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Monday, February 07, 2011


It never does only friggin' rain they say don't they?
It pours...
Wow. Here I am trying to get through this steroid dependency withdrawal - of which I am now down to 6mg daily from a start of 12mg! - and then my hard drive just ..STOPS.
Not a whisper.

I was typing, I heard a click (that good old click of death! and then the screen froze. Oh well usual XP crap I thought, reboot..
Upon reboot I got the black screen telling me:
'Disk Read Error', 'Press Ctrl+ALT+DEL To Restart'.
I was only slightly losing my mind by this point...

I remembered the best way to fix this situation and there really is only ONE possible chance at retrieving data or getting the hard drive back into a working state for long enough to grab some files(I back up but hadn't for a month and so quite a few photographs and files were doomed).
Get a copy you will not regret it!
I found my disc and put it immediately found what it called 'Defective sectors'... errors that it could recover data from and errors that it couldn't recover data from. It wasn't looking good but I decided to go with Spinrite and put it on top level recovery setting which then told me it had 'only' 312 hours left to go!!!
I left it running all weekend and then it had changed its expected time to a better one and by yesterday it was finished(almost 3 days)!
I rebooted the PC and..
Here I am using it again!
Windows came back on, everything works fine and...I got to upload all my files to my online backup so crisis averted!!
The thing is I NEED a new hard drive of course.
Any offers?

Maybe it's time for something nice after all that moaning...

I really must try to go to Formula 1 some day. Not sure why they have these women walking around the place but I won't complain...

I think I may have discovered a new sport I like!
Woman's Basketball anyone...?

Looks like a real fun day out!

So where the hell is the music damn it?
I don't know...I only just got back online ... give me a minute!
Oh and lately I realised that hotfile isn't the best one to use ... they delete files too easily if they get a wee complaint. I will be using megaupload mainly from now on and possibly another site if it's asked for...

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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Still alive :)

Hello folks.
I commend you on still hanging around to have had some notification of this post. Or maybe there really is no one here except me?!!
Would it matter?
Of course it fucking would!
You think I do this for finger exercise?
If no one was going to read or download any music I had thought was worthy of being introduced to, I wouldn't bother with this. I haven't updated for so long for health reasons, you may have guessed that.

It is not only physical ability, when I am so spaced and weak with illness that I cannot think of much more than pain and trying to eat enough calories every day to stop weight loss, then writing on here about music is just too far away from where my mind is. It is a struggle and so you end up with how the posts were becoming for awhile - short, no comment on the music, just an album cover and some links more or less.
There's loads of sites like that so I don't want to do that here. I used to have a laugh and post some rants but when I'm so ill it's hard to come out of the bubble of pain it gets you into.
so now you know then eh. Pain hits you hard and chronic, that is long term constant pain is a real bastardo.

I've been getting into The Stranglers - Rattus_Norvegicus album again lately, they are supreme!
The way the bass guitar sounds is like a can almost see the strings on that thing rattling on the guitar so low and growling. Brilliant sound!
I'll post it up here tomorrow.
anyway got to go try sleep now, just thought it was time to post about this shit.
The new drug they put me on - it worked, then it faded, then it worked a little, then it faded, then i got worse, then it worked a little, then it hardly worked at all when i had it, and now?
It seems to have worked this time. I take it every two weeks and every time has given a different result as you can see.
It's overall not fun :/
Tomorrow is another day though :)

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Talk Talk...Talk too much

aHello again.
Internet access.
It sucks.
I had no access for a few days, quite weird it was too!
There is bad news on the horizon. In fact, it isn't on the horizon, it's right here and now:
I am now on a friggin' 40GB per month limit.
That is, I am allowed to use 40GB of bandwidth a month, upload and download combined.
That might seem like a lot to some of you?
To others it might seem impossibly small.
To me it seems impossibly small but ONLY if I were to keep using the broadband bandwidth as much as I have previously. I have always had the torrent program going. I mean always.
24 hours a day.
One or two reboots of the PC a week and that's it.
Bandwidth always being used to the maximum. There have been no limits at all on my broadband package but, the company that I loved so much, that provided such great service,is, no longer and so I went to the company that bought it out: Talk Talk.
Unfortunately I should have thought about this decision a lot more than I did.
I am now in an 18-month contract with what seems to be a great deal with free telephone calls anytime of the day, line rental inclusive, web-space and a five email addresses and broadband all for the lowly price of £20 per month.
That really is some deal.
Except for the fact that in one day I can easily use 5GB or more.
The other thing is that I have now had the speed increased from 2Mbit to 6.5Mbit. So if I was to have torrents etc going I would be capable of far too much bandwidth use!
Even for me!
I am a bit pissed off that I can't keep uploading to keep my ratios good on a few torrent sites I am a member of: I didn't have perfect ratios before this and now I won't be able to fix them. Oh well. I'll get over it. Might get banned.
The other thing is I will have to stop downloading Bob Dylan bootlegs and Hendrix bootlegs in FLAC and DVD for a while.
That sucks.
So let me get to the end of this post here...

