Monthly Archives: May 2013

The chimera of revolution: Travels through 15M’s spain

Chimaera … breathed awful fire, Three-headed, frightening, huge, swift-footed, strong, One head a bright-eyed lion’s, one a goats, The third a snake’s, a mighty dragon-head. Hesiod, Theogony Monsters have always defined the limits of community … Donna Haraway, A Manifesto … Continue reading

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The passing of Le Métèque: Georges Moustaki

Songs that celebrate those without roots, but who walk the paths offered to them, led by their passion for beauty.  To Georges Moustakis …

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In the eyes of Olmo Calvo: spain’s crisis

  The photographic and video work of Olmo Calvo continues to give expression to the violence of a governance by crisis, but also of the resistance to it.  Calvo's work is that of ignored realities, as well as that of … Continue reading

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Diagnosing the city under crisis: Athens

A multimedia research collective, The City at a Time of Crisis, has inaugurated a rich project to cartograph and analyse the changing dimensions of urban life in the city of Athens, under the regime of crisis.  The endeavour is noteworthy … Continue reading

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Year 02: 15M’s spain

For the so many whom 15M has brought forth, for the enormous passion and creativity that this movement has engendered, for the extraordinary generosity and love that so many show as they build together, for its beauty and its freedom, … Continue reading

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Interventions in spain: the commons

Spain, in the of 15M, has become a laboratory of radical political thought and practice.  Debates and gestures resonate in multiple and proliferating communites of resistance and autonomy.  What follows is but one example, but an example rich in consequences: … Continue reading

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Into the Fire

The state of exception is not a dictatorship, but a space devoid of law. Giorgio Agamben Into the Fire: The Hidden Victims of Austerity in Greece, by Guy Smallman and Kate Mara, chronicles the plight of immigrants in Greece.  But … Continue reading

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Anarchy and 15M

As 15M approaches its second anniversary, it is an occasion to reflect on its young and yet rich history, on its present, and possible future.  Far be it from us however to suggest any kind of omniscient or final judgement … Continue reading

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This is not a demonstration – Actions, constructions and revolutionary turns to save the world.

(From Take the Square/Al final de la asamblea, a celebration of two years of rebellion in spain, in the wake of 15M). In the past two years we have completely reinvented the way we try to transform the world into … Continue reading

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