSW to give electric vehicle infrastructure a supercharge

NSW to give electric vehicle infrastructure a supercharge

The NSW government is paving the way to make it easier to build electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the state.

  • by Cole Latimer
Economy grows at fastest rate in six years; Aussie dollar jumps

Economy grows at fastest rate in six years; Aussie dollar jumps

Rebounding household spending has boosted domestic demand, paving the way for the bumper result.

  • by Eryk Bagshaw
What Sydney's Airbnb hosts made last year

What Sydney's Airbnb hosts made last year

Greater Sydney's Airbnb hosts charged an average of $150 per night last year.

  • by Matt Wade
Energy sector slams royal commission as a 'costly chest-thumping exercise'

Energy sector slams royal commission as a 'costly chest-thumping exercise'

The energy industry says a proposed royal commission would be a costly "chest-thumping" exercise which would have been recommended by the consumer watchdog if it had been necessary.

  • by Cole Latimer
Global debt soars, along with fears of crisis ahead
World markets

Global debt soars, along with fears of crisis ahead

Ten years after the worst financial panic since the 1930s, growing debt burdens in key developing economies are fueling fears of a new crisis.

  • by David J. Lynch
BP going green but in no rush for electric vehicles at the servo

BP going green but in no rush for electric vehicles at the servo

Global energy company BP is turning green but don’t expect to see electric vehicle chargers at your local petrol station any time soon.

  • by Cole Latimer
The 'outliers': 23 top companies lack women in top leadership
Gender equality

The 'outliers': 23 top companies lack women in top leadership

There are just 14 female chief executives on the ASX200 and just 24 female chief financial officers, a new snapshot of corporate Australia shows.

  • by Nassim Khadem
'The biggest risk for the Australian economy': Consumer worries for Frydenberg
Federal election

'The biggest risk for the Australian economy': Consumer worries for Frydenberg

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will faces his first set of national accounts a week after taking responsibility for the Australian economy.

  • by Eryk Bagshaw