Do you remember The Berenstain Bears?

Do you, like millions of others, misremember them as the Berenstein Bears? I remember reading about this years ago, and now the web has caught up – people are freaking out about glitches in the Matrix, alternate realities, and other malarkey.

Brace for impact…

It’s always been “Berenstain”.

I very vividly remember my 2nd grade teacher “correcting” my saying “stain” in front of the entire class. I used to read books to the class, repeatedly, every week. The Pokey Little Puppy, The Monster at the End of This Book, and a bunch of other favorites that my mom used to read to me.

The Berenstain Bears was one of them.

This phenomena was created by adults without appreciation for detail, who propagated one mispronunciation to impressionable young minds. It’s the same as everyone playing Monopoly incorrectly for decades.

Human minds naturally trust ubiquity & do not reprocess solved problems.

The lesson? People all around you accidentally influence your perceptions, in ways that have seemingly invisible yet long-lasting effects.

Concepts like discrimination, racism, classism, ageism, and so on, are ideas handed down to us by the people that came before us.

You can continue believing what your memories have convinced you over-time as real, or you can accept reality as it presents itself today, tomorrow, and everyday thereafter.

There are no super heroes or villains. No aliens. No ghosts. No time travel. And definitely, without question, no Berenstein Bears. 🐻

In my job, I work with a lot of meta-data. (If you’re not sure what meta-data is, go search the web & come back; I’ll wait here…)

I’m frequently annoyed at a lack of an icon for it. Unlike technologies like RSS, HTML5, and so on, meta-data is harder to visualize and define because it means many different things in many different applications.

In WordPress, meta-data traditionally refers to our arbitrary key-value storage system for primary objects like posts, comments, users, taxonomy terms, and so on. It also refers to the team of mostly-volunteer staff that help build & maintain and the surrounding galaxy of sites connected to it.

Right now, WordPress’s Meta team uses the networking icon as it’s mark, which isn’t bad, but I don’ really think it’s right. It looks like this:

Screen Shot 2016-09-04 at 12.20.48.png

I was also working on a WordPress plugin for multisite blog-meta, and couldn’t find a suitable icon, so I decided to take a stab at one myself.

Of course, it’s likely a similar design exists somewhere for something else (and any similarities are accidental & coincidental) and I have a bad habit of thinking I’ve invented something only to learn someone on the web beat me to it.

I figure, it’s better to put something out into the world for scrutiny sooner, so here’s what I came up with in a pinch, and you can see it in action here:



All of the assets are up on Github, pull-requests encouraged. ❤️

P.S. Please don’t sue me if this icon is already a thing. I promise, I had no idea, and Google’s reverse image search came up empty, so maybe you should look into that instead of bothering lil’ol me.