Australian Unions

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Member Benefits News

Protecting a member's most valuable asset

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1 in 6 men and 1 in 4 women suffer from a disability during their working life that results in them taking more than six months off work.*

Bushfire season is approaching; be prepared

Australia is facing the possibility of having a much longer fire season of about six or seven months, with bushfire season officially starting in October 2018 and running through to April 2019.

Questions at Work

Do I Have to Apply to get The Minimum Wage increase?

Chelley asks:

 My boss has put up a notice at work saying if we want to apply for the increase in our wages that’s meant to come in on July 1st we need to email him by the Friday our pays are done, which is next week and he’ll let us know his decision asap. Is this true?  And if it is, what should I put in my application?

How Do I Make My Workplace Safe?


FRANCESCA ASKS: One of my finds sliced open his hand at work over the weekend. He said the guard on the slicer was  half falling off. This made me think as I work in a restaurant kitchen which I know can be a bit dangerous sometimes; how can we make sure our workplace is safe?

Job Hunting and Facebook: Approach with Caution!


Sanjeev asks:

I finished year 12 last year and I’m starting to look for a job. My brother told me I need to clean up my Facebook before I start looking. Is he right?
