Monthly Archives: August 2018

The limits of capitalism: Challenging the fetishism of labour and money

  Capital is nothing more than value that must be valorized, which is to say augmented. Value empirically takes the form of money and in that sense its valorization can be illustrated in Marx’s famous formula M–C–M’ [M prime], that is … Continue reading

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Lessons from argentina: The FORA and Emilio López Arango

  Emancipation isn’t a problem of mechanics nor an issue that can be resolved through technical means. A worker may be able to run a factory or put in motion all the machinery of an industry, but there isn’t in … Continue reading

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The swelling of leeches

Over the course of the lifetime of Green Anarchy, the collective behind it elaborated a intense criticism of “civilisation”, and it is above all the passion that they brought to this task that we wish to celebrate in sharing the … Continue reading

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Between means and ends, between reflection and vision

(Charles Burchfield, The Builders (House Wreckers in June), 1931)   If the idea of “Revolution” is to retain any meaning, it needs to be situational in orientation, rooted in the personal desires for liberation, and also be relating to the … Continue reading

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To destroy the urban

  While the world of commodities is in liquidation, threatened by the implosion of all human contact and by ecological catastrophe, while young people slaughter each other and adults muddle through on psycho-pharmaceuticals, exactly what is at stake becomes clearer: … Continue reading

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To destroy work

Continuing a reflection that began with our last post on David Graeber’s criticism of “bullshit jobs” (and with an earlier series of articles posted under the collective title “Against labour, against capital“), we share below an article that was originally … Continue reading

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Looking back at “On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs”: David Graeber

… written down, shit does not smell Roland Barth, “L’arbre du crime”   What constitutes a “bullshit” job?  David Graeber in a now famous essay, “On the Phenonmenon of Bullshit Jobs“(2013), which now finds a second life in book form, … Continue reading

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The anarchy of beauty: Annie Le Brun

  There is no very evident use in beauty; the necessity of it for cultural purposes is not apparent, and yet civilization could not do without it. The science of aesthetics investigates the conditions in which things are regarded as beautiful; it … Continue reading

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The rebel as passer-smuggler: A footballers’ lesson

pasador, ra 1. adj. Que pasa de una parte a otra. 2. adj.Dicho de una persona: Que pasa contrabando de un país a otro. Playing with the polysemy of the spanish word “pasador”, Amador Fernández-Savater offers us the picture of the rebel as a … Continue reading

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Love and revolution: A film by Yannis Youlountas

We share below Yannis Youlountas most recent documentary film-testimony of struggles for autonomy in greece.  In letting those who are directly engaged in these struggles speak for themselves, his work offers a glimpse of what served as a title for … Continue reading

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