Berlin: War on the war! Fire for DGAP – German Society for Foreign Politics (Germany)

September 2nd, 2018

With this we take responsibility for the incendiary device we placed in front of the building of the German Society for Foreign Politics (DGAP) in Drake-/Rauchstraße (Tiergarten) in the night of 21.8.18.

13 litres of a petrol-oil-mixture shall be the beginning of putting an end to the undisturbed and fearless existence of the DGAP as a political advisor of the German war society.

Since the beginning of this year increased attacks against the war industry, their profiteers and financiers take and took place over all the German controlled territory. We join these attacks and let the fire speak from our side. War starts here! War on the war!

War starts here, in the halls of politics. War starts everywhere, where people throw away their empathy, to profit from the globalized misery. In the war-industry, the thinktanks of science, in the faceless administration of bureaucracy, in the form of uniformed slaves, who receive and obey orders in rank and file. War starts between human beings, when concurrence and aspiration to power reigns over solidarity and the free development of the individual.

German Security – Profit through war

Through the choice of the DGAP as the target of our incendiary device we declare the ideological architects of German-European hegemonic politics, the scientists and forerunners of a security paradigm which works with as well as alongside of warmongers and in this way are our enemies. What they declare about security is not ours. Their foreign policy is a policy of order. And their order needs tanks against uprisings and frigates against inflatable dinghies, it builds fences against the suppressed and works continuously to extend their ongoing misery. Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity text to prisoners of “Lee Correctional Institution” from prisoners in Larissa (USA, Greece)

September 1st, 2018

Above: Banner of solidarity hung by Utopia AD, Greece, with the prison labour strike of the US prisoners and with the anarchist prisoners around the world.

Solidarity text to prisoners of “Lee Correctional Institution” prison of U.S.A.

In light of what happened at the “Lee Correctional Institution” prison in the state of South Carolina, U.S.A., and with the tragic death of 7 of our detained and 17 seriously injured and with the full responsibility of the service of the prison, the director and the chief guard, as they knew they were members of rival gangs and intentionally placed them in the same wing, being proud about their cowardly result. We, the prisoners of the A’ wing based on solidarity with all South Carolina imprisoned fighters and all the prisons of America, declare our support in the general situation of this time, setting as a primary purpose the opposition to the dirty manipulations the director and the guards exercise in the prisons, having for result the death of our retained brothers. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago: Almuerzo solidario con lxs presxs en Espacio Libertad 53 (Chile)

August 31st, 2018

Todas las actividades agendadas en el Espacio Libertad 53 (ex-arcis) han sido canceladas por motivos externos a la toma que se efectuaba ahí.
Estamos gestionando otro espacio para no cancelar el Almuerzo Solidario del día 08/09, atentxs. ¡Fuerza a lxs compas del Espacio Libertad!

Almuerzo solidario con lxs presxs en Espacio Libertad 53 [08/09/2018]


Día y hora: Sábado 08 de Septiembre, 13:00hrs Puntual

Lugar: Espacio Libertad 53, metro ULA, Santiago de Chile

Plato $2.000: Lazaña y seitán con verduras + ensalada

Habrá también:
-Feria anarquista/anticarcelaria
-Repostería, sopaipillas, bebestibles varios

Música en vivo:
-Weichan Punk Rock Mapu
-Colectivo Raíces Latinas Hip-Hop
-Yigo Dosmildosis

Show: Feñita Payaso

Obra de teatro: Onirik Babska


Organiza: Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo.

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Posted in Autonomy |

Not Ideological Solidarity but Critical Revolutionary Solidarity: A Personal Reflection of Yogyakarta/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross

August 30th, 2018

Not Ideological Solidarity but Critical Revolutionary Solidarity: A Personal Reflection of Yogyakarta/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross (Palang Hitam)

Knowledge chooses its project,
each project is new and chooses its moments,
each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from
the memory of all the moments that existed before

The Interior of the Absolute

It is fair to say that the Black Cross were initiated after the May Day event in Yogyakarta 2018, a demonstration/blockades that ended up in a riot between the so-called “local people” and the demonstrators (many, even the so-called Student Organization involved in the organizing blamed the Black Clad anarchists for igniting the riot and provoked property destruction, and to their surprised the graffiti that call to “Kill the Sultan”, until now there have been no one claimed this). Therefore, even Palang Hitam now are progressing their activities to other places and helping other revolutionaries who are facing the same legal consequences or just being in the grassroots conflict to provide medical aid, its “over-lapping” solidarity still meant that Palang Hitam were originated, initiated, and activated by the comrades who are “on the list” (of the powers that be) and those who are completely not on the list but decided to actively participated. So, in order to specified the location of these comrades, mainly central java, it is fair to say that Palang Hitam is Palang Hitam Yogyakarta or Central Java.