All I am asking is for someone who doesn't have shit bandwidth limits, to download the show every week when I post it, then reupload it to megaupload or somewhere, then email the links to me and I can then carry on providing alternative links/mirrors.
Starting from this week I am posting only the one link for the show and that is at rapidshare which I know will be bad for some people.
Let me speak to these talk talk twats and find out the precise details of the limits and when they start from each month etc, then I'll probably come back and do a mirror link this week but I NEED HELP from one of YOU.
Let me know will you?
Feel free to grab this weeks show and go mirror it for everyone here who can't download from rapidshare..then post me the link at my email...

Thank you..
I am already looking into different broadband providers as I have 30 days of this as a trial.
It will be a trial too.

Useful LINKS:
Remember - Files are in Rar archives~ Info Here, Winrar Software Here


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Monday, July 02, 2007

Terror and Ham.

Jolly picture for you!

Hello fans.
(heh yes that was an attempt at humour)
Well a lot has been happening of late.
We have fuckin' terrorism on the move, the ever quickening pace of which worries me I have to say.
The fuckers are crazy.
Crazy and dangerous.
Yet it doesn't hurt to be reminded that we are much more likely to be hit or die by a traffic accident than ever even see a terrorist incident, let alone be harmed by one.
To less important matters..
I read about The Spice Girls reforming.
Reforming is a good word actually. It is the word you read on the side of a tin of cheapo Ham, you know, it says something like 'Reformed from all the shitty bits that fell on the slaughterhouse floor, including anus, testicles and eyeballs.'
Well I think that is a bit like the Spice girls. They are definitely reformed.
They suck.
(So I've heard)
Not one of them has any talent as far as I can tell but...let's not waste space talking about reformed ham.
It just pissed me off greatly when I read in the same article that Geri Halliwell bought each of them a £2000 gold ring as a gift.
Why and what the fuck do they want or need with that?
If I were in the newspapers like those idiots I would much prefer it to be for giving people who need it my money, like walking into a local youth centre for kids that need help and just giving a few quid over.
The selfish act of spending £2000 on each of your rich friends and that being reported in the news instead...that would make me shudder if it were anyone I knew.
Am I talking shit you think?
It just gets my goat. These fuckwits patting each other on the back. Obviously they probably won't wear the ring and would forget they even had it after an hour. Why don't these cnuts with money to waste, help people with no money to live?
Then on the same page incidentally, I read that Robbie Williams gives 1.5Million pounds to a local drug and therapy centre for young people.
Well well.
That kind of helps my point.
OK I'll shut it now.
In fact, I went on so much I kind of shadowed the sheer brilliance of this next album I will be sharing with you so I have just decided to end this one here as a rant and start a new one.
Please, feel free to give your two cents as I would be interested to read opinions...especially - what do you make of this terrorist misadventure that is suddenly hitting us? Are you scared by it?
Anyway..that's all for this one.

Feel free to check out the links below anyway though.


Click (The Bomb Maker Manual details..chilling stuff)


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Sunday, June 10, 2007


I suppose I should apologise for my absence.
Consider it done. :)
I have a couple of moans in my brain today so here goes....

