1 September 2018

Amid NATO threats, Russia launches largest war games since World War II

By Alex Lantier, 1 September 2018

The exercises come amid an escalation of military conflicts and tensions across Eurasia imminently posing the danger of a direct clash between the main nuclear powers.

Fascist rampage in Germany exposes ties between right-wing extremists and the state

By Johannes Stern, 1 September 2018

After neo-Nazis rioted on Sunday and Monday in the East German city of Chemnitz, more details have come to light about the close coordination between the right-wing extremists, the police and the state apparatus.

Who is to blame for the neo-Nazi rampage in Chemnitz, Germany?

Trade tensions increase as US-Canada talks miss deadline

By Nick Beams, 1 September 2018

Trump warned that if Canada did not agree to US terms “the easiest thing we can do is tariff their cars coming in,” a threat which he repeated in remarks yesterday.

US-Mexico trade pact takes aim at Washington’s rivals and the working class

Is the Mueller investigation preparing to indict WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange?

By James Cogan, 1 September 2018

The claim that Assange was part of a conspiracy to manipulate the 2016 US presidential election is based on amalgams, distortions and outright lies.

Widespread opposition to Australian government ban on Chelsea Manning

Oppose the ban on Chelsea Manning speaking in Australia!

Los Angeles teachers vote 98 percent for strike authorization

By Kimie Saito, 1 September 2018

For the first time in almost 30 years, Los Angeles teachers vote overwhelmingly for strike action.

As classes begin, Detroit schools shut off drinking water due to high levels of lead and copper

Seattle teachers vote to authorize strike

For a statewide strike in Washington to defend public education!
Build rank-and-file committees to unify educators, parents and students

Teamsters head to UPS workers: Don’t complain, creating new tiers is “what we’ve always done”

By Will Morrow, 1 September 2018

Teamsters lead “negotiator” Denis Taylor gave a full-throated defense of the pro-company contract in an online statement last weekend.

“The Teamsters is not a voice for us”
UPS workers respond to Teamsters campaign of blackmail

Break the UPS-Teamsters conspiracy! Mobilize opposition to the sellout contract!

More on the struggle at UPS »

The assault on immigrants becomes the assault on citizens
US citizens along southern border denied passports, accused of fraudulent birth certificates

By Renae Cassimeda, 1 September 2018

American citizens born in the Southwestern border regions are being accused of having fraudulent birth certificates and denied passports.

Immigrant mother sues for $40 million after child dies following ICE detainment

“We are watching and we are coming”
ICE raids North Texas factory, arrests 160 immigrant workers

More on North American immigrants »

Trump threatens pay freeze for federal workers

By Harvey Simpkins, 1 September 2018

Trump announced plans to implement a pay freeze on the federal government’s two million employees next year if Congress fail to pass a budget in 2019.

Further evidence of official criminality surfaces as Grenfell fire inquiry resumes

By Robert Stevens, 1 September 2018

The inquiry will not bring justice as it is the creature of the Conservative government and, under the provisions of the 2005 Inquires Act, has no powers to prosecute anyone.

Royal College of Nursing union chief resigns amid mounting anger over NHS pay deal

By our reporters, 1 September 2018

National Health Service workers have spoken to NHS FightBack reporting teams about the pay deal, with many angered at the unions for accepting it.

Sharp rise in right-wing attacks on Palestinians and Israeli peace and rights activists

By Jean Shaoul, 1 September 2018

The nationality law, enshrining Israel’s status as the nation-state of the Jewish people, not the state of all its citizens irrespective of religion or ethnicity, is fanning the flames of racial hatred.

Québec Solidaire open to supporting government led by right-wing populist CAQ

By Louis Girard, 1 September 2018

Québec Solidaire’s readiness to bargain with, and potentially prop up, a CAQ government illustrates how quickly this pseudo-left party is turning to the right.