What being said in this short critical reflection are based on specific geographical and historical understanding of the anarchist movement or the revolutionary movement of individuals against state and capitalism in Indonesia. There’s no need to say about the contrast between our geographical location and our comrades in the west and those who are also in the global south, especially considering prison solidarity in its historic sense. Indonesia, have plenty of oral history about prison rebellion and rebellious individuals, but these were almost never written, these were almost like mythopoesis among criminals for generation and some even become so legendary that it always inspired rebellion each time there’s a prisoner get beaten very severely or until they die. It is obvious there’s almost no official history of them because, who want to write about these violent, lawless, and cool individuals? Even the so-called radical academics tend to avoid this subject. Read the rest of this entry »

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Resistance of Taman Sari residents about Eviction and information on conflicts area (Indonesia)

August 30th, 2018

From ABC Indonesia:

At present, Taman Sari residents are facing evictions carried out by the Bandung city government. Previously there were clashes which caused one backhoe to be burned by residents and students of Bandung. The clash resumed in front of the Bandung Mayor’s Office, between a mass of activists and police who were repressive towards demonstrators. A third warning letter has been issued and the final eviction was announced to be held today, Monday, August 27, 2018. Anti-authoritarian activist and citizen are building barricades and gathering as many mobs as possible. The Indonesian Human Rights Commission has going to the location of the conflict today, and gave an ultimatum of mediation within three days. Outside of the three days, the possibility of open clashes will occur.

We call for international solidarity for the struggle of Taman Sari, Bandung, as well as at various other points of conflict in Indonesia such as Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta about New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) and Bara-Baraya, Makassar.

Surely our Palang Hitam Indonesia / Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross is trying to help them in every conflict area!

Spread our words. Let the world know we are fighting too. Long live international solidarity!

More information (especially Palang Hitam Indonesia/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross),
Instagram Account: @palang__hitam
Website: palanghitam.noblogs.org
Email: civilrebellion@riseup.net

Struggle Account (Instagram):
Taman Sari Struggle Account: @tamansarimelawan
Agitasi:Tamansari Clash, One Backhoe Burned
Agitasi: Tamansari Against Eviction: Anarchists and students clashed with police
Yogyakarta Struggle Account : @jogja_darurat_agraria
Palang Hitam Indonesia: Communique From Yogyakarta Anarchist After Anti-Feudalism Mayday Riots 2018
Bara Baraya Struggle Account: @barabaraya.bersatu
Sukoharjo Struggle Account: @sukoharjo.melawan.racun
Pontianak Struggle Account: @bicf.movement
Parung Panjang Struggle Account: @agjt.subparungpanjang
Bekasi Struggle Account: @bekasimelawan
Pasar Griya Struggle Account: @pasargriyamelawan
Jombang Struggle Account: @jombang_darurat_agraria
Surabaya Struggle Account: @surabayamelawan
Talang Struggle Account: @talangmelawan
Banyuwangi Struggle Account: @forbanyuwangi
Kendeng Struggle Account: @kendengmelawan_
Kapuk Poglar Struggle Account: @komitetolakpenggusuran
Solo Struggle Account: @soloberlawan
Dermayu Struggle Account: @dermayuorameneng

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Posted in Social Control |

Taking a Global View of Repression

August 29th, 2018

There is a new text, which came out from the cooperation of some people from couple of Anarchist Black Cross groups and Crimethinc. It is published in connection with both the ongoing prison strike in US and the global week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. ABC Czech Republic asked us to share and spread the article:

Taking a Global View of Repression – The Prison Strike and the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

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International Week of Anti-Fascist Agitation and Propaganda (1-8 Sept)

August 29th, 2018



Call for a week of anti-fascist agitation and propaganda, due to the growth and visibility that far-right groups have achieved in recent times which has reached into spaces in the mainstream media, in neighborhoods and in bourgeois politics.

Because of the above it is necessary that we make ourselves present everywhere, mainly in the streets, making it clear that the intention is not only to act in an effective manner to fascist provocations, but to act in an offensive manner, permanently promote an anti-authoritarian attitude, to make visible, question and stress the daily reproductions of fascist attitudes such as racism, xenophobia, sexism and homo/transphobia.

We are present with Heather Heyer, Rodrigo Lanza and those who confront fascism in any of its forms.

Any info: latinxantifa(at)riseup(dot)net

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Call for Support and Solidarity to the ‘Craigavon 2’ (Northern Ireland)

August 27th, 2018

ES – Irlanda del Norte – Llamado al apoyo y la solidaridad con los presos del caso ‘Craigavon 2″

From Sacco and Vanzetti to the Craigavon 2

A Call Out for Support and Solidarity

The 23rd of August marks the 91st anniversary of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. They were both executed in the US in 1927 for the robbery of a shoe factory and the killing of a guard and paymaster. During their trial the prosecution produced conflicting ballistic evidence and witness testimony. The defence had several witnesses testifying where the accused men were on the day of the robbery and killings. This should have proven Sacco and Vanzetti innocence but instead both were convicted and sentenced to death. They were killed for their beliefs, they were insurrectionary anarchists “that advocated relentless warfare against a violent and oppressive government.”

