Monthly Archives: May 2018

15M: From legacy to future

Spain’s 15th of May movement of 2011 marks a shift in ways of thinking and doing politics, or to borrow Amador Fernández-Savater’s expression, a shift in desire.

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The anarchist critique of the state

We share, below, a sort of exercise of recollection, not of an event, but of the impossibility of “revolutionary government”, from the CrimethInc Collective.  However complex the State, however much it is inseparable from our everyday life (it is not … Continue reading

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May 68 and the politics of desire: Amador Fernández-Savater

(photograph by Jean-Claude Seine)* It is difficult, if not impossible, to close political debate, even for ourselves.  And therefore our announcement of the end of our series on May 68, with an essay by Tomáz Ibáñez, was premature.  Below, we share … Continue reading

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Thinking through May 68 (to the May of 15M): Tomás Ibáñez

Our series of posts, on this, the 50th anniversary of the french May 68, began with a recent essay on the events, by Tomáz Ibáñez.  And we close with an older reflection (a prologue to a larger essay on May … Continue reading

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Thinking through May 68: Murray Bookchin

From Robert Graham’s Anarchist Weblog … Lately I have been focusing on recent events in France – the conclusion to the Tarnac trial and the police attack on the ZAD autonomous zone near Nantes. Now it is time to commemorate the 50th anniversary of … Continue reading

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Anarchists and anarchy in May 68

Reflections on anarchism in france’s May 68, by David Porter and posted at the Anarchist Library.

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Horizontalism against state rule in nicaragua’s april insurrection

We continue to share articles from the crimethInc collective (21/05/2018) on the rebellion in nicaragua …

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The Notre-Dame-des Landes ZAD: The multiplicity of movement against the unity of the state

On the 17th of May, 19 squadrons of military police (that is, between 1,500 and 1,700 police) entered the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes for a second operation of destruction and eviction.

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Reimagining revolution: Amador Fernández Savater

With the seeming proliferation and celebration of anniversaries of revolutions, “successful” or “failed”, we lose cite of the conceptual wealth and practical weight of the concept itself.  The Autonomies collective has endeavoured, however modestly, to reflect upon the history and … Continue reading

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Fighting fascism in italy and beyond

From the CrimethInc Collective (10/05/2018) … Italy: We Partisans – Resisting the Wave of Fascism, Spring 2018 In February and March, during the run-up to the elections, Italy experienced a period of intense conflict between fascists and anti-fascists analogous to the … Continue reading

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