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This Is America #27: #PrisonStrike in NC, Fighting ICE in CT

Cover photo from @gracejjgarcia Welcome, to This Is America, August 31th, 2018. There's a lot to cover this week, with a lot happening across the country...

An Anarchist Primer: For the Days of Trump & the “New...

New booklet version of an older IGD essay entitled, First, They Shot the Anarchists: Trump and the New Normal. This is a reformatted version of...

Action in Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of Eloxochitlán de Flores...

Action in solidarity with prisoners in Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. On August 30th, 2018, a group of comrades took the street in front...

Flyers, Booklets, and Resources Against the Proud Boys

A series of flyers and booklets for handing out to the public about the far-Right, nationalism, and the Proud Boys. Some of these materials...

From A Wing In Greece to Lee Correctional: Solidarity With the...

A statement of solidarity from Greek prisoners to those in the US participating in the ongoing #PrisonStrike. Cover Photo: Greek Anarchist Banner Dropped in Solidarity...

Log Truck Rams Through Mattole Forest Protesters, Nearly Mowing People Down

Report from eco-defenders fighting to save the Mattole ancient forest in Northern California. Scotia, CA—A “Week of Action for the Mattole Forest” wrapped up with demonstrations and...

Kite Line: Strike Solidarity From Inside South Carolina’s Prisons

Two prisoners discuss actions as part of the National Prison Strike on the anti-prison podcast and radio show Kite Line.  Listen and Download HERE The National...

Report on the 5th Black Rose/Rosa Negra National Convention, Los Angeles

Report on the recent Black Rose Anarchist Federation gathering in Los Angeles. By Alex Isa and Tanya TN with contributions from Agüey Baná and Adam...

Olympia, WA: Anger Grows As City Comes Down on Houseless Community

Report from Olympia on recent attempts by local politicians to push out the homeless and how some residents are fighting back. For the last week,...

Montreal: Canadian Border Services Shutdown

Video report of action in Monreal that shut down a border services building in response to the death of Bolante Idoqu Aloi. This morning in...

Justice For Andres: Abuse, Mistreatment, and Retaliation by ICE

Details abuse and mistreatment as experienced by people in Texas at the hands of ICE. Documented by comrades involved in Abolish ICE San Antonio....

Rent Strike Update and Eviction Resistance in Ontario

From Embers podcast continues its coverage of the rising wave of renters struggles and rent strikes across the province of Ontario. On May 1st, tenants...

Rituals Against The Prisons

Rituals for spiritual warriors in solidarity with ongoing prison rebellion. Gods and Radicals has made them available in print format, see bottom.  Ritual of Protection for...

White Power Neo-Confederates Ramp Up Threats of Violence and Murder Against...

On August 20th, the Silent Sam Confederate statue at UNC in Chapel Hill in North Carolina was torn down by hundreds of community members,...

A Year In Popular Power #2: Stopping ICE Raids with the...

The second installment of Black Rose's A Year in Popular Power, features a presentation on anti-ICE organizing. Stopping ICE Raids with the Koreatown Popular...

Philadelphia, PA: Reportback from 8/28 Prayer Meeting in Solidarity with the...

Report back from Friendly Fire Collective about recent rally in solidarity with the prison strike. The Friendly Fire Collective, a community of radical and abolitionist...

Taking a Global View of Repression: The Prison Strike and the...

CrimethInc. offers up an analysis of current waves of repression and strategies with how to mobilize against them. In the United States, a practically unprecedented prison...

Update on Mason Neck: Wrongly Imprisoned Water Protector

Update on Mason Neck, Water Protector and political prisoner. Mason is a loved member of the Sicangu Lakota Tribe and Oceti Sakowin Camp. He...

Why the End of Prison Slavery Could be the Rebirth of...

Call to link the prison strike to attacks on organized labor. Are you pissed off about the recent attacks against public employee unions? Are...

Friday! Phone Zap to Support NC Prison Rebels

Call for phone-zap campaign at North Carolina facilities in support of prison rebels. With resistance often comes repression, and North Carolina Department of Public Services...

Hotwire #34: Nazis Mobilize in Germany, ‘Riotization’ of Protest

This week's episode of The Hotwire from CrimethInc. features news from around the world. This week, you will hear about an anti-Nazi picnic in...
A statement of solidarity from Greek prisoners to those in the US participating in the ongoing #PrisonStrike. Cover Photo: Greek Anarchist Banner Dropped in Solidarity with Prison Strikers In light of what happened at the “Lee Correctional Institution” prison in the state of South Carolina, U.S.A., which resulted in the tragic...
A personal reflection on the recent toppling of Silent Sam. Standing next to Silent Sam the first time around, before it got dark, before we glommed up one of Chapel Hill's night-before-school thoroughfares and before the statue was laid low and illuminated by flares and flashbulbs, an older person approached...
Action in solidarity with prisoners in Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. On August 30th, 2018, a group of comrades took the street in front of the transition house of the president-elect of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. There, they briefly blocked traffic and showered the police, media and bystanders...
Report from eco-defenders fighting to save the Mattole ancient forest in Northern California. Scotia, CA—A “Week of Action for the Mattole Forest” wrapped up with demonstrations and rallies at the Humboldt Redwood Co. (HRC) corporate offices in Scotia, CA, and then heated up with road blockades nearby at HRC’s lumber mill, as...
CrimethInc. offers up an analysis of current waves of repression and strategies with how to mobilize against them. In the United States, a practically unprecedented prison strike is underway, setting new precedents for coordination between struggles in prisons and detention centers and for solidarity from those not behind bars. Meanwhile, August 23-30...
Cover photo: Prisoners bang on windows as noise demo takes places in Richmond, Virginia. One week into the National Prison Strike and already history has been made. Even in the face of massive repression, preemptive lock downs, and the targeting of suspected strike leaders and organizers, currently we know about...