Like Sacco and Vanzetti, the state scapegoated Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton (their case is known as the Craigavon 2) , for revenge over killing of a cop and two British soldiers in 2009. The cops arrested and charged several republicans in connection with the killings. In all cases the only real evidence the state had was that all the accused were republicans. Two people, John Paul Wootton and Brendan McConville were charged and convicted of the killing of the cop. Two others, Colin Duffy and Brian Shivers, were charged with the killing of the soldiers. The latter were subsequently found not guilty of the killings of the soldiers, the state had no evidence on them. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Write to imprisoned anarchists, not politicians or presidents

August 25th, 2018

Why bother writing to politicians when all they deserve is our hatred? They will never listen to appeals from social reformers or the unwashed, nevermind the misguided anarchists. Why don’t you write to locked-up anarchists instead, cheer them up and strike up a conversation? One of the most important and simple ways we have available to break the isolation imposed on our imprisoned comrades is to write to them and let them know that they are not forgotten but are present. Nothing stops when you enter prison and we can meet them there with our international solidarity which is taking place on many fronts.

Here is a good PDF guide to prisoner correspondence written by ABC Leeds some years ago but still relevant today, plus a list of anarchist prisoners compiled by the international groups of the Anarchist Black Cross for the week of solidarity taking place at the moment:

Writing to prisoners – Guide by ABC Leeds

Anarchist prisoners addresses list – August 2018

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Poster for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23-30/08)

August 25th, 2018

If the “innocent” ones deserve our solidarity once, then the “guilty” ones deserve it a thousand times…
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, FAI-IRF / Imprisoned Members Cell

Solidarity will always be practiced as an indispensable feature of an anarchist way of life and action. The war continues, never give up, never give in. Long live FAI-FRI. Long live CCF. Long live the black international
Alfredo Cospito


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Doble atentado incendiario a vías del Metro – Santiago (Chile)

August 25th, 2018

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

Durante la mañana del 22 de agosto 2018, un doble atentado incendiario sacudió a la red de metro interrumpiendo su servicio justo antes de su horario de apertura, retrasando todo el servicio. A las 6:20hrs cerca de la estación Santa Julia de la Línea 4-A, un neumático encendido habría sido lanzado a las vías del tren subterráneo, desde una pasarela, consiguiendo inhabilitar el servicio. En paralelo cerca de las 6:45hrs en la estación Los Presidentes, Línea 4 también un neumático en llamas habría sido arrojado desde una pasarela, saturando el servicio. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Chile: 2º Comunicado público de la Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo

August 23rd, 2018

Por la vida y salud de Juan Aliste Vega
Por el fin de las condenas de la justicia militar contra Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

La “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo” converge en los momentos en que nos llega la feliz noticia de que nuestro compañero Freddy Fuentevilla Saa logra pisar las calles nuevamente el 18/06/2018 tras 10 años y 3 meses de prisión ininterrumpida. Mientras por otro lado se encuentra la difícil situación de salud del compañero Juan y las duras condenas de la justicia militar que recaen sobre Marcelo. Por lo que como “Red Solidaria” nos empeñamos en agitar y difundir estas dos batallas que están dando los compañeros en prisión. Estas situaciones son delicadas y urgentes, es necesario visualizarlas, ponerlas sobre la mesa. Por lo que llamamos a todos/as las mentes concientes, a los/as autónomos/as, libertarios/as y subversivos/as a apoyar de forma real y concreta a Juan y Marcelo; ¡Aunemos!

– Sobre la situación de Juan

El compañero Juan fue un activo miembro de la guerrilla urbana del Mapu-Lautaro, organización que combatió durante años a la dictadura militar y su posterior transición a la democracia. Bajo la propuesta de la “Guerra Insurreccional de Masas” desarrollaron sabotajes, asaltos a bancos y armerías, atentados explosivos y armados, etcétera. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Chile: 1st public communiqué from the “Anti-Prison Solidarity Network with Juan and Marcelo”

August 23rd, 2018

–What is a prison?

Prison is a material structure through which it is intended to inhibit the acts of any person who transgresses the conduct imposed by the State. Thus, punishment and the imposition of socially accepted discipline are the regime in which the captives have to live, by this seeking to annul their actions, ideas and beliefs. These acts may constitute crimes and like the ones that challenge order, be of revolutionary politics. It is with these that we again take a stand – either by supporting or having solidarity with those companions who presently are encarcerated for having carried out subversive actions for a political idea of liberation. The commitment of these companions makes us want to support them in real ways, concretely because we share goals. Read the rest of this entry »

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