Western Sahara


Western Sahara Resource Watch - We check who's behind Morocco's plunder of occupied Western Sahara.

Se unió en mayo de 2009


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  1. 10 may.

    fails to answer fundamental questions on in relation to its operations in occupied . “We deserve an answer”, says Khadja Bedati.

  2. 2 may.
  3. 2 may.

    Has another cargo of conflict fishmeal from occupied arrived in ?

  4. 1 may.

    German company fails to answer questions regarding its operations in occupied at its AGM.

  5. 1 may.

    Incentivized by 's plans to construct another port to accommodate its exports of from occupied , port construction firm Group NV opens a subsidiary in the last of .

  6. 30 abr.

    Polisario tries over new EU-Morocco agricultural deal that explicitly includes occupied in its scope of application.

  7. 9 abr.

    Nuevo informe sobre la industria del fosfato del : Marruecos exportó 1,93 millones de toneladas de fosfato desde el territorio ocupado en 2018, por un valor estimado de US $164 millones. Leer más aquí:

  8. 8 abr.

    Our annual report describing the controversial phosphate trade from occupied is out today. It is time for the governments of , and to act! Reading material for the companies and .

  9. 21 mar.

    Confirmed: the contract of - subsidiary of German manufacturing giant AG - for phosphate mine of occupied expires in 15 months from now.

  10. 25 feb.

    The imports of fishmeal into from occupied are a lot larger than what has been known to the public so far, according to fresh data from the government. Were approx €6 million tariffs paid to German customs?

  11. retwitteó
    12 feb.

    . is of the idea that the new EU-Morocco deal "will allow the EU fleet to fish surplus stocks that are not being fished by local fishermen, in exchange for an overall financial contribution of € 208 million". Selling ... Well done!

  12. retwitteó

    Today as MEPs shamefully voted through an EU- fisheries deal that violates international law & the rights of Sahrawi people, Western Sahara civil society groups demonstrated outside

  13. retwitteó
    12 feb.

    Disappointing outcome. EU has a duty to ensure that all of the revenues from fishing benefit only the people of Western Sahara.

  14. 12 feb.

    Here's a thought: respect EU-law and the rulings of the , for instance those concluding that agreements with Morocco should not be applied to occupied . That would be a lot better already. .

  15. retwitteó
    12 feb.

    PP, PSOE y Cs solo respetan el Estado de derecho a veces. Hoy pretenden votar en el un acuerdo de pesca entre UE y Marruecos que es contrario al derecho europeo e internacional según la Justicia europea y al incluir el Sáhara Occidental. Lo explico en .

  16. retwitteó
    12 feb.

    Acaba de aprobarse por 410 votos frente a 189 un acuerdo de pesca con Marruecos ilegal, irresponsable con nuestra flota y profundamente injusto. El no es marroquí.

  17. retwitteó
    12 feb.

    🔴Acaba de aprobarse en el Parlamento Europeo un acuerdo de pesca con Marruecos ilegal, que ahonda en el expolio del y es irresponsable con nuestra flota de pescadores. Además de profundamente injusto. El no es marroquí.

    Mostrar este hilo
  18. 12 feb.
  19. retwitteó

    Today we voted against the fisheries agreement but a majority voted to violate intl law & legitimise illegal occupation of 😡 This must go to the , Saharawi people must be heard. 📄Read our explainer 👉

  20. retwitteó
    12 feb.

    : MEPs approve EU- fisheries agreement including despite 's warning of its possible illegality ( ), and refuse to ask for EU Court's opinion. Big stain in the EP's record standing for human rights and int'l law.


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