Monthly Archives: March 2014

All power to the plenums: Bosnia and Herzegovina’s insurrection

Generalised self-management is simply the totality in accordance with which the councils unitarily inaugurate a style of life based on permanent and collective imagination … Raoul Vaneigem … power does not define itself only by its capacity to make itself … Continue reading

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The ethics of disobedience: 22M Madrid, The March of Dignity

A state is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the state, am the people.” … Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, … Continue reading

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Not for bread alone: Berkin Elvan

… from a friend of Autonomies “We live under an occupation, under police occupation” The Coming Insurrection “À chaque instant de son existence, la police rappelle à l’État la violence, la trivialité et l’obscurité de son origine” Introduction à la … Continue reading

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Rule by murder: For Berkin Elvan

; The State and Capitalism do not kill by accident, consequence of inattention or moral failure.  The domination and appropriation of human creativity can only be violent, whether it be the violence of its law, institutionalised, or the violence of securing it. … Continue reading

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The dance of rebellion: brazil

Gustavo Piqueira Lá não tem claro-escuro A luz é dura A chapa é quente Que futuro tem Aquela gente toda Perdido em ti Eu ando em roda É pau, é pedra É fim de linha É lenha, é fogo, é … Continue reading

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Nuit et Brouillard: For Alain Resnais

In memory of Alain Resnais who died this last March the 3rd … In 1933, Walter Benjamin could write of the technology of war unleashed upon those who fought during WWI, that it destroyed human experience, the very thing which … Continue reading

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The Assault

Neoliberalism: the transfer of social wealth to private hand, enforced by the State.  The lie of an expansion of free markets and free human economic activity is belied by State enforced appropriations of commons, created over generations, for private gain … Continue reading

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