There’s no other way to say it; August 1st is my last day working at Automattic.

To my ex-Automatticians, thank you so much for the hospitality. You’re a great bunch, and I’m excited about what’s in the pipeline. It’s been an excellent almost-3 years, and it will only continue getting better.

To everyone else… don’t worry — I’m sticking around BuddyPress, bbPress, and Dotorg. I’ll still be speaking at WordCamps, teaching people about WordPress Development, and doing my best to influence positive thinking and change in the community where I’m able.

Anyone looking for the scoop, there isn’t one. No drama, no hard feelings, no ill-will — just time for me to double-down on what I’m most passionate about, and that’s BuddyPress, bbPress, Multi-network, and a few other ideas that have been floating around my imagination for a while.

Overall… I’ve learned some, loved some, lost some, and am extremely stoked about the future, which I’ll post more about in the coming days.