After looking into the whole problem of guitar TABS and chords and how they are now under threat (and sites that offer them already closed down in many cases), all this apparently due to them being in breach of 'copyright' law. I discovered one point of interest... as usual it is large business interests that lead the attempt to stop fellow musicians from trading their Chord lists and TAB sheets. As someone said in the comments of a previous post here, I have to totally disagree with this, that they are in breach of ANY fucking law when the fact is that most of these transcriptions of songs into a page of chords, etc are created by individuals who play, and transcode, by ear. Often they get it wrong, lots of Tabs are incorrect but still a huge help to musicians. Yet the point that they are in breach of copyright doesn't stand up. they are not copies as such. Especially if they are incorrect representations of a song right?
Is a thought illegal?
How about singing a song to yourself whilst walking down the that illegal?
Is telling someone or showing them a group of chords illegal?
Singing another artists song at home...illegal?
Obviously not right. Yet giving away the SAME INFO to people IS illegal.
Bollocks I say.
Look at it from another angle:
Helping musicians to learn to play songs, by other artists, can ONLY lead to one thing right. That is, they will then go on to play those songs. That is guaranteed (unless they are so shit they can't learn them of course! -not me!).
So, a musician learns another's song. He/she then goes on to play that song.
This could be that he plays it at home for his family.or he may play it in the street as a busker or, he may be a member of a band and they will play that song as a cover and include it in their repertoire.
I don't know/care if any of the aforementioned are illegal because; Another fact to consider which is an important one here; Anyone hearing a song that they like a lot will, it follows, usually want to hear that song again. If I ever played an obscure Beatles track when I was busking it would most times result in people coming over and asking me about the song. Which always resulted in getting a pen and paper and them going away with the track and album name. I assume they planned on buying it!
How does this chain of events in any way threaten the interests of the music Corp's?
It doesn't.
It fucking HELPS them if anything!
It sends people in their direction. Maybe not the guitarists who trade and share chords and TAB but the end result is ALWAYS going to be the same as outlined above!
Try telling the MPA (Music Publishers Association) that though eh!

Unsurprisingly, one culprit in this witch hunt against TAB/Chord sites is none other than...
You know, the rootkit/virus CD company?
More specifically though, is their contention that certain songs by The Beatles are not to be tabbed..
Don't misunderstand me here. I love The Beatles. John Lennon fascinates me and I sometimes feel emotional when I think of how his life ended as I am sure a lot of people do.
The Beatles Apple Corporation on the other hand are no heroes of mine and shouldn't be yours. SONY are worse. They represent a lot that is so fucking wrong today in this whole messed up media world.
I hate EVERYTHING they do and stand for.
No WAY would John Lennon be this way about his music. Absolutely no way.
Fuck them.
I plan to post just about as much of The Beatles whole back catalogue over the coming weeks/days as I can.
Look at it as some small protest at the horrors of Corporate weight throwing and intimidation where it is unwarranted.
I'm not TOTALLY stupid though so hang on!
I will not upload, rip or copy a single thing by The Beatles. Instead I will, for a little while be posting some 'information links' for you which will be the result of exhaustive searches of already available public information. All I will be doing is listing those 'information links' for you here in one pace so that you might follow them and enjoy what you find.
It is about time they grew up and respected the people in their millions who made it possible to even have something called The Beatles Apple Corp.
They don't give a fuck about the people and I'd hazard a guess they don't give a fuck about the music either. They care about money. Profit.
They strong-arm so many people and intimidate, threaten anyone who attempts to use their music or (gasp!) put it on sites like this one. (OK they might have a point there).
Not this one though, not this time.
Last time I looked, providing information in the form of links is NOT ILLEGAL. If those links are taken from another site or Google and are, as such, freely available and what you could call PUBLIC data already then that is not illegal.
So let me give you a warm welcome to the best Beatles Discography on any site. Information links only you understand right?

Can I just remind you that The Beatles Apple Corporation are still one of the few bands/companies that you cannot get at any legal music site. They refuse to allow the likes of iTunes to even offer their music.
Are they stupid?
They think that this will somehow help any situation of piracy??!
As you and I know it can only add to, or even create a situation of digital music piracy whilst they refuse to get involved with the digital age at the same time as digital music, mp3, iTunes, etc etc becomes the current way of distributing and selling music to the public worldwide! (I have a little experience in these matters so I am aware that there is a problem with piracy).
I sympathise. I really do.
A step into the area of guitarists swapping notes is, for me, a step too far.
Fuck The business interests.
Let's just enjoy playing our friggin' guitars dammit.

I'm sorry ... were you expecting a music link in this post??

OK grab this as it's great:

I found a brilliant site that has a load of arabic artists albums for download the other day. I just picked the first one..well the first attractive woman on an album cover that is, and I have to say I really love the album dammit!!
It is beautiful. A real modern take on what I know to be Arabic music.
It's like they kept the traditional sounds and instruments in there whilst updating the whole thing and, I assume, it is some sort of Arabic Pop music.
It has relaxing bass lines and ambient sounds, mixed with a kind of modern R&B; type groove (which I usually shy away from) and then, like I said, that real grit sound of the trad' Arabic atmosphere.
the whole thing is held together very very well by the stunning and beautiful vocals of this gorgeous woman who's album it is!
Don't miss out...try it now!


Single Rar Archive] Click or Click


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