Welcome to Keybase
Keybase is a new and free security app for mobile phones and computers. For the geeks among us: it's open source and powered by public-key cryptography.
Keybase is for anyone. Imagine a Slack for the whole world, except end-to-end encrypted across all your devices. Or a Team Dropbox where the server can't leak your files or be hacked.
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also available: other platforms
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Keys: 1,403,482Humans: 288,340
Teams: 42,990
Some humans on Keybase
cl0ckw0rk Lindsey Bieda |
chrislas Chris Fisher |
jt Joe Torraca |
jaysonstreet Jayson E. Street |
mpesce Mark Pesce |
Alucard Austin Gillmann |
veader Shawn Veader |
nigelmcnie Nigel McNie |
cleverdevil Jonathan LaCour |
chesterbr Carlos Duarte do Nascimento |
nullkal nullkal |
lena Lena |
snipe snipe |
leah Leah Culver |
kepsega Amelia Elizabeth Perry |
Welcome to Keybase
Keybase makes apps for every platform - apps to make chatting, privacy, and crypto easy.