Category Archives: News

New international letter to Krasner – Oct 2018

Please sign on to the new international letter to Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner

Report on Mumia’s PCRA Hearing on Challenge to Appeals based on Bias of former prosecutor, then Supreme Court Judge Ronald Castille, April 24, 2017

Great event yesterday! We did all we could, both legally and on the streets, to make sure the Judge's decision favors Mumia. As we wait for the Judge to announce his decision, we have to continue building the movement

Victory in giving Mumia the treatment he needed for Hepatitis C

Mumia received his first Harvoni pill the morning of April 6.

OCT 20 – Philadelphia City Council passes major resolution on water and health crisis in the prisons

Please share widely

SEPT 25 – Protest at Mahanoy & Frackville over poisoned water and Hep C crisis

Poisoned water and Hep C crisis in our prisons and communities


Report on the court hearing

Mumia Abu-Jamal files suit over prison’s refusal to provide medical care

Attorneys for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filed an amended lawsuit in the Middle District of Pennsylvania federal court to challenge prison medical staff’s denial of necessary medical treatment – denial that nearly killed Abu-Jamal earlier this year.

7/4/15 Update: MUMIA IN DANGER

Mumia is in medical danger and is not receiving the care he needs. TAKE ACTION.

MOVE 9 member Phil Africa dies tragically at SCI-Dallas

Serious questions surrounding circumstances

Pennsylvania moves to silence its prisoners’ voices

The Pennsylvania legislature has outrageously moved to unconstitutionally silence the voices of its prisoners.