I ordered two of the Twelve South BackPack’s so that I could hide my Mac Mini and the two 1TB drives I have hooked to it. While I was getting everything situated, I zip tied some cables together and took some shots of the rest of the work bench.

As you can see, my battery backup is still a rats nest that I haven’t really figured out what to do with. I tucked the Verizon Fios router in the bottom drawer of my little shelf under my desk, on top of which is an Airport Extreme that is setup so I get great signal on the patio (if the precipitation ever stops.) I think the end result is better than what I had before, but could use additional cable organization. Would love to hear suggestions on how to hide the giant battery backup and organize the power cables.

For anyone that’s curious, most essential software is sync’ed to the MacBook Air either via MobileMe or DropBox, so things like Skype, Colloquy, keychains, and non-sensitive local development files are always in sync between the two computers.

A few months back I jumped on the iPod-Nano-as-a-watch bandwagon, and have been waiting for a suitable watch band ever since. I tried a few and none of them really felt solid enough for daily wear. I even made my own out of a $6 X-Men wristband from Hot Topic, which lasted an hour until I ripped it taking it off.

Then I saw the LunaTik on Kickstarter. I went for the limited anodized red edition, which came with the awesome (but not quite as awesome) TikTok.

I’ve been wearing it for 10 minutes so far, and it’s as awesome and well constructed as it looks. The band feels really strong and comfortable, and the Nano fits exactly perfectly inside it. Unlike the Transformers watches I had when I was like 7 years old that kept falling off in the Wisconsin leaf-piles, there is no way the Nano is coming out of this thing no matter how sweet of a jump I hit.

Great job Scott and everyone at MINIMAL!