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The NewStandard ceased publishing on April 27, 2007.

There are 2991 original articles in the TNS archive.

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* Some coverage topics are relatively recent, so their contents may appear incomplete.

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Plan to Plant Gene-Modified Rice Alarms Interest Groups

A government agency is currently weighing a controversial proposal to allow a biotechnology company to plant up to 3,200 acres of rice genetically modified to treat diarrhea.

White House ID Theft Plan Soft on Industry, Critics Say

As stolen identities undercut the assets and privacy of Americans, public-interest groups say the White House’s new strategy to combat identity theft ignores core challenges of securing data in the Digital Age.

Bottled Water Boycott Highlights Waste, Resource Depletion

Environmentalists are calling for a boycott of bottled water in an effort to reduce the use of fossil fuels, protect the environment and protect local drinking supplies.

Post Office to Favor Big Mags, Spike Rates for Small Pubs

Small periodicals across the country will see their mailing costs swell thanks to new postage rates written by a major media conglomerate and adopted by the US Postal Service.

Anti-poverty Activists Fight to Eradicate Predatory Lending

In reaction to a surge in home foreclosures, an anti-poverty group is attempting to organize low-income people to push for changes to the nation’s lending laws.

Greenwashing Fears Raised by Berkeley-BP Initiative

Fresh ties are budding between public universities and a leading oil company, seeding fears that industry is profiting from climate-change research at the expense of scientific integrity.

Privacy Concerns Surround Proposed Google, DoubleClick Merger

Privacy advocates are attempting to thwart a merger between Google and an online marketing agency, fearing the deal could further erode Internet users’ privacy.

FDA Complicit in Pushing Prescription Drugs, Ad Critics Say

In light of news that government regulators have neglected their duties to review pharmaceutical commercials, their proposed fix involves crawling even deeper into bed with drugmakers.

After McDonald’s Victory, Labor Activists Target Burger King

It took four years for Taco Bell’s parent company to agree to demands that the restaurant take responsibility for the wages and working conditions of migrant laborers who pick its tomatoes. It took another two years for McDonald’s to accept a similar deal.

Loophole Let Wal-Mart Evade $2.3B in Taxes*

Accusing a retail giant of wriggling out of over $2 billion in taxes, a watchdog group is pointing to a loophole in certain states that lets huge companies pay rent to themselves.

Salmon Advocates Say Kill Dams, Not Sea Lions*

Environmentalists are reacting to a proposal to slaughter some sea lions in order to save the few salmon they in turn kill, pointing to deadly dams as the elephant in the room.

Battle Over Michigan Sulfide Mines Heats Up

In an early round of bureaucratic wrangling, Michigan environmental officials have withdrawn their proposal to allow a sulfide mine in a relatively untouched part of the state.

Nanotech Critics Warn Against Industry Self-Regulation

As the science of tiny particles seeps into commercial markets, controversy is swelling over whether the nanotechnology industry can be trusted to regulate itself.

Skid Row Homeless Displaced but Still Homeless

Although homeless people, community organizers and academics say the best way to end homelessness is to increase affordable housing, Los Angeles politicians’ most visible response to the city’s crisis has been a police crackdown on homeless people.

Climate Change Gas Emissions Way Up Nationwide

A report released this week documents a dramatic increase in greenhouse-gas emissions in the United States since 1990.

EPA Helping to Hide Tons of Toxic Waste, Researchers Show

This year, Californians will live alongside over half a million pounds of newly hidden toxic waste, thanks to recent changes in the national system for reporting releases of hazardous chemicals.

Prison Litigation ‘Reform’ Meets New Challenges

Prisoners who allege being raped, beaten and otherwise mistreated have for years faced an additional burden: limited access to US courts. Now civil-rights groups are renewing efforts to undo litigation "reform" imposed on the nation’s incarcerated population.

Activists Target Big Banks for Financing Climate Change

Dubbing them the Wall Street Seven, some environmentalists are putting pressure on major financial institutions for financing power plants that emit the most greenhouse gases.

New Florida Felon Voting Rules Fall Short, Critics Say

While new rules will make it easier for some felons to regain certain rights they lost when convicted, civil-rights activists say the process is still far from libertarian.

FedEx Charged with More Anti-Union Actions in Massachusetts

A federal agency is accusing FedEx Home Delivery of cracking down on employees’ attempts to organize in Massachusetts by harassing workers, threatening firings and monitoring employees’ activities.

Opponents Hope to Derail Enrichment Plant in Legal Fight

A so-called "nuclear renaissance" is budding in New Mexico with the construction of a major uranium-processing facility, but activists are waging a legal challenge in an attempt to stem the industry’s resurgence.

Bush Skips Congress, Appoints ‘Extremist’ as Regulatory Head

President Bush is poised to install someone watchdog groups call an "anti-regulatory extremist" to a powerful government position.

FDA Looks to Renew Industry-Funded Review Process

Congress is set to reauthorize a Food and Drug Administration act that critics say gives drug companies too much influence over the agency, leading to hasty approvals of new drugs.

Environmental Racism Still Major Problem, Report Confirms

Twenty years after a landmark report documented environmental racism in the United States, new evidence shows that toxic waste is still being disproportionately dumped on communities of color.

Maryland May Join Pact to Bypass Electoral College*

The Maryland state senate recently passed a bill that would allow the nationwide popular vote – instead of the Electoral College – to determine presidential elections. The bill has been passed on to the state’s House of Representatives.

Campaign for ‘Fair Elections’ Legislation Heats Up

In response to corruption on Capitol Hill and the ballooning costs of running for federal office, public-interest groups and some lawmakers are pushing for a system of government-financed congressional election campaigns.

Critics Question Economics of Logging in Largest National Forest

As the US Forest Service pursues a logging plan for the Tongass National Forest, conservationists are pushing for different economic priorities in Alaska.

Congress Challenges Labor Board Anti-Union Definitions

Lawmakers introduced a bill last week that would give back millions of workers the right to join unions.

Govt. Pushes Nuke-Waste Proposal through Public Gauntlet

As the Department of Energy wraps up a nationwide tour to collect public feedback on a nuclear energy program, environmentalists are urging the government to abandon the plan.

Govt. Looks to Continue Handouts for Factory Farm Pollution

The latest round of legislative proposals to address waste from the agricultural industry would continue to give government breaks to factory farms, despite critics’ arguments that the large-scale operations are unnecessarily harmful to the environment.

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The NewStandard ceased publishing on April 27, 2007.