Australia: Aurizon coal train crews face union sell-out

By Patrick Davies, 1 September 2018

The Rail Tram and Bus Union is working to conclude yet another regressive enterprise agreement covering coal haulage crews in the Hunter Valley.

Cambodia’s autocratic regime desperately tries to legitimise its rule

By John Roberts, 1 September 2018

The opposition CNRP undoubtedly has ties to the US, but Hun Sen’s politically bankrupt regime is resorting to blatantly anti-democratic methods to retain power.

New in German

Schluss mit den antisemitischen Beleidigungen gegen Jeremy Corbyn! Nieder mit dem rechten Flügel der Labour Party!

Chris Marsden, 1. September 2018

Die verlogene Kampagne, die Corbyn als Antisemiten hinstellt, zielt darauf ab, Sozialismus zu diskreditieren und die Arbeiterklasse am Kampf gegen Austerität und Krieg zu hindern.

Ärmelkanal: Französische und britische Fischer im Streit um Jakobsmuscheln

Alex Lantier, 1. September 2018

Der britische Austritt aus der EU und das unablässige Schüren von Nationalismus auf beiden Seiten des Ärmelkanals führen zu unerwarteten Konflikten.

In Deutschland sind 4,4 Millionen Kinder arm

Anna Rombach, 1. September 2018

Laut Berechnungen des Deutschen Kinderschutzbundes hat die Regierung die offiziellen Zahlen über das Ausmaß der Kinderarmut stark geschönt.

Salzgitter Flachstahl und Outokumpu Nirosta
IG Metall geht schärfer gegen betriebliche Opposition vor

Dietmar Henning, 1. September 2018

Das Fernsehmagazin Panorama berichtete in der letzten Woche von „perfiden Methoden“, mit denen die IG Metall gegen Kritiker vorgeht.

Verteidigt die Redefreiheit von Chelsea Manning in Australien!

Socialist Equality Party (Australien), 1. September 2018

Die SEP fordert, dass Manning ihr Visum bekommt, und erneuert ihre bedingungslose Forderung nach Freiheit für Julian Assange von WikiLeaks.

New in Spanish

¡Rechacen las acusaciones difamatorias de antisemitismo contra Corbyn! ¡Expulsen a la derecha del Partido Laborista!

Por Chris Marsden, 1 septiembre 2018

La campaña de mentiras para pintar a Corbyn como antisemita busca desacreditar el socialismo para prevenir cualquier desafío por parte de la clase obrera contra la austeridad y la guerra.

¡Eliminemos la deuda estudiantil! ¡La educación pública es un derecho social!

Por Niles Niemuth, 1 septiembre 2018

Todos deberían poder recibir una educación universitaria sin tener que someterse al flagelo del equivalente moderno de servidumbre.

¡Únanse a los Jóvenes y Estudiantes Internacionales por la Igualdad Social y asuman la lucha por el socialismo!

Por JEIIS (EUA), 1 septiembre 2018

Únanse a JEIIS, la única organización que lucha contra la guerra, el autoritarismo y las dictaduras y por la transformación socialista de la sociedad.

La turbulencia golpea los mercados emergentes mientras el banco central de Argentina aumenta las tasas de interés al 60 por ciento

Por Nick Beams, 1 septiembre 2018

La moneda argentina ha perdido la mitad de su valor este año y ha caído a un mínimo histórico frente al dólar estadounidense.

Pogromo antivenezolano en el norte de Brasil subraya la promoción oficial de la extrema derecha del país

Por Miguel Andrade, 1 septiembre 2018

Por lo menos 1,200 venezolanos fueron perseguidos hasta la frontera, luego de que docenas de brasileños prendieran fuego a un campamento donde soldados del ejército inspeccionaban a inmigrantes.

New in French

Brexit: les pêcheurs français et britanniques se battent à propos de coquilles Saint-Jacques

Alexandre Lantier, 1 septembre 2018

L’incident souligne que des conflits inattendus pourraient éclater suite au Brexit, alors que la bourgeoisie attise le nationalisme des deux côtés de la Manche.

