FOSSASIA Activities


Coding Programs

FOSSASIA organizes local, regional and global developer trainings and coding contests. We also cooperate with partners in programs such as Google Summer of Code. Please join us and browse our open issues, mini-projects and GSoC ideas.


Developer Meetups and Conferences

The FOSSASIA Open Tech Summit takes place once a year. We organize Science Hack Days and regular meetups throughout Asia from Beijing, Saigon, Singapore to Dubai. Please join our events or start a group in your region.


Software and Hardware Development

We develop applications for Science hack labs, software programs for events, community engagement and open data tools, and we support existing projects with resources. Visit FOSSASIA Labs for more info.

Our Background and Mission

What We Do

We bring amazing people together to create, develop, design and make things with Open Technologies - hardware and software - and share our work for the benefit of all. We organize Open Tech summits, science hack labs, meetups and coding programs with developers, designers and contributors.

Why We Do It

Our main goal is to improve people's lives by sharing Open Tech solutions. We want to see that information technology and science has a positive impact on our society. We believe this can be achieved if people have access to digital tools and knowledge. Open Technologies offer free and open access. At FOSSASIA we are excited how sharing is possible on all layers from software, hardware and design to data and knowledge and we work hard to enable people to participate in the sharing society, expand knowledge, tools and opportunities, freedom of communication and expression for everyone.

Who We Are

We are an organization of people from all continents based in Asia. We want to see progress and improvements of people's lives in Asia and everywhere. We are developers, designers, event organizers and contributors who want to learn and share ideas, create and make digital software tools and hardware, that benefit people around the world. FOSSASIA was founded in 2009 by Hong Phuc Dang and Mario Behling.

We need your support to continue our work for you. We need funds for developing free and open source software and hardware, sharing of open knowledge, organizing events and meetups and to keep working with the community.

The FOSSASIA Summit is an annual conference featuring prominent Open Tech icons.

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FOSSASIA Ideas for Projects, Code Heat Contests, Developer Programs

FOSSASIA organizes coding programs around the year. We are proud to participate for several years as a mentor organization in the Summer of Code program of Google and at Google Code-In. Google Summer of Code offers students stipends to write code for our open source projects. In the #codeheat coding contest developers build up their code profile and participants can win trips to awesome Open Tech events. Read more about our project ideas and join the Code Heat coding contest or register to get information for one of our internship and job openings.

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Interested in coding for FOSSASIA?
Register on our application page for internship and job openings,
subscribe to our newsletter for announcements
and start engaging by doing a mini-project.

FOSSASIA Events, Hackathons and Science Hack Labs

Throughout the year FOSSASIA organizes meetups and events. The highlight is FOSSASIA Summit every year in March. FOSSASIA events are the place software development gets done. If you rely on open technologies, open source and hardware development, you must be a part of FOSSASIA events, be it as an attendee, speaker, volunteer or sponsor. You can also organize your own Open Tech event with the open event software at

Event Portal Sponsorship

How Can I Support FOSSASIA

Subscribe to FOSSASIA channels and spread Open Tech news.

FOSSASIA members are active on social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, code platforms, mailing list and many more. Please help us to spread information and share your ideas. Let's start the conversation and subscribe to our newsletter.

Subscribe to FOSSASIA mails

Become a contributor and solve a bug, implement a new feature or write a unit test.

We are looking for your expertise, be it as a software developer, hardware maker, designer or administrator. Please join us and contribute to our projects on Github. Solving a bug, implementing a new feature, writing unit tests and giving feedback on existing projects is the first step before joining FOSSASIA coding programs.

See an overview of projects here
Join our coding contest.

Donate to the FOSSASIA cause.

We need your support to continue the work for sharing of knowledge, code and design and organizing events and meetups. Please donate to our cause and help us to improve people's lives by offering open access to knowledge, ideas and digital tools.

Donate Now

Join OpenTech meetups, organize own events and become a volunteer.

FOSSASIA groups and projects exist throughout Asia. Still there are many white spots left, where you can help to spread free knowledge and digital Open Technology tools. You can start by signing up on our Open Source Event organizer portal on and invite friends and community members. Also look out for other events on the portal or start your own.

Visit now

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Friends and Partners

Interested in becoming a partner or sponsor? Get in touch