At the tone the time will be (13:05 – 4). BEEP.

Working at Automattic and on several open source projects means I am often working with people from all over the world at any given time of the day or night. As such, we tend to coordinate our lives around UTC. Between traveling, daylight savings, my absent circadian rhythm, and my shorter than average attention span these days (squirrel!) I’m always a bit worried about missing a meeting that’s happening someplace I am not.

I know that right now I am EDT, UTC -4, which will be UTC -5 come winter. Half of my team is on PDT which is UTC -7, which is -3 more than me. At the end of September I’ll be at WordCamp Lisbon which is UTC (GMT +1 DST) and in October I’ll be in Hungary which is CEST (GMT +2 DST).

This is me going cross-eyed.

I’ve had quite a few exciting changes in the past 2 years. I have a dog; I switched over completely to OS-X; I switched to Dvorak; I switched to the Lion backwards-mouse-thing; I moved to a part of the United States I’ve never had aspirations to live in; I survived a hurricane. Since times they are a changin’ I’m switching all of my clocks over to 24 hour UTC time until I memorize what’s going on where.

If you see me around, please don’t ask me what time it is for the next few weeks, because I will literally have no idea.

This year I had the privilege of speaking a total of three times at WordCamp San Francisco and MC’ing the dev track all day on Friday.

The footage and slides below are from my first talk on Friday morning about BuddyPress 1.5.

[wpvideo GzqLp8uq]

[slideshare id=9052698&w=515&h=375&sc=no]

Overall I’m happy with the way things turned out. I’ve always been comfortable on stage but have fallen out of practice in recent years. I love being able to use footage like this to improve each presentation that I give, and am excited to apply what I learned this time around.

I found this email to be hilarious. Copy and pasted, bad grammar et all:

Gooday, I am your group regional Instructor for Gooday,I am your group regional Instructor for Ebay Secret Shopper LLC,. Henceforth. We are looking for a secret shopper and your wage is $200 per assignment. Email me back with the Information below then i can send you the procedures on what you will be doing 01 – Full names: (**last Name first): 02 – Home Address(include Zip): 03 – Phone: 04 – Country: 05 – Age: 06 – Occupation: Regards Sean Duffy

Thank you Sean Duffy, but I respectfully pass.

Following Ian’s lead, I too am speaking at WordCamp San Francisco this year! This will be my second time attending and first time speaking at the annual WordPress conference, so needless to say I (like Ian) am super-excited about it!

The details of my session haven’t been officially released, but you can bet the farm it will be something totally awesome about BuddyPress or bbPress.