Rejetez les insultes antisémites contre Jeremy Corbyn ! Chassez l'aile droite du parti travailliste !

Chris Marsden, 1 septembre 2018

La campagne mensongère cherchant à dépeindre Corbyn comme un antisémite vise à discréditer le socialisme dans l’espoir d’empêcher tout défi de la classe ouvrière à l’austérité et à la guerre.

Turbulences sur les marchés émergents alors que la banque centrale d’Argentine augmente ses taux d’intérêt à 60 %

Nick Beams, 1 septembre 2018

La monnaie argentine a perdu la moitié de sa valeur cette année et est tombée à un plancher historique face au dollar américain.

Les travailleurs d’Alcoa au Canada et en Australie font face à la même offensive patronale

Laurent Lafrance, 1 septembre 2018

Les travailleurs d’Alcoa en Australie ont été poussés à la grève tandis que la compagnie poursuit un lock-out de plusieurs mois à son aluminerie ABI au Québec.

Découverte historique de manuscrits de l'Opposition de gauche du début des années 1930

Vladimir Volkov et Clara Weiss, 1 septembre 2018

La découverte de manuscrits jusqu'alors inconnus de l'Opposition de gauche soviétique réfute toutes les tentatives de falsification, de dénigrement et de calomnie de la lutte du mouvement trotskyste par le stalinisme.

New in Turkish

Washington, Suriye’ye büyük bir saldırının eşiğinde mi?

Bill Van Auken, 31 Ağustos 2018

Haberlere göre, ABD ve müttefikleri, Suriye’ye karşı yeni bir büyük saldırı eylemini gerekçelendirip gerçekleştirmek için gerekli tüm unsurları sistematik olarak devreye sokuyor.

Sol Muhalefet’in 1930’ların başlarındaki el yazmaları bulundu

Vladimir Volkov ve Clara Weiss, 31 Ağustos 2018

Belgelerin ortaya çıkartılması, karşıdevrimci Stalinizme karşı 1938’de Dördüncü Enternasyonal’i kurmuş olan Troçkist hareketin onlarca yıllık mücadelesinin güçlü bir doğrulanmasıdır.

Other Languages


The canonization of John McCain: Media, political establishment turn warmonger into saint

1 September 2018

The American media and political establishment are in the middle of a five-day exercise in moral hypocrisy, cant and myth-making surrounding the death of US Senator John McCain.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Elissa Slotkin: A CIA Democrat runs for Congress in Michigan

By Niles Niemuth, 1 September 2018

Slotkin puts herself forward not as a representative of a party, let alone an advocate for any specific program, but as a representative of the military-intelligence apparatus.

Abolish student debt! Public education is a social right!

By Niles Niemuth, 31 August 2018

Notes from the campaign trail
SEP candidate speaks with incoming students at Wayne State University in Detroit

By Niles Niemuth, 29 August 2018

Socialist Equality Party campaign for Michigan’s 12th congressional district launches website

16 August 2018

Visit our new website to find out how you can get involved in Niles Niemuth’s campaign against war, inequality and dictatorship, and for the socialist transformation of society.

Socialist Equality Party to run Niles Niemuth for Michigan’s 12th Congressional district


Fifty years since the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia: Part one
Establishment of a deformed workers’ state in Czechoslovakia

By Clara Weiss, 28 August 2018

On August 20-21, 1968, tens of thousands of troops of the Warsaw Pact states invaded Czechoslovakia to crush the “Prague Spring” and stifle a nascent movement of the working class. This is the first part of a four-part series.

Part two | Part three | Part four


Arsène Tchakarian (1916-2018): the Manouchian Group’s resistance struggle
Part 2: Who betrayed the Manouchian Group?

By Francis Dubois and Alex Lantier, 31 August 2018

There is no doubt that the Stalinists’ decision to sacrifice the Manouchian Group was bound up with their genocidal onslaught against Trotskyism and the Left Opposition.

Arsène Tchakarian (1916–2018): The Manouchian Group’s resistance struggle
Part 1: The political origins and military record of the resistance fighters


Podemos joins cover-up of Spanish army brass’ hailing of Franco dictatorship

By Alejandro Lopez and Alex Lantier, 1 September 2018

The concern of Podemos is to keep the exposure of the generals’ fascist sympathies from undermining the “humanitarian” pretenses of NATO imperialist wars.

Reject the anti-Semitism slurs against Jeremy Corbyn! Drive out the Labour Party right wing!

By Chris Marsden, 31 August 2018

One of America's deadliest disasters
Puerto Rico raises Hurricane Maria death toll from 64 to 2,975

By Bill Van Auken, 30 August 2018

Mélenchon’s Unsubmissive France opens summer school with overtures to right-wing parties

By Francis Dubois, 30 August 2018

Who is Unsubmissive France’s “Comrade Policeman” Alexandre Langlois?

“Everything started failing for us”
An interview with a relative of Chicago house fire victim

By George Gallanis, 31 August 2018

“The politicians want to sweep this under the rug”
Hundreds gather to commemorate ten children killed in Chicago house fire

A tragedy born of inequality: Ten children die in Chicago house fire

Accused by Trump of rigging search results, Google denies political bias

By Andre Damon, 29 August 2018

Behind the coordinated social media censorship by Facebook, Twitter and Google
What is FireEye?

More on Internet censorship »

Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders praise McCain: An object lesson in the politics of the pseudo-left

By Joseph Kishore, 28 August 2018

Why the US ruling class mourns John McCain

German government places Socialist Equality Party on subversive watch list

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 17 August 2018

Defend the Student Council! Stop the right-wing conspiracy at Berlin’s Humboldt University

How the secret service and the far-right AfD control German politics

More on the growth of the extreme right in Europe »

Workers Struggles

Reserve Bank of India employees to walkout over pensions; Alcoa workers still on strike in Australia
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

1 September 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Rail stoppages continue in Britain, as Croatian shipbuilders strike
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

31 August 2018

Steelmakers in US demand historic concessions as contracts for 31,000 workers set to expire

By Samuel Davidson, 31 August 2018

With US Steel and Arcelor demanding deep givebacks, the United Steelworkers union has made it clear it is opposed to any strike.

Peruvian municipal workers strike in Lima’s most affluent district

By Cesar Uco, 29 August 2018

Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand) to hold online forum: Lessons of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation’s sellout

20 August 2018


Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality and take up the fight for socialism!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 31 August 2018

Join the IYSSE, the only organization fighting against war, authoritarianism and dictatorship, and for the socialist transformation of society.

Book Review

Growing poverty in cities and growing wealth at the top
A review of The Divided City by Alan Mallach

By Debra Watson, 31 August 2018

The research presented in The Divided City discredits the claim that promotion of upscale urban downtowns will bring improvement to the lives of workers in post-industrial urban America.

Arts Review

100 years since the birth of American filmmaker Robert Aldrich
Including an interview with film historian Tony Williams

By David Walsh, 31 August 2018

Robert Aldrich, an important postwar American film director, was born a century ago on August 9, 1918 in Cranston, Rhode Island. He died in December 1983.

Hostiles: A US soldier accompanies a Native American chief home in 1892 …
… and homelessness in Seattle in The Road to Nickelsville

By Joanne Laurier, 30 August 2018

One of the greatest musical figures of the 20th century
The centenary of Leonard Bernstein—Part 2

By Fred Mazelis, 25 August 2018

One of the greatest musical figures of the 20th century
The centenary of Leonard Bernstein—Part 1

How well-deserved is the great success of Crazy Rich Asians?

By Nick Barrickman, 29 August 2018

Disney stands by firing of James Gunn, director of Guardians of the Galaxy

By Tim Avery, 29 August 2018

International Committee of the Fourth International

Historic discovery of Left Opposition manuscripts from the early 1930s

By Vladimir Volkov and Clara Weiss, 27 August 2018

The discovery of hitherto unknown manuscripts of the Soviet Left Opposition is a blow to all attempts to falsify, belittle and slander the struggle of the Trotskyist movement against Stalinism.

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
The Resurgence of Class Struggle and the Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

8 August 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held from July 22–27, 2018.

Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

By David North, 4 August 2018

Security and the Fourth International

An “Exemplary Comrade”: The Socialist Workers Party’s 40-year-long cover-up of Stalinist spy Sylvia Callen: Part one

By Eric London, 14 August 2018

This is the first part in a four-part series examining the cover-up by the Socialist Workers Party beginning in 1947 of information exposing the role of Sylvia Callen, the personal secretary of long-time party leader James P. Cannon, as a Stalinist agent.

Part two | Part three | Part four

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.

25 years ago: Israeli cabinet approves Oslo Accord

On August 30, 1993, the Israeli cabinet gave its approval to a tentative agreement reached between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in secret negotiations held in Oslo, Norway.

More »

50 years ago: Half a million join student protest in Mexico City

On August 27, 1968, an estimated 500,000 students and supporters gathered in Mexico City to protest the administration of President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz.

More »

75 years ago: Italian workers form factory committees

The revolutionary tide in Italy continued to rise, this week in 1943, as the government of Marshal Badoglio was forced to grant workers the right to elect factory committees by secret ballot.

More »


100 years ago: Anti-Soviet assassins kill Uritsky, wound Lenin

On the morning of August 30, 1918, outside the offices of the Cheka in Petrograd, Leonid Kannegisser shot and killed Moisei Solomonovich Uritsky, a leading member of the Cheka and member of the Bolshevik Central Committee.

More »

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon unleashes army of Twitter trolls to improve its image

By Erik Schreiber, 27 August 2018

Amazon Prime Day produces 209 percent increase in UK health and safety complaints

By Steve James, 24 August 2018

“I had to sell my cell phone to pay for food”
Spanish Amazon worker, fired for injury, faces prospect of homelessness

“I would not wish working for Amazon on my worst enemy”
Southern California Amazon worker reports company forcing employees to work despite fire evacuation orders

Following IAWV exposure at Texas warehouse
More Amazon workers speak out against atrocious working conditions

More on Amazon »

New in Arabic

Arabic translation of preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

We are publishing here the Arabic translation of the new preface written by David North for the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

Autoworkers Issues

Late Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne lied to federal investigators about gift to UAW official

By Marcus Day, 17 August 2018

UAW bribery predated 2009, lawyer for former Fiat Chrysler executive tells court

More on autoworkers issues »

Mehring Books

Two new pamphlets from Mehring Books

15 August 2018

Mehring Books is pleased to announce that two new pamphlets—The World Socialist Web Site and the Defense of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and The 2018 Teacher Rebellion—are available for online purchase.

Defend Julian Assange!

London: Ecuador embassy vigil marks six years since Julian Assange granted asylum

By Paul Mitchell, 18 August 2018

Christine Assange, mother of WikiLeaks editor: “I’ve not been able to speak to my son for four months”

By Richard Phillips, 24 July 2018

Mueller investigation seeks to implicate WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in “Russian interference”

Protest in London against Ecuadorian President Moreno’s persecution of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 25 July 2018

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

By James Cogan, 19 June 2018

Bringing Julian Assange Home

By John Pilger, 19 June 2018

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

Featured Video

Coby Day: Hundreds memorialize fallen Detroit autoworker Jacoby Hennings

Friends and family of Jacoby Hennings (1995 - 2017) want answers about the circumstances surrounding the young autoworker's death at Ford's Woodhaven stamping plant.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 21 June 2018

We are posting the new preface written by David North for the soon to be released thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.